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Why does every NON-Parent who watches Nanny 911

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Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Why does every NON-Parent who watches Nanny 911

Feel the need to give me advise on how I raise or handle situations with my child??

Just today I got a call from my brother while I was in Party City I couldn't hear him so I told him I would call him back. Patrick insisted on running around the store away from me & not listening. So I dropped the basket I had w/ all his b-day party stuff & took him by the hand & said we are leaving. I refused to buy anything. I called my brother back & of course Patrick is crying & screaming in the back seat of the car. I told him that he was getting a time out when we got home. My brother said "where do you put him when he's in time out?" I said "he sits on his bed." then my brother who AGAIN has NO children tells me "No your supposed to pick a chair or a step for him to sit on. Because he can play in his room" With that I said "he doesn't play he sits or lies on his bed doing nothing until I tell him to get up"

I guess if I didn't hear this EXACT same "great" Nanny 911 advise from my sister & other brother (who yes you guessed have no children) I wouldn't be so snappy. But, the fact that they all feel the need to tell me what they think I'm doing wrong drives me insane.

Sorry I just had to get that vent out. I am done!

Posted 7/16/05 2:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Why does every NON-Parent who watches Nanny 911

oh I totally know where you are coming from it gets annoying

I also love how people without kids say "my kid would never do that" or they act like they know it allChat Icon

Posted 7/16/05 3:39 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Why does every NON-Parent who watches Nanny 911

Oh I totally agree with both of you I get advice on things that I do with my daughter from my SIL all the time and she has no children my daughter had a fever a few weeks ago and she was like put her in a cool bath itwill bring down her fever I told her you don't put a sick child in a bath it will only make them worse. She also tried telling me to bundle her up and sweat it out I said no you dont' do that either you put the least amount of clothing on the baby cuz the heat escapes from their feet and head. She just looked at me like I had three heads she tries to tell me other things as well and its jsut annoying

Posted 7/19/05 4:09 PM

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