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How much cereal and formula to give 4 month old baby?

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


How much cereal and formula to give 4 month old baby?

Julia started Cereal this week and i've been giving her a tblsp to a tblsp half mixed in with some formula (for breakfast and lunch or dinner - and she still manages to drink a 6-7 oz bottle.

Is this too much??

I thought they were supposed to drink less formula when eating cereal?

Another question: When did you start to give them cereal + bottle 3 times a day?

Thanks so much.

edited for spelling.

Message edited 6/24/2006 1:13:28 PM.

Posted 6/24/06 1:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: How much cereal and formula to give 4 month old baby?

I'm still trying to figure it out as well. Right now Roman is getting a 6 oz bottle when he wakes up then cereal and a 6 oz bottle at day care. Throughout the day he has approx. 4 more bottles and cereal at night time with a 6 oz bottle. He's been doing this for about 1 week. Not sure about the three times a day question.

Posted 6/24/06 3:55 PM

We love summer!

Member since 5/05

1063 total posts


Re: How much cereal and formula to give 4 month old baby?

I started rice cereal when Sofia was 4 1/2 mos- 1st week it was 1 tbls rice/4 tbls formula, then the 2nd week went onto rice oatmeal (same deal 1x/day) and now she gets 2 tbls rice or oatmeal 2x/day (i eyeball the formula now). She just started stage1 veggies so that is given 1x/day along with the rice. in terms of bottles my ped said make sure she gets 28 ozs of formula in 24 hr pd (no less).
Also, she drinks 5 6oz bottles/day (sometimes more) plus whatever formula i use for the rice cereal

Message edited 6/24/2006 4:27:45 PM.

Posted 6/24/06 4:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: How much cereal and formula to give 4 month old baby?

I got this from my Ped

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Message edited 6/24/2006 6:06:53 PM.

Posted 6/24/06 5:54 PM

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