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How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

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She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

I mean- do I tell him what I want for maternity leave- do I ask what the policy is? How does it work? I'm at a small firm and I KNOW there is no set policy (I had a spy do some digging). What I want is 12 weeks off- paid or unpaid- i dont care (Ideally paid- but I understand). I'm more concerned with the time.


Posted 11/8/05 1:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

Well I don't really have that problem, because my FH is my boss. But if I had to do it, I would approach it as a question. If there is no set policy then see if maybe he asks what you would like. Or better yet, maybe see what he would offer so you don't low ball it and say 12 when maybe he would offer 16. Good Luck!

Posted 11/8/05 1:35 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

I don't think I'm low balling it- when asked they said they thought it was 4 weeks, but weren't sure... so I don't think 12 will be lowballing...

Posted 11/8/05 1:37 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

Your best bet is to be straight forward - Or at least it was for me. I planned what I wanted to say ahead of time - the time off I wanted, working from home a few days a week, about $$ - It helped to have an idea of wanted, and what I was willing to/or not willing to negotiate on.

What you should ask - Are you paying for or are covered under short term disability? That will give you 6 weeks of paid time off. Usually it isn't 100 % of your salary, but it's close.
Second, you should ask if your office falls under FMLA - Which it sounds like it does not. These things will help you determine what you should ask for, and what to expect.

Hope this helps!

Message edited 11/8/2005 1:58:01 PM.

Posted 11/8/05 1:57 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

I know we don't fall under the FMLA- we are under 50 employees.

Posted 11/8/05 1:59 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

Errr I told my boss by nearly passing out one day at work... OOPS. Not exactly the way I would have planned for her to learn!

I think you should ask first, and if the response seems unreasonable make requests. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised...

Posted 11/8/05 2:11 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

Unfortunatley, we don't fall under the FMLA either. A law firm I worked at 5 years ago put together our policy handbook here last year when someone was pregnant that they did not want to return. She wanted 3 months off, unpaid and while she was on maternity leave...they mailed her a letter saying she could reapply but her position was no longer available. Crappy - but legal. I think we are only guaranteed our job for a few weeks, maybe 4, and 6 for a c section. And it is all unpaid.

Posted 11/8/05 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

Posted by Shellyesq

I know we don't fall under the FMLA- we are under 50 employees.

You may still qualify for the 6 weeks of short term disability. It can be stretched out to 8 weeks w/a doctors note.

Posted 11/8/05 2:25 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

For me, he knew I was going through IUIs and infertility testing/ I told him right away when I was just newly PG. Basically I just walked in his office and said " worked! I'm pregnant!" and he threw his fist in the air and said "YESSSS!!" and then said "Can I tell my wife?" It was pretty funny. He's about my Dad's age and had 3 kids around my age so I have a pretty good relationship with him. he was happy for me and DH Chat Icon

Message edited 11/8/2005 2:36:18 PM.

Posted 11/8/05 2:35 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

My boss was meeting with me to tell me that I was getting a promotion b/c a colleague of mine had gone out on maternity leave and would be returning to a different department. I had planned on waiting a few more weeks, but told him then so that I could manage the expectations of what I could accomplish in the time I had remaining unitl I gave birth.

He asked me what I was thinking about in terms of maternity leave. I said that I'd planned on coming back at the end of 3 months, but since I didn't qualify for FMLA I wasn't sure how the company felt. He told me that they'd hold my job for me even though for insurance purposes they had to terminate my employment and then I'd have to be rehired as a new employee again.

I ended up deciding not to come back, and I told them that before the 6 weeks disability ran out.

Posted 11/8/05 2:40 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: How did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

I walked into my bosses office and told her that I was pregnat- she was really happy and supportive - She is a general counsel and works part-time and has 2 kids and she really supports working mothers and trys to accomodate them in their schedule.
She told about maternity leave/and disability and even said that she was willing to approve some personal time off - which made me so happy - i didn't even have to ask her. Of course as time is getting closer (due in February) I will speak with her again about personal leave and having my job secured for when i get back - but overall I was surprised at how supportive she was of the whole idea -
She spent an hour talking to me in her office about her experience and her children and gave me some advice which was really nice.

Posted 11/8/05 3:22 PM

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