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NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

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Member since 6/05

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NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

I didnt want to hijack Dm24angels thread but something T said made me remember I wanted to share this. They really are so wonderful there and make me feel like a person, not a customer, like at that other place.

On Wednesday when I went for my repeat beta I stopped to see the IVF nurse with a question first. Well she didn't have to look at my chart or even ask my name. She said weren't you suppose to come tomorrow? I told her yes but I felt there was no purpose avoiding the inevitble. She REMEMBERED that my beta was 13.

Then she spent some time talking to me about how thorough my doctor is and how he knows our charts thoroughly, even if he does come off too serious sometimes.

Anyway, just wanted to share.

Posted 6/17/06 11:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

Is this the nurse with the reddish hair?

I LOVE her. She remembered me after my first visit. She has a great sense of humor too.

Despite it's size and the number of patients they have, and I'm sure more after this postChat Icon , they act as if you are the only one.

I often pass on my compliments to Dr. Rosenfeld as he is the director. If I was in charge, I would want to know both good and bad. Just so he doesn't think I'm like that about everything I told him my previous experience at another RE. He didn't comment but the fact that he said I was on the wrong meds and it was an outdated protocol from the 70's (hello, I'm from the 70's) was answer enough for me.

BTW: When I was in for my IVF consult with Dr. Chu the other day she was checking through my chart and said, "Now did you have the "blank" test? I said, yes, and she said, oh, yes, I should have known it was in here. Dr. Rosenfeld is meticulously thorough. He really does know the charts by heart. Next time I might quiz him on my birthdayChat Icon

Message edited 6/17/2006 12:15:24 PM.

Posted 6/17/06 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

I can add a million examples as well.

The red haired nurse is Kathy R .... She calls to give me my medication protocol...She has met me once and knows all about me. SHE never rushes me off the phone, I usually have to tell HER that I have to go...LOL

The nurses are always complimenting me on my hair or perfume or outfit, they take the TIME to speak to you.....

And Dr. Chu is like one of my best friends now. The other day she made sure she wasnt late cause she knew I had to be at work early.

I have to say whatever they are doing there , they are doing it RIGHT. I truly LOVE how they treat people, and after over 25 visits o far there, have never had a complaint.

I could go on for HOURS about that "other place" and the complete WORLD of difference between the two.

Not to mention the one or two times its been busy there have been 1/3 of the time I spent at my previous clinic. I used to spend at least 1-3 hours there for a simple sono....At NSUH Im in and out each time.

Posted 6/17/06 12:30 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

my nurse is Carole F. I think each doc might have his/her own nurses. I also love the nurse Jasmine (the really tan one) actually all of them are great.

They are so much more organized. I can count on being out in 20 minutes for blood and sono with an MD, the other place no exageration, never less than an hour and usually closer to 2.

I have told my MD how much better it is as well. And I can tell you how serious they take our comments. Once I mentioned that a nurse hadnt told me something, he actually left to go correct her and then came back. I felt so bad, but he was like dont, we have to do things right. Chat Icon The other place could have cared less.

So how long are you usually there for an IUI?

Posted 6/17/06 12:43 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

193 total posts


Re: NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

I am so glad I switched from 'the other place' as well! I have been to NSUH three times, and never had to wait. Dr. Rosenfeld knew my information without even glancing at the chart. I am looking forward to meeting Dr. Chu at the end of the week.

Posted 6/19/06 3:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2638 total posts


Re: NSUH rave to avoid a hijack

Everyone at that office is really nice and patient. Dr. Rosenfeld will be doing my Lapro, and I'm so gald he makes me feel comfortable.

Posted 6/21/06 9:01 PM

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