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OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

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She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

You can actually see the video- she is so mean!!

This link will lead you to the video

Ashlee's Fast-Food Fracas

A McMeltdown for Simpson? Plus, the latest romantic rumblings on Kirsten and Jake, Leo and Gisele and more ...

Nov. 7, 2005
Sometimes, even acid reflux sufferers crave two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions on a sesame seed bun. Still, the next time Ashlee Simpson gets a late-night hankering for fast food, she should consider sending a minion to fetch it to avoid an embarrassing scene like the one memorialized on video last week at a Toronto McDonald's.

CTV's "eTalk Daily" procured footage of the much-maligned "Boyfriend" warbler, 21, causing a "French-fried fiasco" at a Golden Arches by hopping up on a counter, insulting a staffer and teasing a fan.

Simpson's surprise performance, which is almost as entertaining as her "Saturday Night Live" hoedown, took place a couple hours after she was spotted at the bar of the Toronto Four Seasons, reports the show.

The tape begins with Jessica's little sis seemingly rebuffing a man who wants to take a picture with her. "You would not kiss my foot," Simpson marble-mouths, "so [bleep] you."

She is then seen climbing atop the counter, prompting an exasperated female worker to call for backup. "Oh, please bring the manager," beckons Ashlee. "I would love to talk to the manager."

When the employee tells Simpson to get her McButt off the counter, she calls her a nasty name and orders her to "stop talking to me," adding incongruously, "I'm nice," and warning the worker, "I promise your manager will be nice to me."

The clock-puncher, perhaps armed with the knowledge that her boss is peeved over having blown his hard-earned money on Ashlee's tepidly reviewed album "I Am Me," expresses doubt that this will be the case.

"I bet you he will," Simpson sing-songs. "Oh, I bet you $5 million."

The employee, who probably makes less in a year than Ashlee spends maintaining her peroxided, crispier-than-a-super-sized-order-of-McNuggets coif, declines to take this gamble.

It remains unclear whether Simpson was treated with kid gloves by the manager or if she managed to satisfy her need for salty, high-caloric goodness because the scene soon cuts to her zig-zagging out of the eatery.

Simpson's rep offers little in the way of a defense and instead attempts to downplay the incident, telling the New York Post, "A girl should be allowed to buy a burger in peace."

Ronald McDonald and Mayor McCheese have yet to comment.

The fast-food tussle comes on the heels of an In Touch report that claims Simpson's dad-manager-overlord Joe is worried about her. Why? Seems Ashlee has become such a "man magnet" that she's leaving a "trail of broken hearts" at various L.A. hotspots.

"Men are crazy about her," an insider gushes to the mag. "They all want her number."

The supposedly irresistible Simpson was most recently seen out on the town with her sometime band mate, guitarist Braxton Olita.

Video: Watch Ashlee's Fast-Food Frac

Posted 11/9/05 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Was that her father walking her out of there??? Boy, she's gonna get it....God wouldn't approve of that...Chat Icon

Posted 11/9/05 11:47 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Posted by Stefanie

Was that her father walking her out of there??? Boy, she's gonna get it....God wouldn't approve of that...Chat Icon

I don't think G-d approves of men who talk about their daughter's breast size in public, but that never stopped Joe Simpson before.

Posted 11/9/05 11:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon True....

Posted 11/9/05 11:50 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

I wonder how people who used to be in his parish feel about him now. It just goes to show you- you need to take your spiritual advisor with a grain of salt.

Posted 11/9/05 11:55 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again


Posted 11/9/05 11:57 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Looks like someone had alittle too much to drink!!!


But honestly, whats the point of someone sending that to the news? It seems like a video of ANY drunken person at 3am at McDonalds!

And I bert i know why she was mean to that guy, but they edited it out... she was in Toronto where they all had Anti-Ashlee signs up everywhere and protests not to bring her there.

Not tht i like her, but i am SURE they didnt show us the WHOLE thing.... what happened BEFORE she started saying "No, I'm NICE, stop talking to me"?????

External Image

Message edited 11/9/2005 12:02:47 PM.

Posted 11/9/05 11:58 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Isn't it great what having money and a little alcohol can do? Chat Icon

Posted 11/9/05 11:58 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Trashly is more like it.

Posted 11/9/05 12:02 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

OMG I love that sign!

Posted 11/9/05 12:03 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Next time I go to McDonalds, I'm going to try that and see what happens...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/9/05 12:04 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

What a twit!!!

Posted 11/9/05 12:22 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Way to much to drink!!!

Posted 11/9/05 1:44 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Posted by heidla

What a twit!!!


Posted 11/9/05 1:46 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

i bet 7 out of 10 21 year olds would act that way or worse.

(not me of courseChat Icon )

its not really a big deal at all!

besides, who knows what the guy was saying. i am sure he was instigating.

Posted 11/9/05 1:58 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Really? How many 21 year olds would deny a fan an autograph and say they couldn't even kiss her feet.

I agree the drunken stupidity is not a big deal- but being nasty to a fan- I'm sorry- that's just wrong. Maybe it was edited and there were things we didn't see- but your a celebrity. You have to expect your behavior to be public news.

Posted 11/9/05 2:07 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

oh, well yeah, but thats why i am saying how do you know he was really a fan? maybe he was effing around with her first and stuff????

i just dont like that it is TOTALLY edited out to make her out to be like that. he could have been a jerk before the camera started rolling.

thast all im saying.

if that WASN'T the case, then yeah, shes an idiot... But who knows. this sort of stuff is always edited to make someone seem different tthen how it really occured.

trust me, i dont like her, i have no reason to defend her, im just saying i would need to see teh WHOLE tape in order to put her down.

Posted 11/9/05 2:16 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

She isnt just a 'regular' person though - she is a celebrity and she can't afford to run around acting like that. Drink, go get drunk, but dont start mouthing off in public unless you want it to come back and haunt you.

Message edited 11/9/2005 4:53:33 PM.

Posted 11/9/05 2:18 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Yes, being drunk and acting stupid go hand in hand. Yes, there is probably more to the story with the guy, but she acted like a spoiled brat to the employee at McD's. Sorry, if you are old enough to get drunk and act like a punk azz bit@! in public then you should be old enough to handle the riddicule that is to follow. JMHO.

Posted 11/9/05 2:52 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

I NEVER liked the girl!!Chat Icon

Posted 11/9/05 4:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

Posted by MrsJ

Trashly is more like it.

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Posted 11/9/05 5:15 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

what an @ss

Posted 11/9/05 6:29 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

2429 total posts


Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

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Posted 11/9/05 6:47 PM

To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: OMG! Ashlee Simpson strikes again

wow I cant believe that girl! i use to like her what a$$ she is!

Message edited 11/9/2005 6:56:59 PM.

Posted 11/9/05 6:56 PM

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