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March mommies: How are you doing?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


March mommies: How are you doing?

Last week's appt I was at 2 centimeters but the dr said that doesn't mean anything. I could deliver that week or the next.
I have another appt at the end of the week, hoping to make a little more progress. Me and DH are getting very anxious to meet our new little one. I've had a few contractions here and there but nothing consistant.Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 4:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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All good things in 2016!!

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Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

I'm just a big cramp. Lost my mucus plug Thursday but that didn't do anything :( Have another internal tomorrow so I'm hoping that helps things along. We are really anxious to meet our little girl. I ended work last week when my plug came out. I love being home. Furniture get delivered tomorrow.............Hope everyone is well.......

Posted 2/27/06 4:06 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

I'm due on Saturday! I stopped working 2 weeks ago so I've been doing nothing, but waiting! I lost my mucous plug 2 weeks ago and have been feeling really crampy and having irregular contractions since then. i went to the doctor today and i am 1 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and the baby's head is still up high. I was 2 cm 2 weeks ago. Chat Icon If I don't have the baby by next Monday I am scheduled for a NST and sonogram. Hoping that he gets here before then! My doctors don't induce until you are 2 weeks late and I don't want to wait that long!

{{{{{{{{{{{labor vibes}}}}}}}}}}}} to all the March mommies!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 5:59 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

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Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

Well technically I am a feb mom to be.. I am due 2morrow and just came home from the doctor and nothing. I have another appt Friday if I do not go before that and I will then be induced.. i have not lost my plug that I know of,, But I too am very crampy and crazy contractions..
I have been out of work almost a month and i love it but now I am getting a little stir crazy.. i want to meet her already..
Good Luck all...Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 6:11 PM

I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

1809 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

I am due 3/7 and tomorrow I go to the doctor-last week I was 1 cm and effacing "nicely". I HOPE there is some good news tomorrow. Today was my first day home and I was out and about--I just can't sit still and I think movement will make him come sooner!Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 6:16 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

Posted by bean

I am due 3/7 and tomorrow I go to the doctor-last week I was 1 cm and effacing "nicely". I HOPE there is some good news tomorrow. Today was my first day home and I was out and about--I just can't sit still and I think movement will make him come sooner!Chat Icon

Everyday I go for a long walk and still nothing. lol

Posted 2/27/06 10:09 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

Posted by mable

Posted by bean

I am due 3/7 and tomorrow I go to the doctor-last week I was 1 cm and effacing "nicely". I HOPE there is some good news tomorrow. Today was my first day home and I was out and about--I just can't sit still and I think movement will make him come sooner!Chat Icon

Everyday I go for a long walk and still nothing. lol

me too. my doctor actually suggested that I not try to walk. she said the only thing it will do is make you tired. of course i don't listen. i'l try anything to get him out! Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 11:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

220 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

As of friday I'm 3cm 80% effaced, with no regular contractions. The baby is aprox 8lbs 12oz! I'm scheduled to get induced friday morning (because of the GD) if she doesn't come before then!

Posted 2/27/06 11:36 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

so friday may be the day for both of us.. woohoo.. Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 11:37 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

Still sealed up as of last weeks appointment Chat Icon Other than that, tired, and anxious to meet our little Princess Chat Icon Maybe some changes will be at this weeks appointment.

Posted 2/28/06 8:01 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

Doing ok, not due until the 14th, last Dr. appt there was nothing really going on... going again thursday... just tired and feel like a house.

Posted 2/28/06 9:29 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

276 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

I'm due on friday. I went to the dr thursday and nothing. I've been 1-2cm and 80% effaced for the last three weeks. I just started last night with stronger cramping. I lost my plug (at least we thought I did) 2-3 weeks ago. She is measuring to be 7-5. we can't wait to meet our little girl.Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 9:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

308 total posts


Re: March mommies: How are you doing?

My due date was 2/22, that has come and gone and I am still here.....Had a non stress test yesterday, having contractions but not dilated or effaced AT ALL!!!!!!!!!! I am scheduled to be induced on Friday - I was hoping it didnt have to come to that :(

Posted 2/28/06 3:00 PM

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