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4-5 Month Old Bedtime

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Miranda usually goes down between 8:30 and 9:30 but I think she would do better if she went to bed 7-7:30 but here's where I run into a problem
She usually naps from about 1-4 and needs to take a nap around 6 for about 30 min or she gets totally overtired and cranky and is that much harder to get to sleep.
Moving her afternoon nap up really hasn't worked and some of our activites don't have us back home until closer to 1.
Any suggestions? Do I just leave her bedtime alone? Skip the 6pm nap?

Posted 2/2/06 8:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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<3 Mommy <3

Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

I find if I skip the naps, it makes things worse....

Ryan goes to bed @ 7... and if 1min. passes...hes a beast Chat Icon

If 6 didnt start our bedtime routine....he'd prob wanna go to sleep then.....

This is a tough one...

For us:
6 cereal and fruit
baby massage
bottle bed... by 7

could you maybe do something like keep her away that last hour....???

Message edited 2/2/2006 8:38:01 PM.

Posted 2/2/06 8:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

99 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

I also found that skipping naps didn't work, but every baby is different. Maybe you could try moving it up a half an hour every few days and eventually she made cut that late afternoon nap out on her own. Good Luck

Posted 2/2/06 8:51 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

There are some days when Emily will INSIST on sleeping at dinner time, from around 6pm to sometimes as late as 9pm. However, she will still go back to bed and sleep for the night, so I don't mess with it. I find that when I mess with it it messes her up more.

Her schedule is something like this.

6pm - bottle
play time till around 7:30-8pm
8:30-9pm bottle
usually esleep by around 9:30

I also found that if I put her to sleep before she's really totally out, like cleary tired but I stopped waiting until she was passed out in my arms, it got easier. The first few weeks I had to go back in there like 5+ times to just pet her head and give her the pacifier and turn the mobile back on, but little by little I had to do that less and less, and now I just lay her down after she's been fed and burped and seems tired, put on her mobile and she's good for the night. If I wait until she's out cold it just upsets and wakes her when I put her down.

hope this helps! HUGS,

Posted 2/2/06 9:09 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:38:44 PM.

Posted 2/2/06 10:01 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Bella'a bedtime is 9 pm...sometimes 8:30, and on rare occasions, 8 pm...she doesn't stay up a minute past it, but will not go down before it...she will even nap until 8 pm, hang out for an hour and then go to bed at 9. I am not messing with it because I get home at 7 pm from work and like some time with her...

She sleeps until 7am, eats a bottle, and goes back down for two hours in the morning...I like this schedule. Babies make their own schedule, is she sleeping through the night? If not, than maybe you should try and change it...maybe put her to bed ten minutes earlier every night...

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She sleeps until 5am which isn't awful but I wonder if she would sleep better if she went to bed earlier. You know how sometimes earlier bedtimes actually make babies sleep longer?
I'm not really complaining if this is what it is that's fine but it just seems like it would be better for her to not have that last nap because its only 30min and go to bed earlier.

Posted 2/2/06 10:25 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

131 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Posted by Princessmaris

I find if I skip the naps, it makes things worse....

Ryan goes to bed @ 7... and if 1min. passes...hes a beast Chat Icon

If 6 didnt start our bedtime routine....he'd prob wanna go to sleep then.....

This is a tough one...

For us:
6 cereal and fruit
baby massage
bottle bed... by 7

could you maybe do something like keep her away that last hour....???

This is almost exactly what we do - Julia would definitely go to sleep at 6:00, but that's when I feed her. Then she gets a bath at 7, bottle at 7:30 and straight to bed. I bascally distract her during that last hour before bed.

Posted 2/3/06 12:56 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:38:54 PM.

Posted 2/3/06 2:40 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Here is the answer that worked for me when I lowered Talia's bedtime.

If I were you, I would let her nap from 1-3 then let her nap from 5-5:30 - bedtime at 7:30


I would try to push the afternoon nap from 1 to noon and let her sleep until 2ish - then nap from 4-4:30 - bedtime at 7 (this is what Talia does)

Is she taking a morning nap?

ETA: I am all about never waking a sleeping baby UNLESS it is to protect the sleep cycle. IMHO from everything I read - her 1pm nap is too long. An infant her age *should* be napping 2-3 times a day - it should look something like this...

wake at 7am
nap at 9 for 1-2 hours
Nap at 1 for 1-2
variable late afternoon nap (some babies dont take this - Talia does for about 1/2 an hour)
Bedtime between 6-8

I had to train Talia to get on a schedule like this which included, at times, waking her up when her naps were too long.

(Ps I learned a lot of this from The healthy sleep habits, happy baby book.)

Message edited 2/3/2006 7:12:33 PM.

Posted 2/3/06 7:07 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: 4-5 Month Old Bedtime

Posted by MrsR

Here is the answer that worked for me when I lowered Talia's bedtime.

If I were you, I would let her nap from 1-3 then let her nap from 5-5:30 - bedtime at 7:30


I would try to push the afternoon nap from 1 to noon and let her sleep until 2ish - then nap from 4-4:30 - bedtime at 7 (this is what Talia does)

Is she taking a morning nap?

ETA: I am all about never waking a sleeping baby UNLESS it is to protect the sleep cycle. IMHO from everything I read - her 1pm nap is too long. An infant her age *should* be napping 2-3 times a day - it should look something like this...

wake at 7am
nap at 9 for 1-2 hours
Nap at 1 for 1-2
variable late afternoon nap (some babies dont take this - Talia does for about 1/2 an hour)
Bedtime between 6-8

I had to train Talia to get on a schedule like this which included, at times, waking her up when her naps were too long.

(Ps I learned a lot of this from The healthy sleep habits, happy baby book.)

Uggh we can't seem to be consistent.
Wake at 5am
Nap around 6:30-7am for anywhere from 1-2 horus.
then 2 hours from waking up she takes a 1/2 hour nap
then the afternoon nap which does seem to be getting shorter now. 1-2 hours so I guess moving bedtime up might start working.
it just seems like no day is ever the same and then when we have a busy day and we're out 1/2 the day I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.

Posted 2/4/06 12:44 AM

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