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i hate commuting to nyc.....

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


i hate commuting to nyc.....

i can't take it anymore...and i'm only 19w2days.....
i never had morning sickness yet on the train now everytime in and out i get so sick to my stomach, can't even close my eyes to sleep. then walking to work i'm either freezing or sweating, and i get so out of breath and tired. its terrible. i mentioned to my high risk doctor last week (i see him bc of the juvenile diabetes) when he recommends me stopping and when he realized i worked in the city he made a comment that i should ask my other doctor bc he would have me stopping soon. i get so easily aggravated too. its terrible. sometimes all i want to do is cry. and when i'm not here, i feel great! not to mention my job is stressing me out so bad!!!! sorry to vent- i am just so mad/sad from 6:50 in the morning when i get on the train until 7 when i get home.
oh and sidenote- my husband made me stay home on monday bc of the train issues and the ice and whatnot, and my boss is actually telling me that she is probably going to have to deduct a personal or vacation day from me- i am shocked and so angry!!! is she kidding me?!?!?
hope everyone else made it wherever they needed to be safely!

Posted 2/15/06 9:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

Sounds like my day (except for the diabetes).
Commuting s u c k s, it really does. I'm 28.5 weeks and I can't take it much longer. Especially the subway. The LIRR is ok, but not great. My dr wants to pull me out of work at 34 weeks, which is the last week in March. But we'll see.

I didn't come in Monday either because of the weather and train problems. I'm getting docked my vaca time. That's normal. If the office is open and we dont come in, we get docked. But NYC is a lot different than Long Island and when the LIRR isnt even running I think it's BS that my office docks me a day - but I've tried to get them to change that before and it never works.

Hang in there...maybe you can read on the train? Hopefully the sick feeling will pass soon. Try to dress in layers and take layers off as your walking and get hot.

Posted 2/15/06 9:44 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

Aww I feel your pain and I am at 32 weeks. Commuting to NYC is the absolute worst thing. I can't wait to stop working. I NEVER get offered a seat on the subway and unfortunately where I take the train, it is already full with no seats available. I also get sweaty and then feel cold. I feel like I am going to pass out and there is nothing I can do but deal with it.
Try bringing some crakers with you and a bottle of water, I know more things to carry but perhaps they will make you feel better.
I also did not come in on Monday because frankly I was scared to slip and fall and of course, I got docked the day.
Feel better and know that you are not alone Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 9:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I'm 35.5 weeks and I still commute to NYC, though only about 3 days per week for the last few weeks. The other two days I work from home (this is very do-able at my job).

I think after next week I'm going to work exclusively from home the last few weeks. Maybe just come in once a week for any sort of meetings or handoff of duties, etc. I'm pretty sure my manager won't mind.

I don't mind the actual train ride, it's just the LENGTH commuting adds to the day. The one difference I've noticed from other people who post is that I almost always get offered a seat on the subway. I must look enormous or half-dead or something

Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I cannot believe that you guys are getting docked vacation time over commuting issues! That's completely ridiculous and to me it discriminates against commuters (vs. people who live in Manhattan, Brooklyn, parts of Queens etc who cna just jump on a subway)

At my employer they don't do that. If they did, nobody would have any vacation time left because half these guys claim they can't make it in whenever there's an inch of snow! Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:04 AM

I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I totally feel for you! I worked in the City for 4 years and not even preggo I couldn't stand the commute-between the rude commuters and the different perfumes--I would get instant headaches.

Would you work let you work from home? I know, sounds too good to be true.

Posted 2/15/06 10:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

meandyou-- if you could swing working from home even ONE day a week, I can tell you it makes a huge difference. It's amazing how one extra restful day can help you feel better.

Also, I had the motion sickness on the train too. It DOES get better-- by about 22-24 weeks it was entirely gone for me, and I was able to read again without getting dizzy.

Till then, for some reason having a mint (maybe a sugar free one? my DH is type 2 diabetic so I know it's hard to find a good variety) helped with the motion sickness when I had it.

hang in there!

Posted 2/15/06 10:22 AM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

2824 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I feel so badly for you guysChat Icon I had a low commuting tolerance and I was never PG. I don't know how you do it. I hope you have commuting fairies to look over you.Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:24 AM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I am not pregnant but I wanted to send you ladies lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon. I seriously dont know how you do it - this is my main concern about becoming pregnant.

Posted 2/15/06 10:29 AM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

This is why I took my leave 2 weeks earlier then I did.. My last day of work I was pushed out of the way on the subway platform so that was the the last time.. I was scared and I was never ever offered a seat..
I too was sick in the train, I brought crackers, warm ginger ale and believe it or not those sea bands worked.. They are for morning sickness or boating etc. and thye were wonders.. You just put them on your wrist.. Also if you feel sick and hot put something cold near your wrists.. My om taugh tme that and it got me out of a lot of jams..
Good luck and hang in there..
Everything about being prego in New York is not right.. Its like we have a disease.. Hello its a human life.. GEEZE!!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:33 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

thanks girls!!! glad to know i'm not alone....sorry for complaining. i know its just a matter of time, and i know i'm not the only one doing it so i need to get over it. every once in a while i guess i just feel bad for myself......terrible, i know. i've been bringing water with me, which i try to sip if i feel bad, and i try and chew mint gum- though nothing really helps. its so bad bc i feel like i'm stuffed in the seats also whenever i'm not with my husband and i have to sit with someone else. i never feel like theres enough room....maybe its that i feel too claustrophobic or something. i have no idea. it will get better i'm sure. i'll be talking to my doctor next week to see what he says too. until then- i'll be here....wish i could work from home- they would NEVER go for it. they are not the most understanding people- thank goodness i'll only be working here for another 3 months MAX!!! now, theres a positive!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

meandyou-- another motion sickness tip-- take your coat off right away on the LIRR. I found if I was feeling warm and stuffy at all, it provoked the motion sickness. Don't know why!

Posted 2/15/06 10:45 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I feel your pain and I'm only 13 weeks and 3 days!! It's horrible. All together it takes me 2 hours one way to get to work. I was so sick the other day that I was throwing up in a garbage can in Penn. I was just so happy I made it off the train! I hope it gets better but I can imagine doing this commute when it's the middle of summer! I'm due at the end of August!

Chat Icon for all NYC commuters!

Posted 2/15/06 12:09 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

Posted by computergirl

I cannot believe that you guys are getting docked vacation time over commuting issues! That's completely ridiculous and to me it discriminates against commuters (vs. people who live in Manhattan, Brooklyn, parts of Queens etc who cna just jump on a subway)

At my employer they don't do that. If they did, nobody would have any vacation time left because half these guys claim they can't make it in whenever there's an inch of snow! Chat Icon

I too am a commuter and I HATE it! I was just living in the burbs a few weeks when I got my bfp so I only know commuting as a preggo! I am a manager so I wouldn't get "docked" per say if I had to take a day off. With that said though, I wouldn't miss a day of work unless I really was not able to get out of my house. I lived in the city for a long time and it used to really irk me when I would have to cover for someone that wasn't able to come in due to weather. I am certainly not saying that they should have to risk their life for the work. I mean that I was upset that I had no excuse! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 12:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

I mean that I was upset that I had no excuse!

I can relate. Up till 4 yrs ago, I lived in a part of Queens very close to Manhattan, my commute was maybe 25 minutes *door to door*. I used to really roll my eyes at all the suburban people who whined and cried and made excuses every time it snowed. Now I'm one of them, ARRGH!!!

Posted 2/15/06 12:31 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

Posted by computergirl

I mean that I was upset that I had no excuse!

I can relate. Up till 4 yrs ago, I lived in a part of Queens very close to Manhattan, my commute was maybe 25 minutes *door to door*. I used to really roll my eyes at all the suburban people who whined and cried and made excuses every time it snowed. Now I'm one of them, ARRGH!!!

My commute is two hours "door to door" EACH WAY between the LIRR and the subway and the walking that I do.

When the LIRR shuts down, I cannot get to work.

Unless maybe I should have put my 7 month pregnant self behind the wheel of my car and driven in to the city in bad weather and risked my life and my baby's life. My non-pregnant neighbor did this and it too her 7 hours.

So yeah, I guess I could have come to work after all. My commute that day woul dhave just been 14 hrs long instead of the normal 4 hrs on the train (IF the train was running).

So, I guess I DID deserve to get docked.

Nope, I'm not bitter at all. Chat Icon

Message edited 2/15/2006 2:29:56 PM.

Posted 2/15/06 2:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

MrsJ, that commute s ucks! Mine is only an hour door to door, and I loathe it. Now I look back and can't *believe* I used to be one of those people who said "how come they can't make it in?", when I lived in Queens. Oh, how karma came back to bite me in the azz! Chat Icon

Message edited 2/15/2006 2:34:11 PM.

Posted 2/15/06 2:33 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

Posted by computergirl

MrsJ, that commute s ucks! Mine is only an hour door to door, and I loathe it. Now I look back and can't *believe* I used to be one of those people who said "how come they can't make it in?", when I lived in Queens. Oh, how karma came back to bite me in the azz! Chat Icon

Karma s ucks LOL!!
I WISH these people in my office had a clue what it's like when we have a blizzard and live on LI. It's like a different world!

Posted 2/15/06 2:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: i hate commuting to nyc.....

This woman from the medical dept at my company made sure to tell me, when she processed my initial paperwork for maternity leave, that the company's disability carrier needed a "real" medical excuse to start paying your disability more than a week before your due date... "not made-up stuff like 'I live too far away' ".

"Made-up stuff". Niiiiice. She probably lives on the upper west side, like three subway stops away.

Posted 2/15/06 2:56 PM

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