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My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

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My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I've read a lot of different things about tanning while pregnant, but wanted to get the opinions of you ladies as well..

I know tanning isn't 'good' for you -- but I would love to get a little color, esp. now that I'm feeling bloated and chubby already. I usually hit the tanning salon on/off during the summertime (I'm rather fair skinned and like to give myself a base before laying out, and I find I build up color better in the salon as opposed to laying out)

Also - DH and I are going to the Bahamas in May (for a babymoon!!! Chat Icon) and I really want to get some color before then!

So my question is, do you/would you go to a tanning salon while PG? Is it safe? I know they say the big issue is staying hydrated, but I guess I'm concerned about the tanning beds in general..

PS: I'm not a huge fan of the fake tans/spray on stuff ... it just never EVER looks right on me ..

Message edited 4/19/2006 11:34:55 AM.

Posted 4/19/06 11:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

i stopped tanning altogether a while ago, but personally would not even consider it while pregnant if i were still a proponent of it.

Posted 4/19/06 11:16 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

i would not go to a tanning salon while pregnant. It can not be good for the baby at all. I would sit in the yard on the weekend if you have time..I did on monday and i got great color. You tan faster when your pregnant so I got great color in 1/2 an hour.

Posted 4/19/06 11:16 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I wouldn't and was told that you are more prone to skin cancer when pregnant.

I have gone to a spa and had them apply tint to me. It looked great! Maybe you could try that.

Have fun in the Bahamas! Where are you guys staying? I loved Atlantis when I went last year.

Posted 4/19/06 11:17 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Quite honestly - I was thinking the same thing in the beginning of my pregnancy and decided not to do it. I was afraid I would harm the baby. I don't know if research has been done on it - but if you know of a salon and trust the people in the salon, maybe give them a call and see what they say

Posted 4/19/06 11:17 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Be careful. When Dh & I went to Hawaii for our babymoon my doctor told me that pregnant women tend to burn even if you have tanned before. The hormones can change the meletonin in your skin while preggo. He told me to bring 45 SPF and to keep applying it every hour. I did that, and still got red. Ask your doctor what you should do.

Posted 4/19/06 11:18 AM

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Go with a self tanner---

From Baby Center:

Question: Is it safe to use self-tanning lotions or tanning beds during pregnancy?

Answer: If you're not feeling attractive during your pregnancy, the look of sun-kissed skin that a self-tanner provides can do wonders for your self-esteem. The good news is that the ingredients in self-tanners are harmless, so it's fine to use them during pregnancy. These lotions and sprays are basically dyes that stay on the surface of your skin and won't harm your developing baby. Best of all, self-tanners have improved dramatically during the last few years, so you don't have to worry about looking like an extra from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Tanning beds are a different story. There's no conclusive evidence that they're harmful to a developing fetus, but there is plenty of proof that they're dangerous to you. Tanning beds pose the same dangers as the sun: They emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which causes skin cancer. Don't believe anyone who tells you that because tanning booths emit only UVA rays they're not hazardous to your health. One study suggests that visiting a tanning booth ten times in a year can double your chances of develop melanoma — one of the most deadly types of cancer. Melanoma is the only type of cancer that spreads to the placenta, and that could be disastrous for both you and your baby.

If the threat of developing skin cancer doesn't frighten you, consider the possibility that lying in a tanning booth can raise your body temperature to a level that may be hazardous to your baby, particularly during your first trimester. Having an elevated body temperature during pregnancy — that is, above 102 degrees F. (which can happen in a tanning bed, hot tub, or sauna) — has been associated with spinal malformations in developing babies. And then there's the concern that lying on your back too long might restrict blood to your heart and thus to your baby as well. You'll know when this happens because you'll feel lightheaded.

Finally, yet one more downside to tanning: Pregnant women with sensitive skin who expose themselves to ultraviolet rays (whether from tanning beds or the sun), may be more prone to chloasma, those dark skin splotches that can appear on the face and occasionally the arms during pregnancy.

Posted 4/19/06 11:19 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Thanks ladies! You pretty much all confirmed what I was thinking, that tanning salons in particular are a no-no --There is no way in heck I would do anything to risk my baby's health so I'm glad to be better informed

I had also read that tanning in general during PG is a little 'different' and our skin is more sensitive, so I'm going to proceed with caution overall (I might sit out a little bit as some of you said just to see how my skin reacts..but we'll see, maybe I'll try the spray on stuff)

I appreciate the advice! Chat Icon

PS: Morgan - We are staying at Atlantis too !! I am beyond excited!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 4/19/2006 11:26:37 AM.

Posted 4/19/06 11:22 AM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Posted by FeliciaDP

So my question is, do you/would you go to a tanning salon while PG?

no, i would not.

Posted 4/19/06 11:24 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I would not go tanning nor use a self tanner.

Posted 4/19/06 11:27 AM

My Everything

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Re: OK my first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I would not even think about tanning while pregnant. I was white as a ghost last year when I was pregnant but to me it was worth it to know I wasn't posing any risk to my baby.

Posted 4/19/06 11:35 AM

Love these kids!

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I went and did the face only tan once and was going to go 2 more times, but I think I can live without it.

Posted 4/19/06 11:40 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I dont think its good to do when PG...same for the self tanning lotions.

Posted 4/19/06 11:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I went to the beach while pregnant alot, but I would never think of going in a tanning bed. It would be like roasting my lil baby =(

Posted 4/19/06 12:20 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

You are not supposed to go in a hot tub and I think tanning would be the same idea. Also you may feel fainty from the heat. I did when I got too hot when I was pregnant.

Posted 4/19/06 12:25 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Like everyone else, I wouldn't go tanning during pregnancy for a few reasons.

One, we dont know the effects on the baby.
Two, have you heard of the mask of pregnancy yet? I didn't have it but I know several people who wound up looking like a raccoon bc it intensified when they laid out in the sun.
Is it normal to have areas of darker skin on your face and body when you're pregnant?
Absolutely. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, 70 percent of pregnant women end up with these irregular, blotchy areas of darkened skin. Women with darker complexions are more prone than others. The splotches can show up around your upper lip, nose, upper cheeks, and forehead, sometimes in the shape of a mask (think Lone Ranger). Commonly called the "mask of pregnancy" (but officially known as chloasma or melasma), these splotches may also show up on your forearms and other parts of your body that are exposed to the sun, and they may be more pronounced with each pregnancy.

Posted 4/19/06 12:39 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

To be honest- some tanning salons wont even allow you to tan if your preg. So I would def. stay away..

I know at 3 roads they have this thing called tanning towels... I was told they were ok to use, they work pretty well!

Posted 4/19/06 1:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Thanks everyone for the advice, it's basically what I read and it's why I wanted to confirm what I'd thought. I won't do anything to risk my little baby's health at all in the sake of vanity sooo I think I will 'embrace my paleness' Chat Icon and forgo tanning and the like (I forgot about the 'mask of pregnancy' so that's another reason I think I'll stay out of the sun!)

I appreciate the input!

Posted 4/19/06 1:16 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Posted by 5ofClubs

I would not go tanning nor use a self tanner.

same here

Posted 4/19/06 1:24 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I wouldn't go to the tanning salon, or use self tanner...and my name is TanaholicChat Icon

I will lay out in the real sun though, but I am going to aruba in a few weeks and my dr even told me not to do that. I laughed and said come on a little is ok! I have seen pregnant women on the beach plenty of times. I am just going to take it easy and not lay on the beach all day like I normally would do.
I can't wait to get a little color, I am so pale!

Posted 4/19/06 1:25 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

Tanning beds I wouldnt do but I would lay in the sun just a little with a good high spf on and also.. keep that belly cool.. take frequent dips in the pool or spray your belly down with water often..

Posted 4/19/06 1:34 PM

Bella Bambini

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Re: My first silly pregnancy question - tanning?

I just got back from a cruise and I cant believe how different our skin is now that we are pregnant. I love the beach and spend my entire weekend at the beach and I get very very dark. During the cruise, I used SPF30 and 45 (never used that high of SPF) and also spent some time under the umbrella!!!!! (a first for me)I cant believe how tan I am right now after using such high SPF. Your skin is definitelyt more senstive and def tans quicker. I was contemplating on hitting the tanning salon also to maintain my tan,,,but I rather just sit out in the yard.

Message edited 4/19/2006 1:42:48 PM.

Posted 4/19/06 1:41 PM

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