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STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

If someone told me in the future I'd be posting a topic about not gaining weight, I would laugh in their face....

As most of you may know because I whine about it all the time, I lost 13 pounds by my 10th week due to sesvere M/S. I began to take Zofran, and put on 5 opunds by my 12th week.

I have not gained a pound since then, and I'm on week 14.... But, I'm eating - not eating for 2, but eating the way I would eat if I were not PG, which is abuot 50% more than what I was eating when I was suffering from M/S (well - more - because I was throwing up whatevere I ate, no matter how little it was....)

Should I call my dr? Or should I wait until my visit on Oct. 16th?

Posted 10/5/06 7:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

dont worry..I had the same problem. I lost a ton of weight in the beginning because of m/s and then I started to eat normally again around 14 weeks. I have been eating normally...not for 2 either but how I ate before I was pg. I have gained 10 pounds and I am 32 weeks. My doctor said that eating regularly is fine and that there is no such thing as eating for 2. Just try not to skip meals and take your vitamin and you will be fine! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 8:39 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I didn't gain weight until the end of my second tri and whoa in my thirdChat Icon I lost 7 pounds in the beginning, then in the end.

Posted 10/5/06 8:39 AM

Our family is complete

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I didn't gain any weight until the beginning of my 3rd trimester. Now, I am definitely gaining weight.

Don't worry, it soon will come Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 9:08 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I wouldn't worry until/unless your Dr. says something to you.

Posted 10/5/06 9:40 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I didn't gain anything until my second trimester and it has only been 12lbs total (I will be 33 weeks tomorrow) Try not to worry!Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 9:43 AM

My Boys!!!!

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I technically haven't gained any weight either b/c I lost over 10 lbs. from morning sickness my 1st trimester. I've only gained back a few of the lbs. I lost since than. My dr. said not to worry. The time will come when I will start putting on weight.

Posted 10/5/06 10:40 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

Posted by nferrandi

I wouldn't worry until/unless your Dr. says something to you.

I agree. Ask the dr. if you're really concerned.

Posted 10/5/06 10:42 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I am 29 weeks and down 10 lbs, my doctor says the baby gets what he needs before the mother so no need to worry.

Posted 10/5/06 10:46 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I didn't lose wait due to MS, but I only gained 1 pound by 22 weeks...I was nervous too, since I was 5 months and still in all my regular clothes at my big sono. I had a feeling I was gonna be huge anyway...
I gained 51 pounds in less than 15 weeks before being induced at 37 weeks for pre-e. My body was so mad at me...

Don't worry, as long as your peanut is OK, you'll be fine!
You have plenty of time to pork up
Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 11:12 AM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

You are going to laugh at this post in about 10 weeks from now. I only gained 6 pounds until about week 20. Then I gained NINE pounds in 5 1/2 weeks. It comes on eventually!

No worriesChat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 11:35 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

Thanks ladies!!!!

I feel much better!!!!

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Posted 10/5/06 1:45 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I didnt gain until around 1week 16-18

Posted 10/5/06 2:44 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

Just wanted to just wait til weeks 28-36. Then you will be sorry u asked!

Posted 10/5/06 2:45 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

Posted by PrincessP

Just wanted to just wait til weeks 28-36. Then you will be sorry u asked!

Oh goody! Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 4:00 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

you might be one of those lucky ladies that just does not gain a lot ... I'm hoping so for you!

I had not gained anything until about wk 20, then I started gaining in big spurts. I'm up over 40 pounds now Chat Icon and this was after I'd lost 7 pounds in the first trimester!

It does tend to catch up with you, esp. once you do get a normal appetite back. But again you just might be someone that gains only 15 pounds total .. you never know!

As long as your baby is thriving, that's all that matters.

Chat Icon

Message edited 10/5/2006 4:12:45 PM.

Posted 10/5/06 4:12 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I gained nothing during my first trimester and now at the end of my second I am only up 15 most of which was gained between months 5-7. With the MS what you're going through is totally normal.

Posted 10/5/06 5:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

With both pregnancies I actually gain all my weight in the third trimester

Posted 10/5/06 5:30 PM

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Re: STILL not gaining weight... should I be worried?

I was the same way as you up until my 18th or 19th week. I had absolutely no appetite the first trimester and lost 10 pounds. By my 20th week, I had gained the 10 pounds back. Now all of a sudden I have a ravenous appetite and want to eat everything in sight! I gained 2 more pounds the last time I saw my OB. But this was just recently. I would check with your doc but I think it is very common for some people. Most people gain weight in their second and third trimesters, so don't worry.

Posted 10/5/06 5:45 PM

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