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SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

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Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

I have heard that it can bring on labor and is safe to do so long as water is not broken... Any one tried this and went into labor shortly afterward?

Posted 3/22/06 5:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

Oh you poor girl! I cant believe you're still here and your little baby just doesn't want to come out yet!

I've heard sex can help but I havent had top try it yet. I heard walking can help too and then there is that recipe for spicy something-or-other (I forgot...) that is supposed to work.

Have you talked to your dr about helping things along? You must be so anxious to have this little baby!

Posted 3/22/06 5:37 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

DH said we shall take a walk in a few... We are anxious to meet her Chat Icon All is well with her and I, she is just taking her dear sweet time Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/06 5:46 PM

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Member since 8/05

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

I had a friend that we thought went into labor early b/c of this so that's one case where I think it worked.

Posted 3/22/06 7:52 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

I tried it all after I was 4 days late.. I think because I ran myself rugged the night before I went into labor it helped..
2 things I was going to do if I hadn't gone into laboor.. I heard nachoes w/ cheese like you get at the movies or baseball games helps since it is hot and spicy.. I also heard the blooming onion from outback helps..
I tried the eggplant, sex, etc and nothing worked.. try the spicy food.. and good luck

Posted 3/22/06 7:54 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

i swear I went into labor after being adjusted by my chiropractor. I know it's not on topic but I figure you're just looking for anything at this point, you poor thing.

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eta. She's already coming home late...I say you ground her.

Message edited 3/22/2006 9:18:07 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 9:16 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

I've heard it's not actually sex itself, but something in sperm that can help bring on labor. Not sure of all the facts though.

Posted 3/22/06 9:36 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: SEX - Labor Starting? TMI

Haha Michele is about to try anything!! Supposedly the whole reason to have it is to let the semen soak into the cervix because it contains prostaglandins, a hormone that softens the cervix.......tried it hubby was happy, didn't work for me LOL!!

Posted 3/23/06 7:30 AM

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