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Sciatic Nerve Pain

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Sciatic Nerve Pain

Hey all!

I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and I've had bad back pain from time to time for a while now, but it seems to be getting worse. I think it's sciatic nerve pain, because I feel it in my lower back near my tailbone, and it goes down my upper leg a bit.

Sometimes when I'm flipping over in bed it's almost unbearable, it hurts so bad I feel like I can barely move.

Have any of you experienced this, and if you did, did anything help to aleviate it?


Posted 7/27/05 11:21 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

oh yeah, I know where you;re coming from!!! The baby may also be resting on your tailbone. Lots of pilloiws at night can help reduce the discomofrt, although I find nothing that makes it totally better. Good luck, a few more weeks and you'll feel better! Also, ince the baby moves into positiion you may feel some relief.

Posted 7/27/05 11:37 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

444 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I have this too!! Some days it's not there and some days it hurts so bad that I limp and have trouble getting around!

I have 4 weeks left and lately I feel EVERYTHING...swelling, Sciatic pain, acid reflux...etc... I hope the baby comes early!!

Good luck!

Posted 7/27/05 11:44 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I had a pre-natal massage....that helped!Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 11:48 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I'd recommend getting massage or seeing a chiro.
At home, you can put an ice pack right over the nerve area (usually mid-butt, whichever side you feel the sciatic pain).
Then put some heat over the entire lower back, butt area.
The ice will numb the sciatic nerve, also reducing inflammation. The heat will relax the muscles that are putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.
It works- we used to tell our patients this at the chiro office I used to work at.Chat Icon
Feel Better!!!

Message edited 7/27/2005 12:22:02 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 12:21 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

Stefanie -- where did you get your prenatal massage done? I'm looking into one because I want to be PAMPERED! I'm in the Levittown area.

Posted 7/28/05 10:13 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I drove over to Rain Day Spa in was wonderful...

Maybe you should talk to AndreaLMT about it...Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/05 11:37 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

164 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

i started getting sciatic pain at only 6 weeks. i'm afraid of what's to come when the baby gets bigger. Chat Icon thanks for the tips andrea! i didn't think there was anything you could do for it. although i did read that if you lay on the opposite side it should help take pressure off the nerve.

Posted 7/28/05 9:12 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I started getting it pretty early also, but then it went away for a while (or maybe I got used to it) however, this week it has come back and I'm not enjoying it at all. I'm am going to try the ice pack/ heat pack and my friend and i are going to try and get a prenatal massage. I'm just trying to save every penny that we have extra for the baby but I guess this is a good thing to spend the money on!

Posted 7/29/05 10:03 AM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

i had that with my daughter i actually got a support belly thing you velcro it around your back/stomach it helped me alot

Posted 7/29/05 8:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I had the worst back pain with my son... I dont know where you are located but I know that the St. Charles Rehabilitation center in Centereach offers/(ed) a pregnant womans physical therapy program.. I participated in it for the last two and a half months and then for the six weeks post baby... They take most insurances... Its worth a call if you are close to them.. They saved my back.. I am sure you can check with your Dr. or Hospital to see if they have something like that near you if not!! Good Luck!

Posted 7/30/05 1:49 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain

I went to the doctor today and they said to try sleeping on the opposite side, having my husband rub me from my lower back all the way down to my leg on the left side where I feel the pain with one of those happy massager things (with the 3 balls) and to put my hands on the wall, facing the wall shoulder height, and then to walk my legs backwards to stretch the muscles around the sciatic nerve. I'm also going to a place that my dr's office recommended for a prenatal massage so I'm hoping that'll work, my appt is tomorrow!

Posted 8/1/05 12:39 PM

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