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Vent & question (long...sorry)

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Member since 7/05

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Vent & question (long...sorry)

Eventually I will see a doctor about it and I realize I'm being stupid by posting to a chat board but here it goes...

Sporadically I get chest pains - you know the kind where it feels like a cramp in your heart or something. Just tightening, that's it. I'm not stressed so I don't think it's stress related. Last night I got them again. So my husband went & got me Tums. Then I had this pins & needles feeling in my hand. I was laying on my right side and it was in my left hand so it probably wasn't a pinched nerve. DH got paranoid, gave me aspirin (because he thought maybe it was signs of a heart attack) and wanted to take me to the doctor.Anyway, I'm up now - it's 6am and now I have the pins & needle feeling (not very severe) from the tips of my fingers to just above my elbow.

Looking on Webmd - it's pretty much saying heart attack - which is completely ridiculous. I'm 37 and other than breaking my heart once, no other issues. I took off yesterday for Halloween and really shouldn't miss work..

So the question is - is there some kind of quick test that I can get to see what's going on and head to work or with this be an all day thing? I really don't have the time to wait around in a hospital...but would rather wait there than a morgue.

Message edited 11/1/2005 6:10:16 AM.

Posted 11/1/05 6:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I need a nap!

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

If these symptoms are continuing, I would def. go to the doctor. I understand what you're saying about your age and the likelyness, but don't take a chance. Strangers things have happened, including high schoolers having heart attacks. It could be anxiety, high blood pressure or something completely innocent. But if you are on BC pills or any type of medication, I'd be especially concerned. Good luck and take care of yourself!Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 6:11 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Nah, if anything I have ridiculously low blood pressure. 90/60 as a norm.

I just hate taking off work for something I know is going to wind up being nothing. I just emailed my boss that I'm headed to a last minute doctor appointment & will be in late.

Thanks for responding & for being up so early Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 6:20 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Better to be safe than sorry, you know? My dad had a heart attack when he was 40.

I hope it turns out to be nothing! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 6:30 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Do either of you have any idea where you would start? I'd rather not go to the ER since I"m not having chest pains now - just the numbness. Would you start with a cardiologist appt first? Is this something they can check out in their office? I'm looking to get this checked out as soon as possible and get the next train into the city.

Posted 11/1/05 6:46 AM

My Loves!

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Im sorry your going through this. I'd probably head to either my PCP or the ER.
With a caridologist you may need a referral, but, I think that depends on your insurance.
Good Luck and keep us posted!
Feel Better!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 6:52 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Does your primary care Dr have the capabilities to do an EKG in the office? Because that's what you need. My Dr does it right in the office, some Drs will send you to the hospital for it.

I'm glad you're taking action, even if it's nothing. Good luck, and feel better! Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 7:08 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Seeing a cardiologist would be a good start if you're not looking to go to the ER. While you may not be having a heart attack, maybe it is signs of an impending one? I think only a doctor could tell you best after running some tests. Another sign of a heart attack is jaw pain, have you had any of that either?
Do you have circulation problems?

eta: I hope everything turns out okay Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 11/1/2005 7:14:10 AM.

Posted 11/1/05 7:13 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

No, no jaw pain - just still pins & needles in my arm. Very annoying. Also my chest is still sore from last night. Only circulation problems have been occasional dizziness but that's generally when I'm pms bc of the drop in low blood pressure. Ok, I've just chalked it up to that since I once worked in an orphanage that was located near a medical school and by osmosis can give medical diagnoses. Chat Icon I did get dizziness checked out last year because THAT is very annoying to deal with - your everyday chest pains are nothing compared to looking like you're intoxicated during the day.

Looks like I have to wait until 9am to get a cardio appt. I'm not going to be able to get to work until after noon. This ***** having to take a day off for least I have a good book to read while I wait. Sigh...

Thanks for keeping my company.

Posted 11/1/05 8:23 AM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Good luck Barbara!

I hope it's just stress related

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 8:33 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Good luck, I think taking caring of your health is probably the BEST reason to miss work!Chat Icon You're body is sending you signals, and I'm glad you're not ignoring them! Hang in thereChat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 9:27 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

I think you should go to the doctors ASAP

Good LuckChat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 9:29 AM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Its foolish to blow it off.. It's probably nothing but why god forbid take that chance?
You should make an apt right away to see a cardiologist..
Im sure your doctor can refer you to somebody.
Let them give you an echo and run some other tests. It worth missing a day at work.
Then your rest assured its nothing.
Actually, it wont be a whole day.. last time I went I was in and out in about an hour...

Posted 11/1/05 9:33 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

I would definitely go to the Dr. as soon as possible. Please keep us posted on the situation and best of luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 9:34 AM

Happy Summer !

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

I was going to say the same thing as Shorty - most PCP do EKG's right in there office. Maybe suggest you wear a heart monitor too, espically if it is not happening all the time or while you are at the Dr.'s office. I had both done! Please let us know how you make out.

Posted 11/1/05 10:07 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

I am very glad to hear you are following up with your doctor to get thees symptoms checked out.

I had a very similar situation last year and actually did go to the ER one evening (by DH's insistance, like you I never like to overreact), The symptoms I had were nearly exactly like your just described, and I also tend to have very low blood pressure normally.

Well in my case, after doing an EKG etc and seeing that my heart was fine, it turned out that I was diagnosed as having developed a very severe case of acid reflux, which I had ignored for so long that it manifested itself so that my symptoms were nearly identical symptoms to the ones you described (traditiona "heart attack" symptoms)... I didn't believe it at the time and I would have NEVER believed that reflux could give you chest pain/pressure.. AND can also sometimes cause that tingly/numbness feeling in your arms/hands etc.. but in fact, it can..

Once I was prescribed medication for reflux and changed my diet, the symptoms all but disappeared.

Keep us posted and FEEL BETTER Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 10:19 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Back from the ER..finally. No cardiologist would take me - called 3 doctors - 2 said to go immediately to the ER, 1 said she could fit me in for an appointment in December. In the end, EKG showed I was fine but with a family history of heart attacks under the age of 45, I have a slew of appointments set up at a cardiologist this week & next.

I'm a bit annoyed at DH. I told him I was going to the ER - and to keep it quiet because I didn't want to worry anyone until I found out what it was (plus I was thinking I could finally finish my Phillipa Gregory book as long as I was waiting). Next thing you know, my mom walks in to the ER. DH called her.Chat Icon

No wonder I have agita...Chat Icon

Thanks for everyone's good wishes & advice!

Posted 11/1/05 1:54 PM


Member since 5/05

3775 total posts


Re: Vent & question (long...sorry)

Barbara, I have been having almost the very same symptoms since last year (except for pins and needles). It is good you went to the ER for peace of mind. One thing I would like to add.... Do the chest pains feel muscle related? Once I calmed down and was able to designate the pain, I found it was an overall tightness on the left side of my chest that radiated into my back. It could be you are extremely tense in addition. Just a thought. It also helped to hear from my doctor that a lot of these pains go "unexplained". They say that but I think the "unexplained" are anxiety related. It is amazing what stress and anxiety can do. That said, just continue to follow up and get all tests needed. If you need a second opinion that is always a good option. Any time you would like an EKG by all means request it. The doctors I have seen pretty much all gave them to me without hesitation or question. It is not a bother to have one. Hope you feel better and get some answers soon!! I think the worst part is not know what is wrong.

Posted 11/1/05 3:34 PM

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