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Help! Cat won't let us sleep

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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Help! Cat won't let us sleep kitty is just over a year and he is still waking up everynight!!

He went thru a phase where he stopped then all of a sudden...1, 4 an 5 o'clock he's running around like a lunatic waking and keeping us up.

We can't lock him out of our bedroom cause then all he does is jump at the door which makes more noise.

Any suggeestions??

Posted 9/21/06 1:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 9/05

4947 total posts


Re: Help! Cat won't let us sleep

I have that problem with Chloe. But my problem is that she walks on me at 6am every morning and licks my face...I can't keep her away. I try using a spray bottle....all i have to do is reach for it and she runs away. But for some reason she never learns...I go through this for an hour with her every morning.

Posted 9/21/06 2:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1562 total posts


Re: Help! Cat won't let us sleep

All of our cats have done this at one point or another (we have 5). What we started doing is playing with them before we go to bed.
We use the flashlight/laser on the wall trick or a piece of string that we can control and really really make them play hard. Usually they get tired and sleep through most of the night.

Posted 9/21/06 2:52 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Help! Cat won't let us sleep

My cats did this too until they were just over a year. Give them time, I swear he will calm down and then sleep 23 hrs / day! Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/06 4:27 PM

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