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What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

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Member since 6/05

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What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

DH wants to drive to Florida instead of taking a plan to save money. I dont like the idea because DS is only 4 months old. What do you think?

Posted 8/18/06 9:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

I think driving doesn't really save any money, to be honest. If you buy your tickets at the rigth time, you can get 99 dollars each way, and you'll spend more than two hundred bucks each way driving down! I've driven tons of times. It's expensive.

Posted 8/18/06 9:15 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

Thats what I told him. I also think we will have to make to many stops that way the baby can strech.

Posted 8/18/06 9:17 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

With gas prices being what they are for someplace like Florida I would just take a plane. Southwest and Jet Blue have cheap flights and it will probably be easier with the baby. I know PrincessMariss has driven to GA and Shana has driven up from GA so you can ask them but I'd honestly just fly.

Posted 8/18/06 9:19 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

You'll probably have to make a lot of stops regardless. Were you planning to do the drive in one day or over two? We've done it both ways. When we drove in one day, one of us HAD to sleep while the other one drove or else we'd be too tired to switch. I can't imagine doing that with a baby because someone would probably need to be feeding the baby/entertaining him part of the time, no? Let ME talk to DH for ya, I'll tell him driving's not worth itChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 9:20 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

Its possible to do it - but i know my daughter starts to figit after a few hours - especially when noone is sitting in the back to entertain her and all she sees is the seat in front of her - it can get boring for them. Is anyone else coming along with you both to distract her attention a bit? I've traveled to Florida by car many times - and it is a tiring trip - i can't imagine my daughter wanting to stay trapped in for that long and with her teething I think we would go crazy.
I would defiintely fly - like the other ladies said - between gas pricing and stopping to eat, breafast, lunch, dinner, hotel etc.... - it would probably be cheaper to book a flight.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/18/2006 9:23:09 AM.

Posted 8/18/06 9:21 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

I drove round trip to North Carolina and do not suggest going all the way to Florida. Our trip took 12 hours because we had to stop 3 times for DD to eat and to stretch. I can't imagine going all the way to Florida! We want to go back to NC to visit family again and I already told DH I DO NOT WANT TO DRIVE AGAIN. When you figure out the price of gas plus having to stop so many times (and will probably have to stay over 1 night somewhere if you're going to FL) I don't think it will save you very much money.

Posted 8/18/06 9:26 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

We used to drive a lot down to the DC/VA/Baltimore area because we have friends down there. We took Andrew when he was 2 months old and it took us 9 hours to get back!! Never again! I couldn't imagine all the way to FL.

We know fly Southwest of out MacArthur and its the best thing. So much easier and not as expensive as you migh think.

Posted 8/18/06 9:33 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

Posted by pharmcat2000

I drove round trip to North Carolina and do not suggest going all the way to Florida. Our trip took 12 hours because we had to stop 3 times for DD to eat and to stretch. I can't imagine going all the way to Florida! We want to go back to NC to visit family again and I already told DH I DO NOT WANT TO DRIVE AGAIN. When you figure out the price of gas plus having to stop so many times (and will probably have to stay over 1 night somewhere if you're going to FL) I don't think it will save you very much money.

Oh no! Chat Icon We're driving down to NC next Sunday...I guess I imagined it would be better than it actually will be.

Posted 8/18/06 9:36 AM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

we drove to Florida this past April wehn DD was just about 2.. I have to tell you it was not as bad as a thought. I would love to kiss the people who invented the portable DVD player and the minvan . We left at 5:00 Am and she was stiull sleepy and did not wake up untill we were almost into VA... we then got out for her to run around/ stretch our legs.. and she fell back asleep and woke up an hour later and we grabbeda quick lunch.. and we did some outlet shopping on the way and stopped in Florence SC( if you stop there do not stay at the Microtel). And then started the next day the same way. We had a great time.. and just had plenty of snacks/drinks/milk.. and many many movies..

But i agree that right now flying is cheaper.. the gas prices started to rise on our way home.. thankfully

Posted 8/18/06 9:48 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

WE drove from Ga to NY this summer....DD was 6 months old. We stopped in MD for one night going up and drove 12 hrs to NC on the way back for our stay over

I think DD did better than we did

Posted 8/18/06 9:51 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

Rachel thanks for the offer Chat Icon . I wonder what goes through DH's mind sometimes. Some how DS knows that we are both in the car on the weekends and recently I have to go in the back with him and that is only for like a 1/2 hour drive. He thinks we could do it in two days and I would be entertaining the baby in the back and he would be driving. I am going to look at flights with Jet Blue or South West. His other thing was that we would have to rent a car but we dont plan on staying for that long at least I dont plan to stay for that long.

Posted 8/18/06 10:13 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What was the farthest that anyone has driven with a baby

When Caiden was 8 weeks old we drove from NC to LI for his Baptism. It was about 10.5 hours.

Posted 8/18/06 10:36 AM

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