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I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

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Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Help!!! I need one that I can order online.. Ebay or otherwise...

Padded, covers everything *can be used on a swing or highchair* and folds up or has a bag!!!


Posted 3/19/06 8:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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11357 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

I got one from BRU for my shower. It looks great and was higly recommended by my Mommy friends. Was about $39 and covers everything.

Posted 3/19/06 9:09 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

The floppy! It's great. It can go over carts, high chairs, etc. When you're done with it, you just tuck it into the pouch in the front and it's got handles. You don't even need an extra bag, it turns into a bag Chat Icon

ETA: Floppy link

Message edited 3/19/2006 9:17:24 AM.

Posted 3/19/06 9:16 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

I got the floppy seat as a gift also....haven't used it yet and not sure if it is used on a swing but I know it can be used on a high chair OR shopping cart!

Posted 3/19/06 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Can you put it on one handed? Dh isn't around so I need something really easy to get on the cart so Mr. Independant doesn't try to slip out of my hands.

Posted 3/19/06 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

I love the one from ebay that I got Andrew's from. The woman is so great to deal with and she has zillions of patterns to choose from.

Angelyn Rose Shopping Cart Covers

Posted 3/19/06 10:27 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Posted by -Laurie-

Can you put it on one handed? Dh isn't around so I need something really easy to get on the cart so Mr. Independant doesn't try to slip out of my hands.

Honestly? Not really. It says on the site you can, but I can't. I usually park right by the cart corral, and I put it on the cart right next to the car before taking Christopher out of the car seat.

Posted 3/19/06 10:46 AM

Mom of Three

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Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Definitely the Floppy seat. I tried other ones and Floppy is the best. After using it awhile, Ive gotten good at putting it on but I still dont think of it as a one handed job. I either put it on the cart before I take my daughter out of the car or I put her in the back for a few seconds. Its very fast to put on with 2 hands.

Message edited 3/19/2006 11:06:32 AM.

Posted 3/19/06 11:06 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Posted by chmlengr

I love the one from ebay that I got Andrew's from. The woman is so great to deal with and she has zillions of patterns to choose from.

Angelyn Rose Shopping Cart Covers

I have this one and like it alot.

Posted 3/19/06 11:17 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

I just got this one at my shower:

Posted 3/19/06 12:18 PM

Back in LI!

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1525 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

we have this one although we haven't yet used it since he is still young..but they say it can be done with one hand

this is what it says about it:

Buggy Bagg is a combination shopping cart seat cover, high chair cover and diaper bag in one!
Excellent/Durable Quality.
Covers 100% of the seating area.
2 safety straps (one strap for the child and one that secures the BuggyBagg)
Plush quilted fabric for the utmost comfort.
Matching detachable pillow included.
Easy to install, inserts within 30 seconds.
100% machine washable.
Folds to compact size.
4 elastic bottle cup holders.
2 toy loops.
1 large diaper bag section for wipes, diapers, toys, snacks ect.
2 smaller personal items compartments for keys, cell phone wallet

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 3/19/2006 12:35:52 PM.

Posted 3/19/06 12:29 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

We've had the Floppy Seat since my 1st was about 6 months and started to like the taste of shopping carts. Chat Icon I love it. Like Liz said, it can be done w/ one hand, but it's MUCH easier and quicker w/ 2! Chat Icon

Posted 3/19/06 1:18 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

I have the Floppy seat also. I could be done with one hand, but I find myself fixing it when Nate is sitting in it. I also usually park close to a cart or corral so I can bring it up to the cart and put it on before I take Nate out of the carseat.

Posted 3/19/06 3:57 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: I need a shopping cart cover... any rec's

Posted by steph4777

I have the Floppy seat also. I could be done with one hand, but I find myself fixing it when Nate is sitting in it. I also usually park close to a cart or corral so I can bring it up to the cart and put it on before I take Nate out of the carseat.

This is exactly what I do.

Posted 3/19/06 5:17 PM

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