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please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

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Member since 5/05

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please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

we have tried gripe water so far, i have mylicon and chammomile tea but i needed to hear if anyone has any true blue secrets. i'm losing my mind, he cried ALL DAY!!! I'm not even joking!!Chat Icon he's on zantac for reflux, but his poor belly is so bloated and hard. help!!!!

Posted 9/26/05 8:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

My doctor recommended gripe water for Sarah's colic, he said a lot of moms have found it really helps with gas as well. We didn't use it, we foudn that white noise worked to calm her down. Good luck!

Posted 9/26/05 8:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

when my Kayleigh was a baby and she had gas we used to lay her on the couch and scrunch her knees to her chest a few times and that usually helped

Posted 9/26/05 8:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

when my Kayleigh was a baby and she had gas we used to lay her on the couch and scrunch her knees to her chest a few times and that usually helped

That worked with Logan too, pushed the gas right out!

Posted 9/26/05 8:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

I take Sidney into the bathroom to run the faucet cause the noise calms her. Then I do the bicycle kicks and scrunch her legs up to her chest. I'll also lay her across my legs on her tummy and rub and pat her back.

Sometimes after she settles down I will let her putting her on her activity mat. Sometimes just her own movements help get things going. It's also a distracton.

If you ar eBFing maybe its something you are eating....if formula maybe you need to switch brands?

Oh and sometimes when i change her diaper and wipe her she toots....i guess its the raised legs and stimulation on the booty that helps. Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/05 2:15 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

I called her physician today with the exact same question. He told me to stop bf and to switch the formulat to prosobee lipil, which has made a big difference in a small amount of time.

Posted 9/27/05 5:09 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by ExpectingJoy

I called her physician today with the exact same question. He told me to stop bf and to switch the formulat to prosobee lipil, which has made a big difference in a small amount of time.

so you stoped bf? I'm not ready to do that, my son is only 6 weeks old and I usually breastfeed for the first year, I dont think i could give up on bf'ing yet. But... let me know how the switch to formula goes, I hate to see him in so much pain. I called my aunt who is a ediatric nurse practitioner and manages the peds ER in Hackensack and she AGAIN told me to use chammomile tea with a little bit of brown sugar in it, and IT WORKED!!! Within 10 min he was passing so much gas, I used this in the past with my other kids but thought gripe water was better, I guess all kids are different since gripe water did NOTHING for us, it in fact made him worse. Thanks for everyone;s input!! I'm scared we will have another day of non-stop crying, I think I'll lose my mind!Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/05 8:26 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

My DH's Aunt Helene suggested something to me for gas. She said it's an old recipe they used to make before the gas drops came out. She said to go to the grocery store and buy fennel seeds and boil them in water...steep them like tea...then take them out , cool it down and feed it to the baby. She said it works wonders. I haven't tried this yet since Salvatore is doing so much better. She also mentioned to make a large batch and store it in the refrigerator.

Hope this helps. Good luck. I know how you feel! It's so hard to see them in pain and be helpless!!


Posted 9/27/05 9:34 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by stepherg

My DH's Aunt Helene suggested something to me for gas. She said it's an old recipe they used to make before the gas drops came out. She said to go to the grocery store and buy fennel seeds and boil them in water...steep them like tea...then take them out , cool it down and feed it to the baby. She said it works wonders. I haven't tried this yet since Salvatore is doing so much better. She also mentioned to make a large batch and store it in the refrigerator.

Hope this helps. Good luck. I know how you feel! It's so hard to see them in pain and be helpless!!


thanks so much steph, i think your aunt's recipe is the original gripe water recipe!!Chat Icon the crying has started again, so i put a call in to the doc, he doesn't sleep AT ALL during the day unless i am holding him, and w/ 2 other kids this is imposiible! Formula is starting to sound better to me, especially if it will make him feel beter.

Posted 9/27/05 9:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by emilain

Posted by ExpectingJoy

I called her physician today with the exact same question. He told me to stop bf and to switch the formulat to prosobee lipil, which has made a big difference in a small amount of time.

so you stoped bf? I'm not ready to do that, my son is only 6 weeks old and I usually breastfeed for the first year, I dont think i could give up on bf'ing yet. But... let me know how the switch to formula goes, I hate to see him in so much pain. I called my aunt who is a ediatric nurse practitioner and manages the peds ER in Hackensack and she AGAIN told me to use chammomile tea with a little bit of brown sugar in it, and IT WORKED!!! Within 10 min he was passing so much gas, I used this in the past with my other kids but thought gripe water was better, I guess all kids are different since gripe water did NOTHING for us, it in fact made him worse. Thanks for everyone;s input!! I'm scared we will have another day of non-stop crying, I think I'll lose my mind!Chat Icon

I totally hear you. It was driving me out of my mind and she was up so much- she was clearly in PAIN. I did not want to give up bf but I was depressed and sad at the thought that something I was eating and enjoying might be causing her so much pain. I was always giving her formula in the night so the switch was not so bad. But def keep it up if you can!

Posted 9/27/05 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

My son has terrible gas too. We went through the entire line of Enfamil formulas and ended up with the Prosobee. I hate to say it really didn't do much for the gas...none of the formulas did. Our ped. told us that some babies will just be gassy until the develope some bowel maturity around 6 months. Its so hard when he cries when he's passing gas but I know that soon he will outgrow it.

Posted 9/27/05 5:09 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by MM2004

My son has terrible gas too. We went through the entire line of Enfamil formulas and ended up with the Prosobee. I hate to say it really didn't do much for the gas...none of the formulas did. Our ped. told us that some babies will just be gassy until the develope some bowel maturity around 6 months. Its so hard when he cries when he's passing gas but I know that soon he will outgrow it.

6 Months?!!, Holy cow, I have anohter 4 months to go!! I'm hoping 3 months does the trick, that is when most babies mature in regard to their GI tract. We had a better day today, my doc is unrealistic and wants to me to take all wheat ot of my diet (i'm already off ALL dairy), she kinds pi$$ed me off, wanted me to take him off of the zantac and give him colic tablets and then make an appt with a GI specialist, I think she overreacts a bit, Thanks for everyin;s input though, we have also used the chammomile tea and have done lots of swaddling!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/05 5:53 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

My mother always gave my sibblings the fennel seed tea and she would put some Kyro syrup in. Or the Chammomile tea. She always swore by the Dr. Spoc book for any alments me and my sibblings had. I hope he feels better soon.

Posted 9/27/05 6:22 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

my saving grace with my daughter and her gas/colic was gripe water and Dr browns bottles helped alot also! good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/05 11:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

The day I switched from Avent to Dr Browns bottles Jack's gas problems stopped. Have you considered it may be the bottle/nipple?

Posted 9/28/05 12:26 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Where do you get gripe water? I assume the supermarket but in what sectionChat Icon

Posted 9/28/05 12:39 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by betty

Where do you get gripe water? I assume the supermarket but in what sectionChat Icon

buy buy baby, wild by nature, or any health food store

Posted 9/28/05 12:47 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by ddunne2

The day I switched from Avent to Dr Browns bottles Jack's gas problems stopped. Have you considered it may be the bottle/nipple?

he doesn't take the bottle, he's bf. but those dr brown's bottles are great, i use them to give chammomile tea. thanks for your advice though!

Posted 9/28/05 12:49 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by emilain

Posted by betty

Where do you get gripe water? I assume the supermarket but in what sectionChat Icon

buy buy baby, wild by nature, or any health food store

AAAHHH thank you!

Posted 9/28/05 1:04 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: please help!! my son has horrible gas!!!!

Posted by stepherg

My DH's Aunt Helene suggested something to me for gas. She said it's an old recipe they used to make before the gas drops came out. She said to go to the grocery store and buy fennel seeds and boil them in water...steep them like tea...then take them out , cool it down and feed it to the baby. She said it works wonders. I haven't tried this yet since Salvatore is doing so much better. She also mentioned to make a large batch and store it in the refrigerator.

Hope this helps. Good luck. I know how you feel! It's so hard to see them in pain and be helpless!!


i did this for Danielle. worked like a charm!!!

Posted 9/28/05 1:09 PM

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