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What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

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Chase is one!

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What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

I'm just curious about what you do all day day (or did all day) with your newborn?

Posted 8/6/06 10:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

good post!Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/06 10:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

My DD is 8 weeks old and still sleeps a lot so we don't do much except eat and change diapers. I put her on her floor gym a couple times a day, we listen to music and dance, I read books with colorful pictures and I talk to her a lot. I feel like I have to stimulate her during her every waking hour but I'm realizing she likes to chill in her swing by herself too.

Posted 8/6/06 11:38 PM

My Everything

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

God in the beginning I thought I might die (I forget how old Ava is). I had so many BFing issues and I was so determined to do it that I spent all day inside tied to the pump. She also had the AR so bad that I basically had to hold her ALL day. There was no putting her down so I learned to use the laptop while holding a sleeping or nursing baby Chat Icon Chat Icon
After a while I would go to playgroups that my friend with older babies/kids had, visit my mom and that's probably about it. I just wasnt' good at getting out with her.
3 months was better but 6 months was a world of difference. It was so much easier to play with her.
At home when she was really little I would do tummy time and use the play mat or the bouncy. We joined Music Together when she was 3 months old so that was something fun to do once a week.
Now that its summer we have a pretty busy schedule. Mondays is baby playgroup. Tuesdays and Thursday I work so those are usually at home days. Wednesday we go swimming and Friday is mixed playgroup. I have to get out or i really start to lose it.

Posted 8/6/06 11:45 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

My DS is 9 weeks old and still sleeps alot. Its my 3rd kid, you'd think I would worry less but I dont. I always think Im not doing enough with him and he's bored so he has no choice but the sleep. LMAO...sounds silly now that I see it in print but I guess Im hypersensitive to that amount of time I can devote to him with 2 other young kids underfoot. Mainly I hold him when hes awake, talk to him, put him on the floor under his playgym, shake a few toys in front of him...he has a very short attention span and tolerance level right now being so small so the "play time" is very limited. He mainly loves being held and cuddled. I love when my older 2 are asleep at night and I can just cuddle him on the bed for awhile.

Posted 8/7/06 12:37 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

When Noah was 5 weeks old we NEEDED to get out of the house, even though it was february!!! We started going out to anything with BABY in the description, babygroups, baby cinema, and what really helped me get through was a Breast Feeding Support Group that I found through the hospital where Noah was born. It really helped me to realize that there were other things to do besides sit home and cry!!!
Now I have seen that our local Starbucks has a baby group also, I should really go to that...

I am a HUGE advocate of getting out there and meeting other Mommies...its a total lifesaver!!!

When we were at home we would talk to each other, lay on the sofa together, I would hold him...thats why I had to get out of the house!

Posted 8/7/06 3:11 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Mainly I stared at them for 3 months, visited my sister, my mom, my MIL.

For the most part, I felt like I only fed them for 3 months. I know I actually did more than that but it didn't feel like I did much else. My sister came over when Joseph was about a week old & said "Don't you feel like you're supposed to be teaching him something?" I laughed and said "Yes."

This first few months, the focus is adjusting to their new atmosphere. Breathing, eating, pooping and communicating and moving. I did do the "Teach Your Baby To Read" program when they were a little bit older. It was pretty amazing to see how excited they were when I'd pull out the cards. It only lasted a few months though -while I have the best intentions, I have poor follow-up skills.Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 6:20 AM

where's winter?

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Message edited 2/8/2007 1:10:57 PM.

Posted 8/7/06 7:37 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Not a whole lot! she's 10 weeks and we spend alot of our time nursing, then some changing diapers, very little of it napping (she's not a day sleeper). I put her down on her play gym a couple of times a day which she absolutely loves. When it's not ungodly hot I was taking a walk once a day with the stroller. Sometimes if I'm feeling adventurous we got out in the afternoon and run an errand. That's about it. The times flies and Daddy is home and I'm never sure exactly where the day went.

Posted 8/7/06 10:28 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

I did a lot. I live in the city so I woudl walk around. My sister has a 1 year old and we would get together and go to the park. At first, I would just leave her in her infant carrier. I went to New Mother's luncheons in the city and walked around. At a babystore near my house I met some women and joined a playgroup. We would get together once a week at the park or in someone's house if it was raining or too hot.

Posted 8/7/06 10:40 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

DS will be 4 months next week and I feel like I also am suppose to do more things with him but their is only so much they can do. I feed him, sit and talk with him and try to come up with silly words with each letter of the alphabet to get to him to smile, he likes his bouncy seat because it has a mobile and he stares at it, sometimes he goes in the swing and we do tummy time on his gym mate. He doesnt really like to be held to much but when I do hold him I enjoy it so much. I try to get out of the house at least 3 times a week. We go to the mall or food shopping or just window shopping. I actually purposely buy DS's formula to last me only a week because I am then gaureented a day out. Up until he was 6 weeks old I did nothing but nurse him and watch tv. He nursed every 1.5 hours and it would take 45 minutes to eat. We didn't go much unless it was a necessity because he hated the carseat and anything that was related to the car.

Posted 8/7/06 11:18 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

When EMily was younger we would try to get out for walks. She was born in October so basically any day that wasn't too cold in October or November we'd go for a walk, even if it was just around the block. I would also play with little toys with her ... trying to get her to touch them and hold them and I'd describe the different textures and colors to her. I would read her books and just talk about our day. I would sit on my bed with her between my legs or put her on the bed on the boppy and I'd sit on the floor beside her to do tummy time since she prefered it that way. We started doing the play mat around 3 months but she didn't really start getting the hang of it until closer to 4.

Posted 8/7/06 11:23 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Just hang at home, play, go shopping with Grandma, go to my folks house, have family over, go boating, nurse Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 2:01 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

I play with him, sing to him and talk to hm alot. He is still nursing every 1-3 hours, so thats a big chunk of the day. He loves his play mat and his baby papasan chair. I bring him out for walks if its not too hot and we run errands. I visit my mom too.

Posted 8/7/06 3:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

He still sleeps so much so when he has awake time I talk to him constantly. We also play on the floor alot, I read to him, we sing and dance. He also loves watching Baby Einstein and going for car rides. We also go for walks around the backyard and around the neighborhood. He loves feeling the wind on his face and looking at his surroundings.

Posted 8/7/06 3:24 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Posted by racheeeee

what really helped me get through was a Breast Feeding Support Group that I found through the hospital where Noah was born. It really helped me to realize that there were other things to do besides sit home and cry!!!

Forgot to mention we do this as well. There is a great BF support group through South Nassau Community hospital that meets every 2 weeks that Ellie and I got to and we've met several moms and babies this way.

Posted 8/7/06 4:39 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What did you/do you do all day with your newborn?

Bump for ThreeCatsChat Icon

Posted 8/10/06 12:13 PM

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