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Question about hcg trigger

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

175 total posts


Question about hcg trigger

yesterday, i had an 18mm follicle and i took the trigger shot...

24 hours later (this morning) i went in for the iui and i had already released the follicle!!!

what if i o'd yesterday right after the shot and then did not have the iui until 24 hours later??? my egg was probably gone!!

now i am second guessing the timing of the iui.

any thoughts?

Posted 10/15/05 8:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question about hcg trigger

What confirmed the release of the follie? a Sono?

Posted 10/15/05 8:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

175 total posts


Re: Question about hcg trigger

yes, it was there friday morning and gone this morning...the doc said it was probably released early this morning, but i think she was just trying to make me feel better.

i can't believe i released so soon after the trigger...most research says iui 36 hours after the shot is ideal....if i had waited THAT long i DEFINITELY would have missed it!!!

Posted 10/15/05 9:04 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Question about hcg trigger

did you BD right after you took the trigger?

Posted 10/15/05 9:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

175 total posts


Re: Question about hcg trigger

no because they told us to abstain for two days prior to the iui...

Posted 10/16/05 7:37 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Question about hcg trigger

Does your dh have low sperm count ? Why did you have to abstain ?

Also why were you given a hcg trigger shot ??? Don't you usually ovulate on your own ???? What RE are you going to ?

I am very saddened by the lack of consideration a lot of these clinics are giving their patients. They are not educating them properly and blindly leading them to do things that aren't exactly in their best interest.

The hcg trigger shot is for a woman who has a hard time with LH. Their LH level never reaches high enough for ovulation to occur. A lot of patients with pcos need trigger shots etc. Since you conceived naturally, I am not sure you have LH issues. I am very curious why they gave you that trigger shot with a 18mm follie. Did they take your blood the day of the sono, to see if your bloodwork showed a surge the day before the IUI ???They had time to monitor you to see if you would have ovulated on your own.

You should not abstain from bding if you are doing an IUI , unless...sperm count is a factor. In fact, 25 million sperm has the highest IUI success rate. So a man who hasn't bded in a few days with good sperm count may be way over that. Having a sperm count of let's say 50 million is as good as a sperm count of 10 that case....

Sorry for writing so much but it's something that has been frustrating me greatly.

On the other hand. You probably ovulated during the night.....and that egg can live from 12-24 hours....and you have a great chance of catching it !!!

Message edited 10/16/2005 7:56:25 PM.

Posted 10/16/05 7:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

175 total posts


Re: Question about hcg trigger

Posted by redstar

Does your dh have low sperm count ? Why did you have to abstain ?

Also why were you given a hcg trigger shot ??? Don't you usually ovulate on your own ???? What RE are you going to ?

I am very saddened by the lack of consideration a lot of these clinics are giving their patients. They are not educating them properly and blindly leading them to do things that aren't exactly in their best interest.

The hcg trigger shot is for a woman who has a hard time with LH. Their LH level never reaches high enough for ovulation to occur. A lot of patients with pcos need trigger shots etc. Since you conceived naturally, I am not sure you have LH issues. I am very curious why they gave you that trigger shot with a 18mm follie. Did they take your blood the day of the sono, to see if your bloodwork showed a surge the day before the IUI ???They had time to monitor you to see if you would have ovulated on your own.

You should not abstain from bding if you are doing an IUI , unless...sperm count is a factor. In fact, 25 million sperm has the highest IUI success rate. So a man who hasn't bded in a few days with good sperm count may be way over that. Having a sperm count of let's say 50 million is as good as a sperm count of 10 that case....

Sorry for writing so much but it's something that has been frustrating me greatly.

On the other hand. You probably ovulated during the night.....and that egg can live from 12-24 hours....and you have a great chance of catching it !!!

i go to liivf. last iui, dh's count was even lower than we had thought - 750,000 unwashed. so we abstained before this iui and it brought his count up to 40 million unwashed.

i was given the trigger because the doctor (not my doc, but the one that was on call that day) said that it both helps boost progesterone and also helps to better time the iui because you are supposed to o 36 hrs. after the shot...but i o'd less that 24 hours after the shot and i have no idea of knowing exactly when. i could have o'd 10 minutes after the shot and then my egg was gone by the time i had the iui 24 hours later...i am so sad...

they took my blood on thursday and i showed a very slight lh rising and my follicle was at 15, i went in on friday (i got a peak reading on my monitor that morning so i told them i was surging), they did the sono - my follicle was at 18mm so they scheduled me for an iui the next morning. they did not do blood on friday because i told them i was surging and my follicle was so big - there was no need for bloodwork. the only mistake i think they made was giving me the shot because i think it made me o too fast possibly missing the iui - i definitely would have o'd on my own!!

by the way, on saturday after the iui when the doc checked to see if my follicle had released, she seemed happy that it was gone. she said, "great, you probably o'd sometime this morning which means your egg is in the perfect position in the tube right now." but how does she know that i did not ovulate the day before and missed the whole thing????...i am so disappointed...Chat Icon

Posted 10/17/05 7:48 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Question about hcg trigger

Well don't be disappointed. Usually ovulation occurs overnight when the body is at rest. :) The egg was probably there :)

Many people get pregnant by bding the AM after O. That's why the recommend to do that.

Another thing I noticed about the fertility monitor is that I get the first Peak reading, usually on my O day.

Message edited 10/17/2005 9:00:48 AM.

Posted 10/17/05 8:59 AM

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