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Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

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Member since 5/05

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Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

When I upload my photos from my digicam to Kodakgallery it saves them under the date on my kodakgallery software and on my D drive.
I want to organize them better since I have a gazillion pictures of my son from the past year and put them into 1 month, 2 month.... etc do I organize them on my D drive or thru kodak?

Also is there anyway to set up kodakgallery so that they don't go by the individual date and I put them into a certain folder which exists already?

Thanks in advance!

I need to clean up and organize the computer better!

Extra Question!!!

For those that use kodakgallery software how do you upload your pictures into folders already made? I have a million folders on mine because I upload them by date and basically every day when Dh is deployed I upload pictures!! yikes!

Message edited 8/16/2006 8:55:49 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 8:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s

If they're on your computer & they are all located in MY PICTURES, there is an option to view by Date Created & Date Picture Taken.

Open the folder, under the views drop down select "Details". If it doesn't automatically come up on the toolbar, Right Click on the toolbar & left click on "Date Picture Taken"

Posted 8/16/06 8:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s

There are on my D drive under Kodakgallery.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if I should put them into folders looking at my D drive or on my kodakgallery software.
I just want to make sure they sync up? and I don't have a bunch of broken files

Posted 8/16/06 8:38 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s

u should get a memory stick..its the best u can store all ur pics on there w/o wasting computer space and if g-d forbid ur computer crashes u still have them :)

Posted 8/16/06 8:41 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s

Posted by muchinluvmichi

u should get a memory stick..its the best u can store all ur pics on there w/o wasting computer space and if g-d forbid ur computer crashes u still have them :)

We use our C drive for all our computer stuff and then our D just for pictures. I normally back them up on a zip drive so that if/when I have to evacuate for hurricanes I have them with me. I just need to get them in a better order. I think I figured it out that I just need to organize them better under my D drive then reload them into my kodakgallery software since all the orginal links to kodak will be broken. (I think)
I also bought into and I purchased webspace so I upload certain albums up to that for the family so that saves them for me also.

Message edited 8/16/2006 8:57:30 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 8:54 PM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

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Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

I organzie by folder of the event....

Posted 8/16/06 8:56 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

Posted by -Laurie-
I think I figured it out that I just need to organize them better under my D drive then reload them into my kodakgallery software since all the orginal links to kodak will be broken. (I think)

This is what I would do. I have mine backed up on an external hard drive too. Their broken down by years & I use an event name so their easier to find. You will definitely need to reload them into kodakgallery's software. You have uploaded all of these photos to an online photo service, right? I have everything loaded to Kodakgallery as an extra back up.

Posted 8/16/06 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

Posted by BabyBoy

I organzie by folder of the event....

How did you set that up? If you are transferring pictures from different days and not the easyshare software...

Message edited 8/16/2006 8:58:38 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 8:58 PM

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Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

Using the Kodakgallery software is different than actually uploading them to kodakgallery. Just because you're viewing them in the software doesn't mean their uploaded.

Posted 8/16/06 8:59 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Organizing pictures on my computer ?'s/kodakeasyshare software users?

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by -Laurie-
I think I figured it out that I just need to organize them better under my D drive then reload them into my kodakgallery software since all the orginal links to kodak will be broken. (I think)

This is what I would do. I have mine backed up on an external hard drive too. Their broken down by years & I use an event name so their easier to find. You will definitely need to reload them into kodakgallery's software. You have uploaded all of these photos to an online photo service, right? I have everything loaded to Kodakgallery as an extra back up.

yup, I was just editing my post as you typed yours. It seems to be working now by just reloading them to kodak after I mess with them on my D drive and put them in a different folder (by event).
Yes, I have them uploaded to and they are organized by event that way but our families have the password to that and there are certain photos I don't share to save myself comments from the peanut gallery so I'd like to have them set up good on my computer under my kodakeasyshare software on my D drive so they are easier to access.

I got the camera before Jack was born and never took the time to actually learn the easyshare software properly and just used to add them by date. Thinking that in the long run if I didn't write the date down in his babybook I could just look it up by going to that folders date.

But now it's just a big mess and so unorganized and I realized that even if I organize them by event now I can still look up the date if I really need too..

Posted 8/16/06 9:07 PM

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