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Men and Movies

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You Live, You Learn

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Men and Movies

Why do you think sooooooooo many of them are not liking the Brokeback Mt movie?

I mean yes, it is about two men in love. But WHY is that so difficult to go see?

Posted 1/29/06 9:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Men and Movies

not sure if I would be running to the box office to see a movie about two women in love, so i guess i can understand some men's reasoning behind how they feel.Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/06 9:40 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Men and Movies

Posted by MrsERod

not sure if I would be running to the box office to see a movie about two women in love, so i guess i can understand some men's reasoning behind how they feel.Chat Icon

i ahve seen a lot of movies with women in love...
or lesbians in it...


Message edited 1/29/2006 9:44:00 PM.

Posted 1/29/06 9:43 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Men and Movies

Posted by Redhead

Posted by MrsERod

not sure if I would be running to the box office to see a movie about two women in love, so i guess i can understand some men's reasoning behind how they feel.Chat Icon

i ahve seen a lot of movies with women in love...
or lesbians in it...


never saw that movie! Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/06 9:44 PM

Waiting for Lil' M....

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Re: Men and Movies

Posted by Redhead

Posted by MrsERod

not sure if I would be running to the box office to see a movie about two women in love, so i guess i can understand some men's reasoning behind how they feel.Chat Icon

i ahve seen a lot of movies with women in love...
or lesbians in it...


Yeah... But don't forget that gratuitous beaver shot!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/06 9:47 PM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Men and Movies

I think men think its " just not cool" to see a movie like that. Like they are afraid that they will seem Gay if they see a movie with gay men.
Who knows why they feel that way..
I would have no problem at all seeing a lesbian movie.. if the movie was sopposed to be great, I wouldnt feel like ppl were thinking " look at her going to see that movie, she must be a lesbian"
Woman are more confident I think in there sexuality then men are.

Posted 1/29/06 9:48 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Men and Movies

I didn't care for that particular moment but...
it souldn't stop me from seeing a great movie

Posted 1/29/06 9:48 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Men and Movies

From what I've heard, it's not that they'll seem gay, it's that seeing two guys kiss, etc isn't their cup of tea. DH said that as a kid cowboys are his heroes and he doesn't want to see them kiss.
eta. even if it's a really small part of the film. To get DH to watch it, I'll have to get it on Netflix.

Larry David had a funny op-ed piece I'm trying to find in the NY Times about cowboys - and why he's not going to see the film.

Message edited 1/29/2006 9:55:11 PM.

Posted 1/29/06 9:54 PM

Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Men and Movies

What's Love Got to Do with it?Chat Icon
I think it's all Sexual Assumption w/Men!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/06 10:22 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Men and Movies

I tried talking to DH and my brother about this very topic. No matter how good the movie "supposedly" is, they just have no interest in seeing a movie based on love between two men.

While I wouldn't have a problem watching a beautifully written movie about two women who fell in love, I think women can handle certain things in other ways than men can.

Posted 1/30/06 7:07 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Men and Movies

It's a little frustrating to me... because I would go see a love story between two women so it's a little hard for me to understand why men just can't open their minds a little bit. Good movies are supposed to be thought provoking.

And I think that's all it is for them...they don't want to see romantic gestures taking place between two men, much less to supposedly very masculine men. It makes them uncomfortable. Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/06 10:01 AM

I'm ONE!

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Re: Men and Movies

Do you think it's the gay part or the mushy love story/chick flick part about it that doesn't appeal to guys. To be honest, I'm not really all that intersted in seeing it either because to me it just looks too mushy...Chat Icon

Funny, I read a review the other day where the critic was complaining that so many movies that portray gay relationships are really sad and about how the men can't seem to get together. You don't really see too many films about happy gay men...except maybe Birdcage????

Posted 1/30/06 10:13 AM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

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Re: Men and Movies

I think men have a hard time dealing or seeing this sort of stuff. I think our society is way more open to lesbians than gays, although I think it's getting better. But it's true us women, IMO, are way more comfortable with their sexuality than men. Men are supposed to have this "tough guy" image and I think by them subjecting themselves to see a great movie like this might make them think twice. I bet if all our husbands who did not want to see this movie saw it, they'd all like it. I'm making my husband watch this movie when it comes out on DVD.Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/06 10:18 AM

is not the girl you knew

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Re: Men and Movies

i think it just makes men feel uncomfortable having male sexuality so in their face.
why? im not sure.
maybe they're nervous or scared they may actually enjoy it or soemthing.
who knows.

Posted 1/30/06 11:44 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: Men and Movies

JT had no problem going to see it. Infact, it made him sad because his bestfriend is gay and has a similar relationship with another one of our friends who's in the armed forces. JT is probably one of the only men I know who has zero problem with homosexuality and has no problem seeing two men being intimate with each other (on a movie screen, or in our case, our friend and whomever he is dating kissing or holding hands, etc.).
I just think it makes men uncomfortable because they are not familiar with it in most cases.

Posted 1/30/06 2:27 PM

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