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4 month old sleep schedule (sorry, long)?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


4 month old sleep schedule (sorry, long)?

Mommies of 4 month olds, what is your baby's sleep schedule like?

Over the past few days, DS's sleep schedule has gotten weird. He is sleeping an hour or so later than usual in the morning, and napping has gotten difficult-- he used to go down for a nap so easy every 2-3 hrs with barely any fussing, and then stay asleep for an hour. Now he still seems to get tired every 2-3 hrs, but gets all cranky/crying/screaming like he needs to sleep but can't, and I need to use the pacifier to get him to fall asleep (something I didn't use as much before), and even after all that he now only naps for maybe 30 min at a time.

At his last checkup 2.5 weeks ago the doc said he saw the beginnings of teething. Could that be a factor why he needs the paci so much?? Also, a few days ago DS figured out how to "creep" (is that the right term?) dragging himself around flat on his belly. He spends tons of time, probably a few hours total per day, entertaining himself by doing this on a big throw blanket on the floor. Maybe this big increase in activity is making things weird???

Posted 7/19/06 11:28 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: 4 month old sleep schedule (sorry, long)?

I've noticed with DD that every once in a while her sleep pattern changes (more so when she was a newborn to 4 or 5 months old). After that it got more consistant.

Teething could def be a factor. DD wouldn't take pacifier until she started teething.

Posted 7/19/06 1:00 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: 4 month old sleep schedule (sorry, long)?

My daughter is going through the same thing at 5 months - i believe its because of teething.

Message edited 7/19/2006 1:05:20 PM.

Posted 7/19/06 1:03 PM

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