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Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

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Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

Im start to plan (or at least starting to think about planning)

Ryans 1st b-day....

I know we are having it in my parents huge backyard, and will need tents, table and chairs (anyone know a good place in suffolk)

I am gonna BBQ (hot dogs, and hamburgers) then also do hero, wings, french fries, mac & pot. salad, chips n dips..etc... (Is there anything else I should have?)

Ryans b-day is 9/30- it falls on a sat. Should I have the party on his actual b-day?? Or should I have it like 2 weeks before (thinking it will be a littler warmer) and then on his actualy b-day just have my parents, and IL's here for cake???

Also- I would like to have some kinda theme... He isnt really to into anything... He has a fav. stuffed animal which is a I was thinking of doing a dalmation theme... (but not sure how easy it would be to find that stuff) He also likes I could go that way too...

I am not having a DJ... but will be having a cotton candy machine, and I will have a volleyball net set up... but what else could I have for the kids (there really wont be that many, and my parents do, have a swing set/club house) Should I get a character (what do they run $$$ wise? and can anyone recommend a company)

ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated

Message edited 6/8/2006 4:15:05 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 3:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

I am having my boys on thier actual birthday, but mine are in august. I think the day of is a nice idea.

D'Angleis in Sayville rents all that type of stuff.

I would not recommend bbqing. It is a pain in the *** to have someone stuck at the grill.

We are having a hero or a cold cut platter and breads, i am not sure, a green salad, sausage and peppers, eggplant parm, baked ziti and assorted salads.

Dalmation theme is cute, I am sure they have something like that at Partycity, or check they had a bunch of stuff.

They also have a bunch of just 1st Birthday stuff you can get.

I also don't think a character is necessary, but someone told me about a puppet show they were thinking about. My2Boys posted about it, you might want to search her name, it was a few days ago.

Posted 6/8/06 3:08 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

I think you will be fine having it on his actual birthday. It may be nicer to be outside when it is a nicer temp than scorching hot at the end of August.

We are having a cotton candy machine too. (I am so excited about that part) and we are having a pinata. The kids love the pinata and instead of putting a ton of candy in I got bubbles, punching balloons, colorful beads, beachballs and things like that so that the kids could entertain themselves with all that stuff. Getting a character is on the expensive side and it would be lost on Abby right now since she is only 1. I figured I would spend that money on food and stuff since it is wasted on her.

Abby's party is next weekend and I had so much fun planning it. Enjoy!!!

Posted 6/8/06 3:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

I think having on his actual birthday would be fine, not cold at all. Would it be a big deal to do it 2 weeks before, no so really you can go either way.

I have seen stuff for a Dalmatian party! I had a catalog that had the whole party set, party city might have it too.

Here is a site with tons of Dalmatian Party Ideas they are great for getting ideas for any party theme.

Great Price on Dalmatian Thank you notes

Coloring Pages

Idea for Serving Bowls LOVE this idea for chips and goodies!!!

Paw Print Balloons and cupcake rings

More Party Ideas

Dalmatian stuff..... inflatable dalmatian $2.19 not bad....

Message edited 6/8/2006 3:46:21 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 3:33 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

Marissa - I'm planning pretty much the same as you - we're planning on doing it the weekend before w/ a rain date of the 30th. My FIL is going to be doing the bbq'ing so we don't get stuck w/ it. Try oriental trading for party stuff - they always have great deals. I'm not going to do a character - it's a waste of $$ IMO for a 1yr old.

Posted 6/8/06 3:35 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

Posted by jcndd

Marissa - I'm planning pretty much the same as you - we're planning on doing it the weekend before w/ a rain date of the 30th. My FIL is going to be doing the bbq'ing so we don't get stuck w/ it. Try oriental trading for party stuff - they always have great deals. I'm not going to do a character - it's a waste of $$ IMO for a 1yr old.

Are you renting tables and chairs??

See I wanna have a rain date... but Idont know how to do that with the table and chairs...

Posted 6/8/06 3:46 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

I think having on his actual birthday would be fine, not cold at all. Would it be a big deal to do it 2 weeks before, no so really you can go either way.

I have seen stuff for a Dalmatian party! I had a catalog that had the whole party set, party city might have it too.

Here is a site with tons of Dalmatian Party Ideas they are great for getting ideas for any party theme.

Great Price on Dalmatian Thank you notes

Coloring Pages

Idea for Serving Bowls LOVE this idea for chips and goodies!!!

Paw Print Balloons and cupcake rings

More Party Ideas

Dalmatian stuff..... inflatable dalmatian $2.19 not bad....

Thanks soooo much... the bowl idea, and balloons are priceless...

I think Im def. gonna go with this theme!

Posted 6/8/06 3:58 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s

Ok so I got another question....

I have a great caterer (and would even be able to have a rain date... if I gave them enough notice of a cancellation...)

If I decide NOT TO BBQ- and get hot food....


Zitti, wings, hero, mac & pot. salad be enough???

Or should I add french fries?

Or add Chicken francaise?

Or add both??

The party would be in the afternoon...

Posted 6/8/06 4:14 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

I say at their age, a character might be a waste. I am also thinking of Hayley's party already too. Her birthday falls on a Monday so I might do it on the Sunday. We are using my parent's backyard too because ours is small.

I know Taylor Rental rents chairs and tables and tents. Look in the Yankee Trader. I know there are lots of ad for that kind of rental stuff. My friend's husband has a buisness and he rents the Bouncy's and also a cotton candy machine. Let me know if you want his #.

Posted 6/8/06 4:20 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

Message edited 6/9/2006 8:01:29 AM.

Posted 6/8/06 4:27 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

Posted by Princessmaris

Ok so I got another question....

I have a great caterer (and would even be able to have a rain date... if I gave them enough notice of a cancellation...)

If I decide NOT TO BBQ- and get hot food....


Zitti, wings, hero, mac & pot. salad be enough???

Or should I add french fries?

Or add Chicken francaise?

Or add both??

The party would be in the afternoon...

I would add both. Plus, chicken nuggets or mac & cheese or pizza for the kids.

Posted 6/8/06 4:32 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

I think having it on his bday is fine......Logans is mid week so I'm doing it the weekend before.

I like the ctton candy machine idea!

Dalmations sound good!

We are having our in the yard too (8/26). Not sure if we will BBQ or just cater food. If we cater we will have Rig. ala vodka, chicken parm, heros, strawberry salad and cold salads. For the kids probably chicken nuggets and mac&cheese.

I'm so torn as to what to do for the kids too (we will have more older kids -3rd gr- than babies). I'm thinking of getting chalk for the street, we have a basketball hoop, face painting, and maybe a clown to do balloon animals....I need to keep thinking............characters are expensive and seem to be a waste for the babies.

Posted 6/8/06 4:40 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

I would add the chicken dish and the ziti.

Ziti and sausage and peppers are very easy to make ahead of time if you want to save money.

Posted 6/8/06 4:43 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

Message edited 6/9/2006 8:01:49 AM.

Posted 6/8/06 4:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

We are having Jacob's B-day at Shish Ke Bob in Plainview on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend. It will be form 12-4 when they serve their brunch buffet which is really good. We have their back room. The only thing I need to worry about is the cake, favors, and some decorations and also invitations and thank yous( I will be doing a photo invite)-- I am doing the sesame first beginnings theme...

We just hired someone who does Music for kids Birthday parties. (She advertises on craigslist) I think this is the most appropriate since almost all of the kids will be 1 or under and because Jacob loves his Music Together class. She plays age appropriate music gives out prizes to the kids and she plays for 45 min-1 hour because at that age that is all the kids will last for.... She charges $150 an hour. ( From my research she is the cheapest, everyone else I called was over $200) My cousin had her at her son's party so I know she is good...

Favors- I wil be getting personalized favors-cheerio snack holders for the little ones and probably waterbottles for the older ones..

We were going to do the backyard thing however when push comes to shove, it will be cheaper for us to do it at a restaurant then doing at my home plus, I don't have to clean up,
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Message edited 6/8/2006 5:50:26 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 5:49 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Birthday party help...lots of ??'s ANOTHER QUESTION BOTTOM OF POST

I am also doing Sal's 1st b-day party at at restaurant...I did the #'s and it's cheaper than doing it at home and since his b-day is in August it will probably be too hot o be outside. I am getting a character though because he seems to enjoy Blues Clues and also I have a lot of kids coming and it will entertain them.

Posted 6/9/06 10:30 PM

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