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Way tmi...but I need to know...

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Way tmi...but I need to know...

I really need to know...cause I am sooooo afraid of pain...(no I am not pregnant)

What does it truly feel like?? Whats the worst part? The contractions? The actual birth? Does it burn...feel like a cut?? Or does it feel like something else??? Ive heard the contractions are horrible horrible period cramp like...but can anyone explain it any further????

I just truly want to know what it feels like...I know I cant until I actually go through it but can anyone put it into words??

If you want, you can fm me!

Posted 11/27/05 11:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

The contractions were the worst (in my opinion). The only way to describe it would be really bad stomach pains that you get when you have to go to the bathroom (#2) and can't go. I had a c-section, so I didn't feel any pain at all. The recovery is painful as well for a c-section.

However, the end result is the could you say no to this...

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Posted 11/28/05 1:03 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

I probably should preface this by saying that I've always considered myself a wimp when it comes to any kind of unexpected pain. I'll complain about a papercut or a headache.

I didn't need any pain medication for both labors but I would say I'm probably the exception. Don't get me wrong - it did hurt, but it wasn't to the point of being unbearable. My thought was billions of women have given birth without the use of pain- why should I be any different.

For me with Joseph the worst part of the birth was the actual delivery. The cramps were exactly as Stefanie described - but I just breathed through those - also DH helped by counterpressuring my back (basically digging his fist in my lower back). The delivery I would describe as a burning and razor sharp (that would probably be because I tore-having not done perineal massages once). For Maddie there was no worse part -maybe the one contraction I had by myself while DH took a 2 minute shower.

Probably most painful part of everything was the stitches for Joseph after - that or the IV (I really, really hate needles).

And the truly worst part is when your child is in pain or sick - nothing is worse than seeing your child sick and not knowing what to do.

Like Stefanie - you never regret it. As much as a wimp I am, you'd literally throw yourself in front of a car to save your child. You truly are never ever the same after having a baby and you'd never ever want to change that either or go back.

Posted 11/28/05 6:36 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

For me, the worst part of labor/delivery was the pushing. I have never felt so exhausted in my life. Imagine running a marathon, so you are tired to start, and then being told to lift the same weight that is too heavy for you over and over again for hours. Some moms get lucky and only have to push for a few minutes, maybe that will be you!

In the end, its just one day and you are at a hospital where there are lots of people (and drugs) to help.

The true pain for me came from the sleep deprivation over the first six weeks of my baby's life. There is a reason that sleep deprivation is used as a torture method -- I was truly miserable!!!

Posted 11/28/05 8:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

I have a pretty high pain tolerance, my 1st 2 kids were pretty easy, I just remained focused and got that epidural as soon as I could. With my 3rd child, I did not get the epidural and let me tell you, I would NEVER do that again, it is the type of pain that makes you delusional and you feel like you;re having an out of body experience. The contractions feel like horrible period cramps that take ypour breath away and make you feel like you need to double over. I found rocking helped and keeping really quiet kept m in control. It is called "labor" for a real reason, it is HARD, HARD work!

Posted 11/28/05 8:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

nycchic - thanks for posting this! I've been wondering/worrying about the same thing!

Ladies - thanks for your honest responses - I give you so much credit Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 9:17 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

The contractions are pretty bad...easily the most pain I've ever felt in my life. I had a c/s also so I didn't push or deliver vaginally so I can't speak to that. But contractions with an induction are supposedly a bit stronger than regular ones. Yes it felt like period cramps x 1000 but also like my back was really sore and like someone was taking all my insides and squeezing them together. It's definitely a muscle type of pain, not a sharp stabbing pain. The contractions made me want to curl up into a ball, which of course I couldn't do.

It's amazing though how easily you forget the pain. I'm trying to recall it now as I write this and I really can't put myself there...though I do remember the c-section pain afterwards.

Posted 11/28/05 9:22 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Way tmi...but I need to know...

For me the worst part were the contractions as well as the c/s recovery.

Ummm...I agree with what everyone else said about the contractions plus I always describe the accompanying back pain as someone pulling out my lower spine with their bare hands! If you get the epidural though, it kicks in pretty quickly, and you'll be sailing through (unless, like me, it wears off quickly...don't worry though, they'll give you more!)

I had no idea how rough the recovery from a c-section was. This I can't describe except to say, make sure nobody funny visits you afterwards...laughing IS excruciating! For me, it was only horrible while in the hospital (I stayed the full 4 nights) by the last day there, it was totally bearable, just some discomfort.

My mom used to always say you forget the pain, but I told her, mom, I will NEVER forget the pain!! Hey, but I'm ready to do it all again now!

Posted 11/28/05 10:43 AM

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