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Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

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Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

I just spoke to my OB. I have an appointment on Tuesday night and he said if there no change I will go to the hospital around 10PM and get cervadil, then pitocin on Wednesday morning.

If I am 4 centimeters or more they will just give me pitocin on Wednesday morning and I will stay at my MIL's Tuesday night.

I hope this is it! My contractions are on and off and OB said it was false labor/pedonal labor since Wednesday night. Thank God I hope this is it! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I have a few questions for the mom's who were induced...
1 - What was your experience like?
2 - Was it extremely painful?
3 - Does the epidural really work? I mean do you still feel pain?

Thanks so much ladies! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 5/8/2006 1:51:01 PM.

Posted 5/8/06 1:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

CONGRATS!!!!! I was induced at 3cm and fully effaced. I was contracting on my own. This is when I went in for my induction. They said I would hae gone that day or the next on my own. Since I was fully effaced I didn't need the cervidil. They gave me petocin to start and then broke my water. I felt nothing. It was such an easy labor and delivery. I got the epi 1/2 after I was induced and only felt period type of cramps until the epi. The epi felt wierd going in but was not painful and well worth it. I felt nothing after the epi. I could tell I was having contractions but felt no pain. Just mild pressure. When I went into active labor (the most painful) I still felt nothing and since I was able to push well they didn't shut off my epi. I suggest pushing like you have to take a big du_mp. sorry to be graphic but that's what I did. I felt nothing until the last 10 min. when DD's head was right there and then it just felt uncomfortable. I am the biggest baby (can't get a shot or needle) and thought the whole expierence was wonderful and painless. I liked being induced b/c everything was controlled and you knew what to expect. It was a very quick L&D b/c of teh petocin. I would definately do it again.

Good luck!

Chat Icon

PS- they induced me b/c a week b/4 they decided to induce me they thought I was really "ripe" (ready- 2cm and 95% effaced) and they didn't want me to have a big baby (she was 6lbs 7 oz) Best thing I agreed to!

Message edited 5/8/2006 2:00:33 PM.

Posted 5/8/06 1:59 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

Posted by kelly4

CONGRATS!!!!! I was induced at 3cm and fully effaced. I was contracting on my own. This is when I went in for my induction. They said I would hae gone that day or the next on my own. Since I was fully effaced I didn't need the cervidil. They gave me petocin to start and then broke my water. I felt nothing. It was such an easy labor and delivery. I got the epi 1/2 after I was induced and only felt period type of cramps until the epi. The epi felt wierd going in but was not painful and well worth it. I felt nothing after the epi. I could tell I was having contractions but felt no pain. Just mild pressure. When I went into active labor (the most painful) I still felt nothing and since I was able to push well they didn't shut off my epi. I suggest pushing like you have to take a big du_mp. sorry to be graphic but that's what I did. I felt nothing until the last 10 min. when DD's head was right there and then it just felt uncomfortable. I am the biggest baby (can't get a shot or needle) and thought the whole expierence was wonderful and painless. I liked being induced b/c everything was controlled and you knew what to expect. It was a very quick L&D b/c of teh petocin. I would definately do it again.

OMG! THANK YOU for responding!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I pray my experience is as great as yours was. A friend told me they can shut off the epi because they want you to "feel" the pain of the contraction so you can push. I pray they don't do that to me. The pain of L & D is my BIGGEST fear, and some have said when you get pitocin the contractions are more painful.
Thank you again, I feel better now. Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I was 2 centimeters and 60% effaced on Friday morning when they checked me.

Message edited 5/8/2006 2:05:46 PM.

Posted 5/8/06 2:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

I was induced at 2 centimeters and fully effaced, so I did not have to have the cervidel.
My doctor started the pitocin at 8:30am and my daughter was born at 4:02 pm the same day. It was not a bad experience at all. The pitocin for me brought on hard labor very quickly, I went from no labor to full labor in a half hour. I made it through 4 1/2 hours without anything and then became very tired and asked for the epidural. That is the most amazing thing in the whole world. I remember my DH saying "wow look at that contraction do you feel it?" and I said no. Then when i was completely dialated I just felt pressure and that I wanted to push. The only time I felt uncomfortable but not in pain was when her head was crowning.
So all in all my experience was pretty fast, and I would definately do it that way again.

Congrats and Good Luck!!

Posted 5/8/06 3:03 PM

Where does time go?

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Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

I was induced at 37 weeksChat Icon Chat Icon I was 1-2 cm and 85% effaced.

I had a good induction experience. I was given Cervadil at 10 pm and then at 10 am they started the Pitocin. That's when the contractions really started. I was able to breath through them for a few hours and they gave me my epidural at 3-4 cm...after that it was SMOOTH sailing until I started to feel INTENSE pressure/pain in my bottom...the epidural took care of ALL the contraction pain, but once that pressure started...WOOHOO!!!
That meant it was time to push.

I pushed for one and a half hours and the whole time the epi had stopped working on my right side...that actually helped because I knew when to push Chat Icon

Overall, I have to say, not too bad...with the exception of spiking a fever midway through pushing which sent the baby to the NICU for precautions and antibiotics, I had a pleasurable experience...


Posted 5/8/06 3:36 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

Thanks again ladies! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am feeling so much better about the induction after reading all of your posts. Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/06 4:35 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Xpost from pregnancy board...It looks like I will be induced Wed. I also have a ???

I won't scare you with my induction story because it probably won't apply to you at all since I had no dialation and was barely even 50% effaced but I can tell you that YES the epidural works!! It's best thing in the world.

ETA: Good luck on Tues and sending you easy induction vibes!

Message edited 5/8/2006 8:06:55 PM.

Posted 5/8/06 8:05 PM

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