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Hi Mommies- Just wondering how your pets reacted to bringing home baby...

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Member since 5/05

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Hi Mommies- Just wondering how your pets reacted to bringing home baby...

Especailly your dogs.
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I'm wondering how my little Rudy is going to deal with not getting all the attention.Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/05 4:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Hi Mommies- Just wondering how your pets reacted to bringing home baby...


Bob brought a blankie home from the hospital that the baby had been sleeping in. They all sniffed it with some interest, but Angel was all over it.

Sadly, only as of late have we been having "issues" with Angel. She gets jealous/mad when the baby touches her toys (and the baby is preoccopied constantly by the dogs toys) and Angel has "snapped" (not bitten, not barked but snapped) at the baby. We've tried correcting her, we're in the process of putting her into training but the end result I feel will be that we have to find Angel a new home. She's just too jealous and while it hasn't happened that often (maybe 2x), it's still a problem and there is no room for negotiation when it comes to the babies safety. Sprinkles on the other hand, is like my Mother's little helper. She's always checking on the baby, cuddling/kissing the baby, goes in her room and sleeps under the crib when the baby is sleeping, etc. She has really bonded well with Amber. Angel is a very needy dog and reminds me of a small child mentality wise. Very selfish and very clingy. But again, I'm not going to go there if she poses ANY risk around the baby. I wish the baby would leave her stuff alone because there wasn't a problem until the baby started picking up the dogs things. I don't get why a gummed up disgusting plastic bone is more fascinating than the house full of toys she hasChat Icon

Posted 9/13/05 5:37 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Hi Mommies- Just wondering how your pets reacted to bringing home baby...

DH decided he wanted a dog when I was pg, so I set some ground rules from the beginning. I personally don't believe in treating pets as if they are human, which is why he's not allowed on any furniture. He has his dog bed in our room and huge pillow on the floor in the living room. If there are habits/behavior you want to stop, start now before the baby comes.

Before I came home, DH brought the baby's blanket to him so he can smell it. When I went home, I went in first and greeted him. Then we brought in the baby, put carseat on the floor and let Dexter smell him. So far Dexter has been great around the baby. He usually doesn't even pay attention to the baby. There are times when he gets jealous and tries to get some attention. We try to do things with him one on one like playing in the yard, going for walks, etc.... When we are hanging out in the living room with the baby, we'll call Dexter over and have him sit near us.

Posted 9/13/05 8:05 PM

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