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charting question

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Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


charting question

i just starting to chart on fert. friend and i'm still a bit clueless. what is a cover line? and how do u get it? does it get generated automatically or do i have to do something?


Posted 1/18/06 4:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: charting question

The FF program calculates your coverline for you - you do not have to figure it out on your own. I don't know exactly after how many days of temping it appears - but it will if you're adding your temps each morning.

Posted 1/18/06 4:55 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: charting question

It will generate automatically.
your temps stay under your coverline.. so they get it from seeing what the highest temp would be before you ovulate..lets say your highest temp before you O is 97.50.. then that would be your coverline.
The day after you ovulate your temps rise OVER your coverline..
If you look at other ppls charts you can see this pattern.
I beleive it will generate for you when you ovulate.
I hope I explained this

Posted 1/18/06 4:55 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: charting question

Actually FF, takes many things into consideration before giving you a coverline. Toni Weschler says to count back six days before O, and that's your coverline. However, ff, uses different methods. You also can choose which method you want.

Basically I wouldn't worry too much about the coverline, just as long as you get one. After ovulation and your temps the next level (biphasic), it takes three temps post ovulation for ff to give you a coverline. Basically, after you see a clear shift (three high temps in a row) that's when you can usually be secure that ovulation occured.

I would recommend reading the book by Toni Weschler, TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY. If you are new to temping this book will explain a lot to you. I wouldn't be intimidated by all the terms can get confusing. All you really need to do is take your waking temp, and enter it in. FF will do the rest. You can share it with others to make sure that FF has created a sensible chart. Most of the time it does :)

Posted 1/18/06 5:03 PM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: charting question

you guys are so helpful! thanx for the info!Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/06 5:15 PM

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