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1 year old check in.

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My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

1101 total posts


1 year old check in.

I am noticing that a lot of us have DC that are/have turned one.. What are all of your little ones up to?

My DD is one and she is starting to walk. She is 20lbs, and 27 inches long. She has 18 teeth and is talking up a storm.

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Posted 9/6/06 12:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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The man of my dreams...

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Re: 1 year old check in.

Joseph will be one in 20 days Chat Icon He weighs 24lbs and is about 31" although that's just my estimate. He's been walking since 9mosChat Icon and talks incredibly well. He's so much fun - and so much WORKChat Icon I can't believe it's been a year.

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Message edited 9/6/2006 12:42:25 PM.

Posted 9/6/06 12:39 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

One in 20 days. No teeth and really just started crawling a couple of weeks ago so I think we've got some time for walking.
She is talking though. She says doggie, daddy, kitty, cheese, prunes, lamp, baloon....hmmm that's all I can think of right now. I am getting excited for her party.

Posted 9/6/06 12:44 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Bella will be 1 on FRIDAY!!!! I cannot believe how fast things are going. She is up and walking, but her feet move faster than the rest of her body, so there have been a LOT of tumbles and she is still crawling like lightening to cover ground. She has 6 hard-earned teeth (2 on top and 4 on the btom

She talks A LOT, but lord knows what she is saying 1/2 the time. She says mommy, dada, baba and baby and seems to grunt answers when DH and I ask her questions...and she LOVES to sing. Most of her mornings that is how I know she is up, it is sooooo cute.

She is very independent and plays often on her own, but loves to be chased and tossed around by DH (even when it makes me cringe)

Bella is also cuddly and loves to give kisses, I cannot believe what a person she has become....we don't find out her stats until the 19th when we have her year check-up...

Posted 9/6/06 12:56 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Alex will be one year old on September 24th, and I'm just amazed at how quickly it all went! She is a lightning fast crawler, and will walk quite happily, as long as she can hold my hand Chat Icon She babbles up a storm, and has been saying Dada, Dog, and Ball, but that's about it! She LOOOOVES to dance, she loves to play ball, she loves to be chased and she loves to torment mommy and daddy. She has the most fiery and dramatic personality I've ever seen on a baby, and as we are told by her daycare teachers Chat Icon Yesterday she learned to use a whistle and karaoke Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 1:05 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

18 teeth!!! holy cow! Talia got her third today and she'll be one in 8 days.

You go girl!!

Posted 9/6/06 2:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Carolyn is one year today!!! i have seriosuly been crying on and off the whole day. going to doctor on friday so not sure what her stats are but she is def starting to walk. One step and then falls! So funny... I ran into Mrs R at a party on Sunday and could not believe how quickly time flew. I remember communicating with her about when we were all "going to go". OK, I am tearing up again!:)

Posted 9/6/06 2:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Jacob turned 1 this past friday. We went for his 12 month appointment yesterday. He weighs 24lbs 8oz and is 31 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile.

I also switched him cold turkey to milk yesterday ( yeah no more formula) and he is doing fine far so good... He is even drinking out of a sippy cup ( thank god) which for the past 4 months has been very fustrating to me since he wouldn't take one..

He just seems like a big boy already and he is only 1 a few days.. He is not walking yet but cruising like you wouldn't believe. He says a couple of words but mostly stuff I can't understand... He loves music and when he heres it he sways back and forth to is soo cute... My bro (who is a ped) says he is doing things that kids his age don't usually do. I didn't believe him but I guess he would know since he sees at lest 50-70 kids a day in his office...

My has this year flown by...

oh Happy Birthday Carolyn
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/6/2006 4:53:08 PM.

Posted 9/6/06 4:52 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

My son turned 1 on aug 18, he is RUNNING, he never crawls now and I cannot hold him, he just has to walk, he started waling at about 11 months, babbles like crazy, says Mama, Dada, Em)his oldest sister), Baba, Up and shakes his head yes or no depending on what the question is. he LOVESn playing with trucks and climbs on eveything!!

Posted 9/6/06 5:00 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Katherine will be 1 tomorrow!!!

She is close to walking, but has not taken her first official step yet. She crawls fast...especially when I catch her doing something she shouldn't be. I love this time because I can actually see her learning every day. For example, a couple of weeks ago I gave her an old toy phone that she hadn't seen in a long time and she immediately picked it up, put it to her face and said, "Huhwa." I never taught her that...I guess I spend too much time on the phone!!

She says a lot of stuff like mama, dada, baba, wo-wo (for dog), huhwa (hello), no no, dat (that), c*ock (clock) and c*ock (slightly different for duck...quack), Buhbuh (Big Bird). She knows who Elmo is and what flowers are.

I have no idea how much she weighs or measures...our last appt. was at 9 mos. and I have yet to make the 12 month appt. Chat Icon She STILL has NO TEETH!!!

Oh, and she's currently lethargic and running a fever...hope she's better for her birthday!

Posted 9/6/06 8:55 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: 1 year old check in.

Hayley will be 1 on the 18th. She is about 25lbs. Has 3 teeth (2 bottom 1 top) and 1 other top tooth coming in. Crawls everywhere, stands up holding on to the couch or coffee table but not walking yet. She just started crawling about 1 month ago. Says mama, dada, hi and lots of other babble.

Posted 9/7/06 8:50 AM

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