
Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Alex's teacher is a miracle worker...
Alex is just a smidgen over 1 year... she was just moved up a classroom with 4 other babies her age who are crawling and starting to walk. Up until now her nap schedule has been totally erratic, with the only consistency being that she would take a short nap in the morning and a longer nap in the afternoon. So, with her new class, and her new teacher, for the last two weeks I've been noticing she has been taking a nap consistently, EVERYDAY from 12:30pm-2:30/3pm. I ran into one of the other mom's and we were talking about what a wonderful teacher she is, and the mom told me her daughter is now taking consistent naps, at 12:30-3pmish everyday!
So I walk in today and see pictures of all the babies asleep on their cots in the room, all at the same time! How in the world does this woman get 5 babies, at the age of about 1, to all go down for a nap at the same time without a fight??? I mean come on! You've read my posts about Alex - she fights me on EVERYTHING! So I asked Barbara today how she does it... she laughed and said, well, I keep them VERY active in the morning, we go outside, play, walk, crawl, then we come in for lunch, play a little more, and then I pull out the cots, and all the babies crawl to their cots. I turn down the lights, put on some soft music, give them their blankets, rub their backs, tell them it's nap time and they fall asleep all at the same time!!!!

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Alex's teacher is a miracle worker...
It's great because ever since she moved classes, she has been going to sleep at night sooooooooo much easier - she falls asleep on me without a paci within about 5 minutes - she naps much better with me on the weekends, and she's sleeping longer! Last night she slept from 7pm-7am! I'm loving it! I'm never letting her move out of this class!