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Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

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Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

So I had my 38 week appt today and still no progress. The dr felt my belly and asked me what the u/s tech estimated the weight to be last week - I told him 6.5lbs. He said "This baby is already bigger than 7lbs!"

Then he checked me for progress - nothing. But then he tried to coax a contraction and went back in. I thought maybe he just didn't get a good read on the cervix the first time around but this was SO much worse and HURT SO MUCH!! When it was over (it took about a minute) I said "Anything?"

And he said - well, I just opened your cervix. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Gee...thanks for the warning!! Not only did it hurt like hell - now I'm totally spotting!!

Why would they do this at 38 weeks? I understand I'm not progressing but I NEVER heard of them forcing your cervix open?! Is it common place to do this if you aren't progressing???

Posted 6/16/05 1:47 PM
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Chat Icon Chat Icon maybe repost on the parenting board?

Posted 6/16/05 1:51 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

I have heard of this and he is trying to bring on labor. I'm so sorry it was so painful but it is definitely normal. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/05 2:08 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

I have heard of that also, he is trying to get some kind of progress started, but it can still take days for you to start dialated. he just gave you a jump start.

Posted 6/16/05 2:16 PM


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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Totally normal, it was probably so uncomfortable because your cervix was not soft. My doc was able to do a little manipulation and some of my girlfriend's docs have done the same thing. You may thank him in the lon run, if not you may of had a long wait period. Feel better, maybe you'll be dialated and soft by your next visit.

Posted 6/16/05 2:38 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

yikes..sounds painful. Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/05 3:51 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

I think this is called "stripping the membranes". My dr. did this to me and my water broke and I immediately went into labor. It hurt like hell. And she did it at 37 weeks, which was suprising. However she did mention after the fact that I was already 3-4 centimeters dialated when she did it..

Posted 6/16/05 4:07 PM


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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

So sorry that it was painful for you...but, maybe you'll be having that baby real soon now!!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/05 4:18 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Thanks girls!!! I just wanted to make sure this was something normal that they did!! I was really surprised, especially because it was so painful!

Posted 6/16/05 7:17 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/05 4:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

I'm sorry your doctor did this to you. This has become a common place practice...but I wouldn't call it "normal" at all. There is simply no reason for your doctor for forcefully try to bring on labor before your body does it naturally.

Unfortunately, doctors today don't have enough faith in women's bodies to do what they need to do in order to birth a baby. So, they resort to things like this for silly, arbitrary reasons like, "Oh, the baby is getting big..."Chat Icon

The truth is, your body will not produce a baby that you cannot handle. And a baby over 7 lbs. at 38 weeks is about average...not overly large by ANY means.

Posted 6/17/05 9:46 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

I've never heard of a doctor doing this before! Now I'm going to need to prepare myself at my next appointment just in case!

Posted 6/17/05 11:19 PM


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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Posted by Claud

I'm sorry your doctor did this to you. This has become a common place practice...but I wouldn't call it "normal" at all. There is simply no reason for your doctor for forcefully try to bring on labor before your body does it naturally.

Unfortunately, doctors today don't have enough faith in women's bodies to do what they need to do in order to birth a baby. So, they resort to things like this for silly, arbitrary reasons like, "Oh, the baby is getting big..."Chat Icon

The truth is, your body will not produce a baby that you cannot handle. And a baby over 7 lbs. at 38 weeks is about average...not overly large by ANY means.

Not true, I hate to contradict you, but many women produce babies that are too large for their bodies to deliver, that is why we have c-sections, and that is why there are sometimes emergency situations to deliver the baby because of size. This practice is completely NORMAL, they have been doing ot for YEARS! Many women were just not aware of it because they would think it was a normal internal, in htis case, her cervix was not soft yet, which is not a big deal, manual manipulation is better than than drug induced labor (but even drug induction is not a big deal). Please be careful what you write unless you are a trained professional, it can cause un-needed stress for the Mom, which is definitely not warranted with htis post. I only know this because I looked up in anursing book that was given to me that discusses the stages of labor.

Posted 6/18/05 8:36 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Posted by emilain

Not true, I hate to contradict you, but many women produce babies that are too large for their bodies to deliver, that is why we have c-sections, and that is why there are sometimes emergency situations to deliver the baby because of size. This practice is completely NORMAL, they have been doing ot for YEARS! Many women were just not aware of it because they would think it was a normal internal, in htis case, her cervix was not soft yet, which is not a big deal, manual manipulation is better than than drug induced labor (but even drug induction is not a big deal). Please be careful what you write unless you are a trained professional, it can cause un-needed stress for the Mom, which is definitely not warranted with htis post. I only know this because I looked up in anursing book that was given to me that discusses the stages of labor.

Jeez. Why SO touchy?? Just b/c you read something in a nursing textbook doesn't mean it's normal.Chat Icon I think we just have very different perspectives on what the birth experience should be...which is fine, but that's no reason to be snotty and accuse me of stressing people out.

I believe that artifically inducing labor early without a medical reason is not normal. I believe in allowing nature to take it's course, and that is certainly not what this doctor did. I believe that a baby who *might* be over 7 lbs. at 38 weeks is still an average size, and not something for the Mom-to-Be to become overly worried about.

I believe in supporting Moms and encouraging them to have FAITH in the God-given, natural ability of their bodies. Most OB's DO NOT share that same philosophy. Unfortunately, the want to medically intervene in the process, whether it is an emergency situation or not. That is why I am using midwives and a doula for my prenatal care and L&D.

All that said, I am well aware of the exceptions to certain birth experiences and the medically necessary situations that require a c-section to ensure the health of both Mom and baby. In those cases, I am not opposed to c-sections.

But our country has become c-section happy in recent years, just b/c doctors are too impatient and can't "wait around" for a women's body to complete the birth process naturally. This is a very, very sad TRUTH.

Posted 6/18/05 12:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Posted by Claud

Jeez. Why SO touchy?? Just b/c you read something in a nursing textbook doesn't mean it's normal.Chat Icon I think we just have very different perspectives on what the birth experience should be...which is fine, but that's no reason to be snotty and accuse me of stressing people out.

I believe that artifically inducing labor early without a medical reason is not normal. I believe in allowing nature to take it's course, and that is certainly not what this doctor did. I believe that a baby who *might* be over 7 lbs. at 38 weeks is still an average size, and not something for the Mom-to-Be to become overly worried about.

I believe in supporting Moms and encouraging them to have FAITH in the God-given, natural ability of their bodies. Most OB's DO NOT share that same philosophy. Unfortunately, the want to medically intervene in the process, whether it is an emergency situation or not. That is why I am using midwives and a doula for my prenatal care and L&D.

All that said, I am well aware of the exceptions to certain birth experiences and the medically necessary situations that require a c-section to ensure the health of both Mom and baby. In those cases, I am not opposed to c-sections.

But our country has become c-section happy in recent years, just b/c doctors are too impatient and can't "wait around" for a women's body to complete the birth process naturally. This is a very, very sad TRUTH.

Ok, my post was snotty AT ALL. I just dont think that someone should come on and say something is "not normal" if you don't know all the facts. If these are your "beliefs" that's one thing, but we are looking for medical facts, and medical facts are as I stated. I will be training to become a CNM after my 3rd child is born in a few weeks, so I read NON-STOP on TTC, pregnancy and L&D (I have a lot of clinical hrs in front of me). It's just like sex helping to soften the cervix, should you not do that because it is an unnatural way of inducing the labor process?
We are stressed enough about the well-being of our babies and ourselves, and it does not help when someone posts that something is "abnormal", especially if they are not the true medical facts. I appreciate and respect your "beliefs", but they are not medically based. Sorry to hi-jack this thread, but I just don't want any preggos to be misinformed.Chat Icon

Message edited 6/18/2005 2:25:01 PM.

Posted 6/18/05 2:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

BAck to the issue at hand....

Im so sorry you went through that, sorry for the pain. I hope the outcome is LABOR!!!

Im praying for you..for labor soon and a FAST easy one at that!!

HAng in there sweetie!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/18/05 4:46 PM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: Saw the Dr today -- somebody please tell me this normal! TMI warning

Sandra Sorry it hurt Chat Icon But hopefully you will have baby avocado in your arms soon!!!

Just because some people don't believe in medicines doesn't mean everyone shouldn't. IMO Id listen to a Dr. More then anyone here sorry girls, But that's why dr.s go for years of schooling. I don't believe in that no pain medicines and what not give me the drugs I don't want to feel a thing. People have babies everyday with pain medication and their babies are just as beautiful and healthy as one who was born with nothing. I don't believe in midwives and doulas I believe in Dr.s. If I need a c section I need a c section. The Dr. Knows better then me. I think its great that people do the midwife thing if that's what they believe but don't go telling woman who are 9 months pregnant that their Dr did the wrong thing cause really he didn't.

Message edited 6/18/2005 5:33:35 PM.

Posted 6/18/05 5:22 PM

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