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Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

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Member since 10/05

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Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

Does anyone remember an email forward that was going around months ago... it was a letter someone had written to an airline about his horrible experiance in his assigned seat? He even drew a picture.. it was a seat near the bathroom and HILARIOUS!!

If you have.. FM me please?? I NEED IT!!!


Message edited 10/3/2006 12:26:40 PM.

Posted 10/3/06 10:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/05

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Re: Random question...

no one knows what I'm talking about? You guys are totally missing out if no one's seen that forward....

Posted 10/3/06 11:42 AM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

The actual doc. is a PDF, and has a drawing of his can't attach pdf here though, to the text alone will have to do...

Dear Continental Airlines,

I am disgusted as I write this note to you about the miserable experience I am having sitting in seat 29E on one of your aircrafts. As you may know, this seat is situated directly across from the lavatory, so close that I can reach out my left am and touch the door.

All my senses are being tortured simultaneously. It's difficult to say what the worst part about sitting in 29E really is? Is it the stench of the sanitation fluid that's blown all over my body every 60 seconds when the door opens? Is it the wooosh of the constant flushing? Or is it the passengers asses that seem to fit into my personal space like a pornographic jig-saw puzzel?

I constructed a stink-shield by shoving one end of a blanket into the overhead compartment — while effective in blocking at least some of the smell, and offering a small bit of privacy, the ***-on-my-body factor has increased, as without my evil glare, passengers feel free to lean up against what they think is some kind of blanketed wall. The next *** that touches my shoulder will be the last!

I am picturing a board room full of executives giving props to the young promising engineer that figured out how to squeeze an additional row of seats onto this plane by putting them next to the LAV. I would like to flush his head in the toilet that I am close enough to touch, and taste, from my seat.

Putting a seat here was a very bad idea. I just heard a man groan in there! This sucks!

Worse yet, is I've paid over $400.00 for the honor of sitting in this seat!

Does your company give refunds? I'd like to go back where I came from and start over. Seat 29E could only be worse if it was located inside the bathroom.

I wonder if my clothing will retain the sanitizing odor . . . what about my hair! I feel like I'm bathing in a toilet bowl of blue liquid, and there is no man in a little boat to save me.

I am filled with a deep hatred for your plane designer and a general dis-ease that may last for hours.

We are finally decending, and soon I will be able to tear down the stink-shield, but the scars will remain.

I suggest that you initiate immediate removal of this seat from all of your crafts. Just remove it, and leave the smouldering brown hole empty, a good place for sturdy/non-absorbing luggage maybe, but not human cargo.

Posted 10/3/06 12:27 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

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I just literally laughed my a$$ off - I tried to read it to dh and had to stop several times

Posted 10/3/06 8:37 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

Too Hilarious! I have to send this to DH since he works for the airlines.

Posted 10/3/06 9:24 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

Posted by megsm3

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I just literally laughed my a$$ off - I tried to read it to dh and had to stop several times

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon How many times did he interrupt you as you were reading it?

Posted 10/3/06 9:40 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

ooh ive seen this before with a diagram of the seat. it's very funny.

Posted 10/3/06 9:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/06

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Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

External Image

Posted 10/5/06 10:39 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/06

486 total posts


Re: Random question... - UPDATED, Found it if anyone is interested..

Additional info from

When we posed a query to Continental about whether this letter was an actual customer complaint received by them, they tersely told us that the information we were requesting was "proprietary" (which we took to mean that yes, they had received such a letter, but they weren't about to discuss or answer any questions about it with us). However, Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn noted in a 22 July 2005 piece that a Continental spokeswoman confirmed to him that the letter was genuine:
. . . it's genuine, according to Continental spokeswoman Courtney Wilcox. She sent me the airline’s official, potty joke-intensive response:

The letter is not totally accurate and uses sarcastic humor to make the seat sound a lot worse than it is. But we don't want to pooh-pooh this customer's concerns — seat 29D is less than ideal. Most flights are not sold out and normally we can easily re-seat a customer who prefers not to sit in this location. However, the Dec. 21 flight was completely full, and we have apologized to the customer who wrote to us about the concerns. If there was a quick and easy solution to this problem we would do it in a whiz. However, the aircraft configuration is fixed and there is little we can do at this point to just flush away the issue.

Message edited 10/5/2006 10:43:48 AM.

Posted 10/5/06 10:43 AM

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