Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05 1955 total posts
Name: Jodi
This was found on CraigsList.
If you want to help and don't know how, I'm another citizen who's found a way for Long Islanders to give. Read on.
I just got off the phone with Dan Golden, the Syosset agent for the national truck company DEDICATEDCARRIERS.COM - you can check their website if you wish to know it's legit. They are filling up trucks to send down to the victims of the Katrina disaster and as soon as a truck is filled up, it's going down there. Let's fill up AT LEAST one truck THIS LABOR DAY WEEKEND and help those poor folks out!
Yes, please also donate money to the Red Cross and Salvation Army and Humane Society of the United States and whatever charities you support, but you can also give items that are needed that you may have in your house RIGHT NOW and are in new/unused condition.
I have copied this list from another craigslist poster (I edited and added) who has researched the shelters and what they need - it's pretty much common sense folks. What would you need if you lost everything?
Get a cardboard or plastic box together, go through your house, go to the store, go get your neighbors to give, anything from the following list: -Baby Toiletries, diapers baby powder, wipes, diapers, petroleum jelly, lotion, baby oil -Household Items, pillows, sheets, blankets, towels, etc. -Clothing, babies, children, men and women's (lightweight/summer only - this is a tropical area, shorts, t-shirts, capri pants, sleeveless tops of all sizes, lightweight raingear) -Shoes for babies, children, men & women (summer/lightweight only-sneakers, sandals, no boots) -Shoes, children's, men and women's - all sizes -Non Perishable Goods (canned fruit, veggies, juice, pre-packed meals that don't need the refrigerator) -Cases of Water, juice, soda -Cleaning Supplies -Personal Hygiene Products, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, toothbrushes and toothpaste, handi-wipes, deodorant - Feminine hygiene products (tampons, feminine pads, Midol) -Eldercare supplies, Depends-type pads, LARGE-TYPE books -Camping Supplies, sleeping bags, flashlights, batteries -First aid kits including bandaids, gauze bandages, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointments, New Skin, hydrocortizone creams and sprays, bug-bite ointments and sprays -Duffel bags, backpacks, small rolling suitcases, tote bags -Baby foods, formulas, snacks, teethers, rattles -Grocery Gift Cards -Gas Gift Cards -Notes and cards sending people your wishes and prayers will certainly help emotionally -children's toys, books and games (non-electronic), board games, cards, etc. (non-powered), pens, pencils, pads, crayons, coloring books -Off! Bug spray or other mosquito sprays -sunscreen -cleaning supplies -gas cards/cash donation for filling up cars -grocery gift cards -Paper/foam plates, cups, bowls -Plastic spoons, knives, forks -Plastic baggies -small portable radios with headphones and batteries (it's terrible to feel cut-off from the world) For the animals (there are many animal shelters down there who are rescuing abandoned animals): -petmeds, frontline, for example -dog/cat collars & leashes, animal carriers -pet id tags -dog and cat toys -Bird foods and cages -water bowls -dog and cat foods, wet and dry
Once you've accumulated your box/boxes of items, please deliver them to: Dan Golden/Dedicated Carriers Agent 19 Wolfe Street Glen Cove, New York 11542 The cross streets are Elm Street and Glen Streets. Call him at 516-790-9506 to arrange times.
IF YOU CANNOT DELIVER YOUR PACKAGE YOURSELF, please email Dan for pick-up: NY6969@aol.com.
Since the evacuees will need these items for a few months to come, keep the charity coming folks! I will post another seperate post for animal foster-parents. Thanks to all, let's show our southern cousins how much we love them NOW! They bent over backwards for us after 9/11, let's not let them down. As always, give only what you can and at your own risk. Get your children involved and show them how good it feels to give. Thanks on behalf of those in need - Another concerned citizen, Ms. Li Mann
ETA.. Dont you wish you could just give them EVERYTHING on this list?