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How much formula does your 6 mos old

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How much formula does your 6 mos old

drink in a 24 hr period????

Ever since we introduced solid DD only drinks about 22-24 ounces at most and I am concerned that she isn't drinking enough. Up until she started solids she never reached the 40 oz mark/day- typically she would have 5 6oz bottles and now with solids in the mix she only takes about 3-4 6oz bottles. Her solids are as follows:

6am- 6 oz bottle
9am- 3 tbl rice oatmeal/cereal (mixed w/1 oz formula) and 6 oz bottle
12ish- 2 whole containers of babyfood (Stage 1- usually a veg & a fruit) and 3 oz formula
bet 3ish-4ish 3-4oz bottle
bet 6ish-7ish 4-5oz bottle & 2 tbl rice oatmeal/cereal (mixed with 1 oz formula)

Is this about average for her age or do other babies still take more milk??


Posted 7/24/06 8:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My munchkins

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5010 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

olivia has a bottle at 6:30 5.5 oz
9:30 2 tbsp of oatmeal mixed with bm and 2 tbsp of fruit then remaining bottle usually 4 oz

12:30 6 oz bottle

3:30 veggies 2-3 tbsp and 2 tbsp of fruit with 4 oz of bottle

6:30 5.5 oz bottle - sometimes i give 2 tbsp of veggies depends i switch around between the 3:30 and 6:30 for veggie and fruits

8:30-9 pm bedtime 5 oz sometimes she takes the whole thing.

Posted 7/24/06 9:41 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

At 6 mos the same thing happened with my son. He went from 32 oz per day to 24 oz per day. 6 four oz bottle per day. Ped said it was fine. Now, my son is 8 mos, and for the past few days he's been drinking even less formulaChat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 9:50 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

Jacob will be 7 months next week and i would say he drinks about 24 oz a day of formula. I really dont count, and I just feed him kinda whenever. I dont stick to a schedule.

Posted 7/24/06 9:56 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

less....she gets about 1 1/2 -2 oz in her cereal 2 times a day, then she'll take the rest of that bottle which is 7 oz. Sometimes she leaves as much as 2 oz over too.

Posted 7/25/06 8:44 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

Sydney drinks 20 ozs a day - 4 5 oz bottles and the ped said that is great.

Posted 7/25/06 11:05 AM

We love summer!

Member since 5/05

1063 total posts


Re: How much formula does your 6 mos old

Posted by pugmama

Sydney drinks 20 ozs a day - 4 5 oz bottles and the ped said that is great.

This is a relief to hear!

Posted 7/25/06 12:03 PM

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