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First out of Friends?

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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


First out of Friends?

Is anyone else the first out of their group of friends to get serious like get married and have a baby?

I feel like I have no one else to talk to besides family and you ladies here on LIF.

I am probably younger than most of you (23) but am so happy about where my life is.

However, I feel lonely at times. Like my 2 best friends since Middle School didn't come to my bridal shower because they had "better things to do"

Posted 2/28/06 12:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

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Re: First out of Friends?

We are the first of our friends to have a baby and I know that kind of freaks DH out. I always tell him not to worry about what other people do or don't do- that has nothing to do with us and our life. We have discussed starting a family and decided that we were ready, that's what's important. And I'm sure, at least for us, that some of our friends will be following suit soon enough.

Posted 2/28/06 12:35 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

We will be one of the first out of our friends and that is fine by me. We are ready now and i would never plan my pregnancy around when my friends were getting pregnant. Our friends have all been excited for us and listen to me blabber on when i do. That is what a friend does.

Friendship is a two way street. I have friends who are getting married or buying houses and that is what they talk about and i listen to their stories.

If you "good" friends could not even make your bridal shower it sounds like they are not that good of friends to you.

Actually having a baby might open some doors for you to make new friends. There are a lot of mother groups you can join once the baby is here.

Posted 2/28/06 12:47 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

First married and first having a baby. My friends are still going out and partying at 28. I'm so over that and happy I had the time to have fun. I feel like I am at a great age to have a baby, my career is established and my home and marriage are all at wonderful places.....

Posted 2/28/06 12:56 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

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Re: First out of Friends?

we ar ethe 1st of our friends to have a baby.. it is kind of touhg I do have a couple of mommy friends but the rest are still going to happy hour etc...

Posted 2/28/06 1:10 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:44:06 AM.

Posted 2/28/06 1:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

We're the first of our friends have a baby and same goes for when we got married 4 yrs ago. It is a little lonely that none of my friends can relate, but I just figure I'll eventually make new friends with kids who I can relate to, and when my friends start getting to this point I will be able to help them out!

Posted 2/28/06 1:34 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

I think your 20's and your 30's are toughest for keeping your old friendships. Everyone sort of "grows up" and maybe people you thought were good friends were really only good friends for now. Like someone who was really fun and crazy when you were 18-21 could be too much for you now. I am still friends with the same girls I was friends with in High school-but tsome of those friendships have gotten stronger and some less so. it is a part of life. Maybe you could sign up for some childbirth prep classes and start meeting some new people.

Posted 2/28/06 3:00 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Out of my friends, we are the first married and first to have a baby (besides my family, then I'm like last!!) I am 26 and dh is 37 so for him, he's the last among his friends but only by a few years so our baby will have some friends to play with, which is good.

my best friend is getting married in july, but they won't have kids for a few years. my 3 other close friends are 2 years older than me and nowhere near where i'm at so sometimes it is kinda stressful b/c i cant just drop everything and party like we all used to, and i don't think they all quite understand that yet.

Posted 2/28/06 3:08 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

I will definitely be looking for mommy & me type classes when the baby is born. I never thought it was be so hard to meet friends with similiar interests at this age but it definitely is a challenge.

I can't believe my friends are still working at malls and off mommy & daddy.

Posted 2/28/06 4:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

276 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

DH and I are 26 and we were the first out of both our group of friends to get married and have a baby. They are still all going out partying and dating. I'm glad we settled down.

Posted 2/28/06 4:20 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Posted by mominmarch

DH and I are 26 and we were the first out of both our group of friends to get married and have a baby. They are still all going out partying and dating. I'm glad we settled down.

I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything but sometimes it is kind of depressing to think that the only people that have been excited for us is famiily.

Posted 2/28/06 4:21 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Posted by mominmarch

DH and I are 26 and we were the first out of both our group of friends to get married and have a baby. They are still all going out partying and dating. I'm glad we settled down.

I could have written this exactly myself.

We still spend a ton of time with our friends, but I think it's hard for them to put themselves in our shoes because they haven't been in the same situations. I don't get upset about it, I just try to understand that they are where they are in life and they'll eventually catch up to us. I think it helps that they all tell us they want what WE have. They don't WANT to be out and dating, they WANT to be married, but unfortunately, wanting it doesn't make it so. In July, two of our friends are getting married (to each other), and I know they are really starting to settle down and spend a lot more time with us lately. It is nice to have another couple to spend time with. however, tehy do not want kids, so they won't ever be those people we can talk to about those things. I just thank god for Corinne and Stacy (whom are both on here) and the rest of you girls!

Posted 2/28/06 5:49 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

I am totally in your boat - only one firend of mine is married really and she just had a baby which is nice but i am truly scard to tell the rest of our friends...Chat Icon

we can be friends.....if you want!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 5:58 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Posted by wowcoulditbe

I am totally in your boat - only one firend of mine is married really and she just had a baby which is nice but i am truly scard to tell the rest of our friends...Chat Icon

we can be friends.....if you want!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Why are you scared to tell your friends? I mean how good of friends are they if you can't tell them happy news in your life?!?!

Thank you for the offer! Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 6:10 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

I am just afriad that it will really exaggerate how different our lives are and I don't want to have a wedge or anything in our friendship - I am silly I know b/c they will be supportive but I don't know they are still into going out and drinking and all that and well once you are married and then preggers, it all changes I think!!

Posted 2/28/06 6:23 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

We were the 1st to buy a house, get married, grow up, etc... Then again we were never the partying type anyway. Always had our minds on schooling, working, saving money and building our future together which most people we knew weren't. We will be looking for new friends too!

Posted 2/28/06 6:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

195 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Posted by mable

we ar ethe 1st of our friends to have a baby.. it is kind of touhg I do have a couple of mommy friends but the rest are still going to happy hour etc...

Same here

Posted 2/28/06 7:46 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

The only friend who I have that has a baby and is married lives in FLorida. Chat Icon I'm so glad I can talk to her but wish I had someone close by sometimes too.

Posted 2/28/06 11:40 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

we were pretty much the last to get married and the last to have a baby.

Posted 3/1/06 11:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

I was the last of my friends.

Like my 2 best friends since Middle School didn't come to my bridal shower because they had "better things to do"

These do not sound like best friends at all. Do not expect anything from them. This is heartless. My best friend had her 1st baby and got married at 18. I went to College. When I had my baby at 34 she was very involved..she is my daughter's godmother. We stayed involved in each other's life even though we were in different stages/places. I think it is very sad that your friends are not excited and happy for you. But I have learned that those kinds of friends are just dead weight...

Posted 3/1/06 11:28 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

Posted by dottiemchugh

The only friend who I have that has a baby and is married lives in FLorida. Chat Icon I'm so glad I can talk to her but wish I had someone close by sometimes too.

A good friend of mine lives in FL too. She has 4 kids 9 years- 10 months. She has been a big help and support through out the pregnancy via emails, phone calls sending me things, etc... I do wish she was closer Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 6:38 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: First out of Friends?

to haev baby the first. whats funny is i was the last to get married. Not by much i eman all my friends got married with 18 months but i was last and now teh first to be pregnanyt but two more freinds have become pregnat since i did.

Posted 3/1/06 7:51 PM

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