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were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

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Member since 6/05

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were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Posted 1/13/06 11:28 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

yeah, even right

Posted 1/13/06 11:29 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Yes. I wanted to start as soon as we got back from our Honeymoon (November 204). He wanted to start in March.

I agreed to hold off officially trying until February, but I went off the pill and we weren't really careful at all.

Now I say to him (as we approach a full year of OFFICIALLY trying) "Don't you wish we had started when I wanted too!!??!!"

Posted 1/13/06 11:32 AM


Member since 6/05

2922 total posts


Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

i'm glad i'm not alone in this.
dh wants to wait till after the summer

Posted 1/13/06 11:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

YES!!! My DH has a group of really close friends and he didn't want to be the first one to have a baby (the one thing I found him to be immature about)...however I'm 2 years older than him and 3 years older than all the other I was READY a year ago. Now that we had to wait to "not be first" everyone is already prego but me Chat Icon .

I'm so mad at him for being immature about something so important to me, but then again I wouldn't want to force him to TTC if he wasn't ready.

Now I think he feels bad.

Posted 1/13/06 11:41 AM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Maybe it is because he is a few years older than me but he was actually ready first. Well, we were both ready but he was the one to "initiate" it. It was one of the first things we talked about when we got serious. We both wanted a family and don't want to be too old when we are parents. I am 32 and DH is 34. My parents are only 58 so i grew up with younger parents. I really wanted that but life takes us in different directions!

Posted 1/13/06 12:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

We both wanted to start right away. Plus, he's older than me, (he's 40) so I know he really didn't want to wait too long.

Posted 1/13/06 12:52 PM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Mine's still not ready and we've been trying for a few months! Chat Icon I understand though. He's 5 years younger than me (I'll be 39 in June).

Posted 1/13/06 2:01 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Posted by WoodIAm

Mine's still not ready and we've been trying for a few months! Chat Icon I understand though. He's 5 years younger than me (I'll be 39 in June).

We are similar- I'm 31 and DH is almost 28...he would prefer to wait another year- but, I REALLY didn't want to.....

Posted 1/13/06 2:25 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

We arent trying yet because DH is not ready. He wants to wait another year or more...we'll see. I don't want to rush him. Just don't know if I can wait more than a year.
ETA: we are both going to be 29 next month, and married 3 years in April. He wants more "us" time. But we have been together for 11 + years! lolChat Icon

Message edited 1/13/2006 6:42:13 PM.

Posted 1/13/06 6:41 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Yes! I was ready before dh. He was always worried about the financial aspect of everything. Do we have enough room? How can we do it? Blaa blaah blaah. We were both working FT and we wouldve made it work.
I ended up getting sick about 2 years ago and if I were pg @ the time, I dont know if I would've or the baby would;ve been okay.
I now go on saying "Whatever happens happens" and "God has a plan"!
BUT..he is soo ready now and we are trying, but nothing yet! I hope soooooon I can post about a BFPChat Icon

Posted 1/13/06 9:04 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

yeah, but he came around! Chat Icon

Posted 1/14/06 12:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Yes I was ready before DH. I wanted to start a about 6 months after we got married. He wanted to wait 1 1/2 years. Even though we have been TTC for 4 months, I think if I told him I wanted to wait he would be ok with that too ( which kind of bothers me). I want him to want a baby as much as I do. I know he worries about how it will affect our marriage, our independence and finances.

Posted 1/14/06 12:52 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

I wanted to start trying as soon as we got married, but DH wanted to wait a year. When the year rolled around, I went off the pill. DH was still really nervous, but now after 4 months of trying, he's just as ready as I am, and he's kind of regretting me not going off the pill sooner.

Posted 1/16/06 11:13 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/06

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Yea, my DH kept making excuses like not enough room in the house, not enough money,etc. When I finally had solutions for all of his excuses he gave in.

Posted 1/16/06 1:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

which is really weird, b/c there were definitely points where i didnt even think that i wanted kids (i love them! but i didnt know if i wanted my 'own'), and DH has a ton of neices and nephews, and he Adores them- i mean, seriously loves being around them. So who would've thought it would be me that has the baby itch like crazy now, and DH is the one that could wait for years. Chat Icon

we have 'the talk' alot these days, but as much as i want to start TTC- i really try not to push it onto him too much (just a little bit) Chat Icon I guess i just dont want to take the chance on him resenting me for feeling overwhelmed or presured into a situation that really is so life altering Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/06 10:12 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

mine DH was ready reAdy before me

Posted 1/22/06 10:13 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

DH was ready long before I was. I was never sure if I wanted to become a Mom at a late age in life and now I cannot wait for that BFP someday

Posted 1/23/06 7:45 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

My plan is to start this coming fall for # 2 and he says that he still isnt ready. I dont want to wait any longer b/c my daughter is 5 now and i dont want the gap in age to be any bigger.

Posted 1/23/06 10:27 AM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

I was ready when we got back from the Honeymoon. But I think it was all the excitement of knowing 2 of my closest friends were pregnant.

Once in a while I would step into baby land and want to really start trying and he wasnt ready.

I am enjoying things right now and how are lives are. We both want to really TTC in a year.

Posted 1/23/06 10:31 AM


Member since 5/05

1573 total posts


Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

He's way ready.
I'm just now kind of getting there.

Posted 1/23/06 1:02 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts



Message edited 12/16/2011 6:06:53 PM.

Posted 1/23/06 2:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Posted by mommy2bellabean

I got bit with the irrational baby fever bug back in July of 2004. I wanted a baby soooo bad and even though I understood and agreed with my Dh's reasoning for waiting just a little bit, I still wanted a baby, right then. After all, I had two surgeries for severe dysplasia back in 2001 and was terrified I wouldn't be able to get pregnant.

We talked a lot and decided it would be smart for me to go off the pill at the end of November 2004 for a few months to get my body regulated and start trying spring/summer of 05.
I got the surprise of my life in January, a BFP.
And Isabella Grace was born in September, ready or not...

so I guess neither of I was ready for what happened, but we both were thrilled!

This is how i I am feeling now, i think i am driving Dh crazy becasue its all i can think of. But he's applying for a new job and if he gets it we are going to move to another state. So i'll have to apply for a new job and i rather not show up for the interview pregnant. So like it or not we have decided to wait.

Posted 1/24/06 8:33 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: were any of u ready to TTC b4 ur DHs

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:17:10 PM.

Posted 1/24/06 9:44 PM

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