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Newbie with a question

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Newbie with a question

DH and I started TTC #2. I started keeping track of my cycles a few months ago and it has ranged from 38-42 days.

So, I started using the CBE monitor this month. I started testing on CD6 and have had 2 bars since CD7. Now, on CD12, I got the 3 bars with the egg.

Is it possible to have such a long cycle while ovulating on CD12? I am so confused.

DH and I have been BDing for a few days now and will continue to do so for the next couple of weeks to be cautious.

Message edited 12/27/2005 12:51:14 AM.

Posted 12/27/05 12:40 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Newbie with a question

The first time you use the CBE it takes a little while to get used to you. CD 12 is right around the perfect time to get your peak if you have a 28 day cycle. When you get the peak you will normally O within 24 hours.

ETA: Oh I just realized you said your cycles were 38-42 days, so I have no idea to answer the actual question you asked. Redstar?

Message edited 12/27/2005 3:00:20 AM.

Posted 12/27/05 2:59 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Newbie with a question

Read up on your luteal phase(the time between O and your next period) yours seems long. Redstar is the one we need to answer this. Try FM'ing her. But for now read up on the luteal phase

Posted 12/27/05 12:06 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Newbie with a question

Ovulation can change from cycle to cycle. CBFM is excellent for detecting ovulation. Most people ovulate the first day they get a peak reading on the monitor, it's different than the opks. The CBFM measures estradoil and LH, and when they are both surging, to the amount to give you a peak reading, that's usually O time.

I am not sure why your previous cycles were longer, but this cycle is going to be 24-28 days unless you conceive, which will make it 9 months :)

Message edited 12/27/2005 12:39:32 PM.

Posted 12/27/05 12:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Re: Newbie with a question

Posted by redstar

which will make it 9 months :)

I hope so. Thank you very much. Based on your avator, I hope Kokkopelli brings his magic to you in the New Year.

Posted 12/27/05 2:56 PM

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