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Emily's 12 month checkup!

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Emily's 12 month checkup!

We just got back from Emily's 12 month checkup!

She is TALL and THIN!

She was 32 3/4 inches tall! The doctor said that she is one of the tallest year old babies she's seen -- that she is "off the charts."

She weighed in at 22 lbs 12 oz.

We talked about a lot of stuff. She wants me to switch her over to milk, and get rid of the pacifier. Chat Icon She also said that in another month, once we've tackled those things, I can try to convert her from the bottle to a sippy cup. I told her that *I* was afraid to do all 3 at once because it seems as if Emily never finishes anything that I give her in the sippy cup -- and she said that's fine.

She said that once she does start getting only milk and drinks less she will have more room for solids -- so she might not be the small eater that she is now. She said she'll compensate by eating more solids -- which is where we want to go anyway.

I just put her down for a nap without the pacifier and she cried for about 4 minutes and now she's sleeping! Hopefully it's just my fear to get rid of the paci and this transition will go OK! I'm definately afraid --- I know it is selfish because I don't want to be up all night with a crying baby, but I guess we'll see how it goes!!

Also the dr wants us to go to the lab to get bloodwork -- a CBC and lead levels. Does everyone else get this done at the 1 year checkup? Is this normal? I have to call back there and see if they can recommend us a lab because I don't know of one in this area!

Posted 10/9/06 10:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

We did not have to get any CBC or lead levels done at her 1 year. We did have to answer a lead questionairre though but we didn't answer yes to any questions. I wonder if it's because we live in a new home that defintiely doesn't have any lead paint? Chat Icon

It's funny how all peds are different. Our ped said bottle and pacifier were fine until 18 months but we can start limiting both them and the bottle to make the transition easier when the time comes. She also doesn't go to sleep with a bottle, never has so he wasn't concerned about that. She only uses her paci at bedtime and for car rides so he said that was fine too.

Good luck with the changes. I have the same worries about the sippy to so what I do is give her and AM and a nighttime bottle and the rest from sippy cups and if she isn't drinking enough I take the lid off and let her drink from it like a regular cup while I hold it. She likes that much better.

Posted 10/9/06 11:04 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

Sounds like she is doing wonderfully!!

Oh, and as far as the bloodwork, it's pretty standard. I took Andrew when he was 10 months old. It was harder on me than him, but it was fine!

Posted 10/9/06 11:05 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

Jen -- well the doctor said not to stress about the bottle/sippy/milk/paci thing. I was concerned because Emily always has this little rash around her face and chin since she started getting teeth and I pretty much knew what it was from but the doc confirmed that it is a contact rash from the paci keeping the drool in --

and she only gets the paci when she is in the car or sleeping also, but the doc did say that we should try to get rid of it anyway. so I didn't give it to her when I put her for a nap just now and she cried a bit but did fall esleep after about 4 minutes so it's probably me being afraid to get rid of it more then her. I'll try it today and she how it goes.

She said by 15 months she wants Emily to be on about 16 oz of whole milk a day from the sippy. She said not to stress and try to do it all right away but that's our goal for the next checkup.

Posted 10/9/06 11:15 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

She sounds like she is in great health! Good luck with the 3 changes - i am sure you will both do great!!!

Posted 10/9/06 11:26 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

Posted by Melbernai

Jen -- well the doctor said not to stress about the bottle/sippy/milk/paci thing. I was concerned because Emily always has this little rash around her face and chin since she started getting teeth and I pretty much knew what it was from but the doc confirmed that it is a contact rash from the paci keeping the drool in --

and she only gets the paci when she is in the car or sleeping also, but the doc did say that we should try to get rid of it anyway. so I didn't give it to her when I put her for a nap just now and she cried a bit but did fall esleep after about 4 minutes so it's probably me being afraid to get rid of it more then her. I'll try it today and she how it goes.

She said by 15 months she wants Emily to be on about 16 oz of whole milk a day from the sippy. She said not to stress and try to do it all right away but that's our goal for the next checkup.

Sounds like a good plan. We have the whole milk goal as well. I still have formula to finish up then it's all milk for her. She gets formula in the AM and PM and milk during the day. I just can't throw out the formula since it wasn't cheap.

Posted 10/9/06 11:36 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

645 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

my dd needed the CBC and Lead test also...we took her to Quest and she didnt even cry. Def harder on mommy!

Posted 10/9/06 2:22 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Emily's 12 month checkup!

Wow, she IS tall! It really is funny how every pediatrician is different. Ours wasn't concerned about the pacifier at ALL and said she wanted Christopher drinking milk immediately and off the bottle by 15 months. So strange. Christopher got bloodwork done right at the office. We never had to go to a lab for it.

Posted 10/9/06 2:26 PM

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