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SO Frustrated!!! Does anyone's husband forget to tell you things?

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<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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SO Frustrated!!! Does anyone's husband forget to tell you things?

Like the fact he's not going to be in the office???

We work for the same company but in different locations. I just called his office to ask him something and his voicemail says that he's out of the office today on company business!! Did I know this??? NO!!!!

This is a big pet peeve of mine, that there are times when I cannot get in touch with him (his cell phone is often off or he forgets it in his car when he's traveling on business)

I always say, what would happen in an emergency? How would I reach you? - his response is to laugh...

This is how I feel sometimes...

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Posted 2/2/06 12:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: SO Frustrated!!! Does anyone's husband forget to tell you things?

Yes, mine does all the time!!! And I were in your shoes, I would be just as upset because of emergency situations.

I am such a control freak.......taking control of the bills, health benefits, etc. And since, I am unemployed the benefits are through his company and I have to continuosly ask him about open enrollment for this year!! Sure enough, it was in box at work since Jan. 23 and the deadline is February 9. I would of killed him if he totally forgot. And he would of forgotten had I not asked him.

The other thing that he does is he fails to tell me if a family member is in the hospital or passed away. And two days later, I will find out from his mother. And it seems like we are insensitive. My DH response "I hate to spread bad news" Uh.....that's Life!!!

Posted 2/2/06 12:45 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: SO Frustrated!!! Does anyone's husband forget to tell you things?

Ugh!!! This has been an on-going arguement for what seems like forever!!! And he thinks it's a joke! What's gonna happen when we have kids??

Now I have to look stupid and ask his assistant where he is today!!!

Maybe I should forget to tell him that I'm going to be late tonight so I won't be cooking dinner?

Posted 2/2/06 12:50 PM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Re: SO Frustrated!!! Does anyone's husband forget to tell you things?

The best was yesterday.

I went to the Dr. for blood work this past weekend and called for the results yesterday. They tell me to call tomorrow. I tell this to my DH and he gets all red and tells me that the Dr. called YESTERDAY....
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Message edited 2/2/2006 1:00:49 PM.

Posted 2/2/06 1:00 PM

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