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What are the first steps?

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Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


What are the first steps?

DH and I will start trying in the spring. I am a little nervous. I am 32 and the women in my family have all gone through menapause extremely early (my mom was 38). This is making me worry about my fertility level. I am going to my DR in a few weeks and wanted to know if you could help with questions that I should ask and/or tests that I can have done to check this out.

This is all so new to me I don't know where to begin.

Posted 10/20/05 1:59 PM
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Re: What are the first steps?

Hi Heidi!

Let me start by saying I am FAR from an expert on the boards. If you've been lurking you've probably seen that Deb G and Michelle (redstar) are our resident experts!!

But for my two cents:

Start charting your BBT & pay attention to your ovulation signs (CM, etc.)

Keep track of your cycles so you are armed with information when you go to the DR.

Have as much info as you can about your, your mom's and DH's history - the doctor will probably run some bloodwork on you to see where you stand now.

And buy Taking Charge of your Fertility - it's become the "TTC Bible" for many of us.

Hope that helps! Welcome to the boards and good luck!! Baby dust for the spring!!

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Posted 10/20/05 3:17 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


Re: What are the first steps?

Thank you so much for the advice!!!

Posted 10/20/05 3:55 PM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: What are the first steps?

welcome and much baby dust to you!

Lauren gave you some really good advice but I also have to mention one thing - please have your FSH tested on day 3. You mention that your mom had menopause early, and you should find out if that's happening to you.
FSH Blood Level Measurement
This is the key test to determine whether or not you are in menopause. A sample of your blood is taken to measure the levels of FSH -- follicle stimulating hormone -- in your blood. Because your FSH levels rise when your ovaries stop producing enough estrogen, high FSH levels can signal that your body is entering menopause.

Normal FSH day 3 value is 3-20 mlU/ml
FSH levels above 10 to 12 mlu/ml indicate that your ovaries are starting to fail. In other words, this means that you are in perimenopause -- the beginning stages of menopause when you notice physical symptoms, but before you have stopped having a period for a year, or have "diminished ovarian reserve"
Higher FSH levels -- levels about 30 to 40 or above -- are usually taken to signal menopause or ovarian failure. You may even be getting periods with your FSH levels this high, but it still is a sign that your body isn't producing enough estrogen to maintain regular ovarian function.

Posted 10/20/05 3:57 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: What are the first steps?

sounds like you have gotten wonderful advice already. I don't think you can ever start charting and temping too early and learn about your body. And remember, any questions you have, there are extremely knowledgeable women on this board!

Posted 10/20/05 6:04 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: What are the first steps?

I agree with all the ladies :) I would temp, chart, and get a bunch of hormones tested. FSH, Estradoil (estrogen), LH, Prolactin, TSH(thyroid), T3(thyroid), and T4(thyroid) and glucose. They seem to be the most important ones. You can get progesterone tested 7 days after you believe you have ovulated, to confirm ovulation :)

Posted 10/20/05 6:29 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


Re: What are the first steps?

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Thanks to you all!!! I guess I just have been feeling a little lost and nervous. Now at least I have some idea of where to start and what to ask!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/05 7:04 PM

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Re: What are the first steps?

I agree to get all the tests (especially the FSH based on family history) but know that you should get the FSH tested more than once. One month my SIL had her level at 13 (NOT GOOD) and then the next month it was down to 6. Don't let a first number freak you out too much.

OOH and TTC or Taking Chargy of your fertility (TCoYF) it taught me WONDERS about my body!

Posted 10/20/05 7:07 PM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

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Re: What are the first steps?

just wanted to add maybe start taking folic acid 1x a day and GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Posted 10/22/05 10:35 AM

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