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First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

My last month is December....there is NO Way that DH will be able to find the spare time to take an all day class or even a 5 hr class since he works in retail.

SIL says alot of it is common sense (and I think she'll be in the delivery room with us too).

Anyone else not take a lamaze/delivery class?

Posted 9/18/05 6:39 PM
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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

If you plan on having an epidural I wouldn't worry too much about it. I would say they are more important for people who plan a drug free delivery.

Posted 9/18/05 6:41 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I took Lamaze and wished I didnt waste the money. I was a biology major in college and knew what would happen to my body and I read enough about the procedures of labor and the possibilities that the 8 hours and $150 would have been better spent!!

Posted 9/18/05 6:45 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

thanks! I do plan on the epidural.

Karen-you're always a lifesaver! You're like my big LIF sister!

Posted 9/18/05 6:55 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

We're not taking the class either. We don't think it would benefit us.

Posted 9/18/05 7:03 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I did take Lamaze, spent the $150, and it turns out that now I'm most likely having a c-section. But just an FYI thing, my lamaze instructor also offers private classes-type of thing. I have her # in case that might be easier. But really I think plenty of people don't take classes and get through everything just fine.

Posted 9/18/05 7:08 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

oh I appreciate that Melissa but we live in Georgia! I don't think she'll come to see us!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/05 7:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I did take the class and although it was informative and I did learn a few things it definitely wasn't worth the money.

At the hospital the nurses basically tell you how to push and help with breathing techniques so I would save the money and buy Alyson a little something special Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/05 7:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

Hehee, okay, I didn't know that! I've also seen in Fit Pregnancy magazine and epregnancy magazine in the back where the ads are, dvds that you can order that are lamaze classes you can watch at home on your own tv. even though i'm most likely not going to be able to use everything we learned in lamaze since it looks like i'll be having a section, i think watcihng some births and becoming familiar with things is helpful no matter what route you end up going, because it gives you a prelude to what is to come. maybe you can check out the dvds or even take out some books from your library? i'm sure you could also find a lot of helpful info online. hey, i'd even go over some stuff i learned like the exercises and breathing techniques with you online if you wanted me to! just let me know if i can help you in any way!


Posted 9/18/05 7:29 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I didn't and was scared I wouldn't know what to do, but just like someone said, the nurses coach you through it! I had a great delivery thanks to their help!

Posted 9/18/05 9:04 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I didnt take it...sooo many people said it was a waste of money...

Posted 9/18/05 9:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I didn't take it because you needed a husband to go and well he was always flying those nights and I didn't have any family to fill in.

A good L&D nurse can help you with your breathing and if she can't then ask for Staydol or an Epidural and pray it works!

I read enough books to know what to expect and anything extra I really didn't want to know. And out of all my friends most who took the class ended up having Csections and it totally ****** them off because they had their heart set on vaginal after the class and pictured their perfect birth and it didn't happen.

Posted 9/18/05 9:33 PM

Making big changes

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

I refused to spend $150 and have DH take off from work to take a class (losing us even more money), so I ended up not taking a class. I ended up getting the C-section anyway and I had already read up quite a bit on that, so I'm glad that I didn't waste the money.

DH's Aunt had told me that I absolutely HAD to go to a lamaze class or they wouldn't let DH in the delivery room with me, which TERRIFIED me and almost made me end up taking one, but I asked a bunch of people (and the LIF ladies) and was reassured that I didn't have to. Chat Icon

Message edited 9/18/2005 10:46:16 PM.

Posted 9/18/05 10:45 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

Posted by Melbernai

I did take Lamaze, spent the $150, and it turns out that now I'm most likely having a c-section. But just an FYI thing, my lamaze instructor also offers private classes-type of thing. I have her # in case that might be easier. But really I think plenty of people don't take classes and get through everything just fine.

Same thing happened to us. It was a waist of a nice sunday.

Posted 9/19/05 10:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First time moms-to-be..anyone NOT take a clasS?

my sister didnt- she was induced and had an epidural. There were times during her labor- pushing where she was breathing but she was taking breaths too quickly and she said she couldnt breath and needed an oxygen mask. She did fine and delivered a healthy girl.. But I always wondered if the class would have helped her a little....

Posted 9/19/05 10:12 PM

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