for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
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Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
What did it feel like when you were first not feeling well? Was it gradual? Since this afternoon, I have felt mildly nauseous and moderately crampy, and I'm worried that it's going to turn out to be the virus that everyone has.
ETA: then again, it could just be matzah overkill.
Message edited 4/18/2006 7:00:59 PM.
Posted 4/18/06 7:00 PM |
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Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
sunday afternoon I had slight nausea when we were driving home from Maryland (that could have been carsickness, but I never had it before). Pretty much all day Monday I was nauseous. By Monday early-evening I was vomiting (sorry if TMI) and had horrible chills. By 9pm my fever was at 102. I had to go into work today (I am an untenured teacher) but the AP found me a sub by first period. I have been home much pretty sleeping all day. All I can really eat is Jello and plain rolls.
Message edited 4/18/2006 7:04:33 PM.
Posted 4/18/06 7:03 PM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
Posted by Karen
sunday afternoon I had slight nausea when we were driving home from Maryland (that could have been carsickness, but I never had it before). Pretty much all day Monday I was nauseous. By Monday early-evening I was vomiting (sorry if TMI) and had horrible chills. By 9pm my fever was at 102. I had to go into work today (I am an untenured teacher) but the AP found me a sub by first period. I have been home much pretty sleeping all day. All I can really eat is Jello and plain rolls. \
uch, that sounds awful. I know so many people who have been sick with this bug. I really hope that my mild symptoms are just due to something I ate. I hope you feel better soon!
Message edited 4/18/2006 7:07:11 PM.
Posted 4/18/06 7:06 PM |
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Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
Well there might be a different one going around too, my sister called me last week saying she was fine all day, then felt nausaus and started throwing up and couldnt stop. It took 24 hrs before she felt better. My dad and my brother just had the same thing, and it just hit them w/ out any warning. They didnt have a fever, just vomiting.( sorry for the TMI)
Posted 4/18/06 7:10 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: for those of you who have had the stomach bug...
thanks Jackie!
I definitely feel better so I am hoping it was a 24 hour thing - it's just so hard to function when you are living on jello!
Posted 4/18/06 7:15 PM |
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