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The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

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Member since 5/05

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The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)


Posted 9/1/05 5:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

Here are some others that are helping the pets in Katrina.

pets in need

Posted 9/1/05 6:02 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

Posted by regi

Here are some others that are helping the pets in Katrina.

pets in need

Thanks for the FM, sorry I'm having problems w/ my FM, therefore I couldn't respond to yours.
I keep hearing all these horrible stories about animals being stranded/left for dead..Chat Icon
I hope to hear some happy rescue stories soon.

Posted 9/1/05 7:44 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

NSAL has rescued some pets and are going back for more.
Dear Friend,

As a concerned animal lover, I know it is heartbreaking to think about the thousands of stray and displaced dogs, cats, puppies and kittens that are suffering and in life-threatening danger as a result of Hurricane Katrina’s devastating wrath.

Animal shelters in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama have been severely damaged or completely destroyed. That’s why North Shore Animal League America mobilized our Emergency Response Team and dispatched three of our rescue units to help save animals from these hard hit areas.

Our first units have already returned to Long Island with 53 animals: 19 dogs, 16 puppies, 7 cats and 11 kittens. Their stores are heartbreaking and we will make sure our medical and training team works with these animals to get them readjusted as quickly as possible. The League will house, feed and nurture these rescued pets until we find loving families to adopt them.

As you can imagine, the cost of our rescue missions is enormous and unanticipated. Under normal circumstances, care for an individual animal can run upwards of $500. In an emergency situation, medical crash kits used to treat animals cost more than $2,000 each. The cost of fuel for a round trip for one mobile unit is exorbitant and increasing daily as a result of the storm damage.

The impact of this crisis will be felt for months and years to come. Your help today will enable us to continue our rescue missions for as long as there are helpless animals in need. Please donate now.


Posted 9/1/05 9:11 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

Message edited 1/30/2009 11:11:48 AM.

Posted 9/2/05 10:25 AM


Member since 5/05

1261 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

OMG I can't even read this
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I can't stand it when it comes to animals Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/05 9:59 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

NSAL is flooded with phone calls. I tried to call this week to volunteer when the mobile unit arrives back from AL and they have not yet returned my phone call. I think I may just go there in person later today to try &see if they are still looking for volunteers.

Posted 9/8/05 3:03 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: The Animals need our help too... (Hurricane Katrina)

Posted by maybride2004

OMG I can't even read this
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I can't stand it when it comes to animals Chat Icon

Me too, it's so upsetting. I made a donation to HSUS for the Katrina pets, but I wish I could do more.

Posted 9/9/05 10:32 AM

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