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School b-days and allergies

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Member since 4/06

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School b-days and allergies

I just got off the phone w/ DD's nursery school. We were talking about birthdays and what to bring. Since there are so many children w/ allergies (specifically peanut) she said they only allow munchkins or sealed snacks where they can read the ingredients.Chat Icon That means no homemade goodiesChat Icon

I understand the allergy thing but it's kinda sad that I will not get the opportunity to bake for DD's school parties like my mom baked for me.

I have such fond memories of carrying in the cupcakes to school in the shirt box. Oh well...

Posted 8/24/06 4:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: School b-days and allergies

I hear you but Im glad that your DD's school doesnt allow it. My friend has a son with allergies and preschool is just too young for the kids to be good with not partaking of things they are not allowed to have. If you know what a mother with a child with allergies goes through to assimilate their child into mainstream schools, esp their first year or two in a school setting, its such a small price to pay. I know you were saying you understand and its a sentimental thing so Im not lecturing you or anything - not at all - but your post made me think of my friend and what she goes through with her son. My kids dont have allergies but I wish that my sons school was more vigilant about what they allowed.

Message edited 8/24/2006 4:50:41 PM.

Posted 8/24/06 4:49 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: School b-days and allergies

I teach kindergarten and we kinda have the same policy. We do allow anyother goodies and homemade goodies as long as you send in the ingredients. They are slowly phasing out the home baked goodies b/c the nurse can't be sure that a spoon, pan, cutting board etc used in making the treat was not used in making a peanut butter sandwich or contaminated in some way with peanut products. It's sad but the well being of the children is the most important. Sometimes you don't know a child has an allergy and it comes out in school, and in some cases children have died b/c of this. It is only there to protect your child and the others. I share in your sorrow of the homemade goodies. I will miss out making Bella's birthday cupcakes (and I have such cute recipees that I have collected) but I will save that for her parties at home.

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Posted 8/24/06 4:53 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: School b-days and allergies

It's just one of those things that seem to have changed w/ the times...

Posted 8/24/06 9:54 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: School b-days and allergies

What's the deal with the peanut allergies anyway? Why wasn't it a big deal when we were kids? Has it really become more common and do we know why?

Posted 8/24/06 10:02 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: School b-days and allergies

There's a lot of things that affect school today that didn't seem to be a big deal in the past...peanut allergies, ADD, ADHD just to name a few.

Posted 8/24/06 10:08 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: School b-days and allergies

Hi Moms, My DD Ava just turned 2. She is peanut allergic. It is a LIFE THREATENING ALLERGY. I must carry an Epi-pen with us at all time and have to monitor everything that she eats,drinks,touches. The reason this allergy is soo dangerous, is because it can cause anaphylactic shock. This can cause the airways to constrict and the child could die.

Why is this allergy soo common now? My allergist and literature I have read say because our children are growing up in such a sterile environment. We use antibacterial, soaps,wipes,cleaners,etc... also, as with all allergies, this can be hereditary. My husband and I do not have this allergy. As far as ADHD and Autism, there are a ton of different theories out there right now.

With a peanut allergy, my daughter cannot have baked goods from a bakery, Entamenns (sp), Chinese food, chocolate and a ton of other things. If we eat out, I have to make sure anything fried was not cooked in peanut oil, that a pizza sauce does not have peanut oil in it or that the pan was not coated in it.... the worry is never ending.

Ava will be attending "pre school" 2 mornings a week in the fall. I have offerred to bring snack for the entire class both days for the entire school year. I will also bake 24 cupcakes, freeze them and send in a jar of frosting and some sprinkles for them to give her when they are having a party. I also have to educate the staff on how to recognize an allergic reaction, how to use the Epi-pen and to call 911 if this happens.

My friend has a 7 year old boy with peanut allergy. She told me that some parents are horrible. They complain to the school about not being able to send in pb&j or ceratain snacks. This is unimaginable to me...I can't see how another parent wouldn't cooperate when it comes to the safety of any child.

So, I understand that it is a little sad to not be able to send in cupcakes to school on your childs birthday, but it really is for the best. I always make cupcakes or brownies when I take Ava to any gathering, because some cake/brownie mixes have cross contamination, it is listed on the box under the ingredients- it would say something like: may contain peanut/nut or was made in a plant that also processes peanut products .

Please take the request for no peanut products in a group setting. We are all parents who love our children and want to keep them safe. I couln't imagine life without my beautiful baby girl!

You can find a lot of info on all food allergies online at: Food Allergy Network

Thanks, Tara

Posted 8/24/06 11:39 PM

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