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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06 62 total posts
Name: Teresa
I have my regular Gyno apt tomorrow! I want to come off the pill. I know I should ask for Pre Nat Vit. and also I think I am suppose to get my blood tested before TTC to make sure I am up on my vaccines! Does anyone know what they will test for? And will my Dr give me the Rx for these test? Sorry for all these questions new here! TIA!
Posted 4/5/06 9:32 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Pre TTC GYN Apt
i just had mine monday and she pretty much just asked me a bunch of questions (especially about prescriptions i take) and told me to add a 400mg folic acid supplement to my regular mutli-vitamin. i think i'm also going to schedule a physical.
Posted 4/5/06 9:36 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Pre TTC GYN Apt
When I went for my pre TTC visit, my doctor took a more detailed history, told me to start over the counter prenatals and then just did a normal exam. I never had any blood work done until I started charting and noticing I had a short Luteal Phase. He put me on Rx Prenatals once I conceived.
Best wishes for a short stay   
Message edited 4/5/2006 9:42:52 PM.
Posted 4/5/06 9:41 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Pre TTC GYN Apt
Lots of luck TTC! I never had any blood work done, only a Question & Answer history of my cycles and a prescription for pre natals given. My GYN did do an internal exam which was part of the visit
Posted 4/6/06 7:59 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 538 total posts
Name: Paula
Re: Pre TTC GYN Apt
The only reason I had blood work done was because after my sister had multiple miscarriages she had just found out that she had a genetic blood disorder that was causing her to miscarry. I told my doctor and she tested me for the same thing right away. Otherwise, I would not have had any blood tests. I just had to start taking Precare Conceive vitamins.
Good Luck to you!!!
Posted 4/6/06 11:35 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Pre TTC GYN Apt
My pre TTc visit, like others said was full of questions, and vitamins, but since we have a blood disease in our family, I was tested for that (thalsemmia). I was also tested for cystic fibrosis, while they were sticking me anyways.
Posted 4/6/06 3:13 PM |
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