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6 to 7 month old question.....

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Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


6 to 7 month old question.....

Lately when I put Julia in her exersaucer or her pack and play or just on the floor to get her use to crawling, she like flips out in like a couple of minutes of her playing with her toys, and she does it cause she wants me to pick her up and just walk around the house with her or she just wants to sit on the couch with me and hang out. I just feel like shes not getting enough play time during the day and I want her to be doing different things each day. We do go to gymboree on fridays so she gets a lot of playtime when we are there and she loves it, but as soon as we get home its back to me holding her all the time again. She's only happy when shes right by my side. I love it but I need mommy time too so I can get things done. Any advice would be so helpful! TIA Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 5:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: 6 to 7 month old question.....

Im sure she is getting plenty of stimulation from things even if she isn't playing with her toys. Just being close to mommy is just fine - IMO. She doesn't need to be doing different things all the time.

Get a sling unless you can deal with the tears (which is not a bad thing). She knows you love her but you also need 5-10 minutes of alone time.

Message edited 2/3/2006 5:49:38 PM.

Posted 2/3/06 5:48 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: 6 to 7 month old question.....

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:42:08 PM.

Posted 2/3/06 9:10 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: 6 to 7 month old question.....

Posted by mommy2bellabean

is she going through stranger/separation anxiety??...daycare warned me of this because Bella adjusted so well to everything, but they wanted to let me know that there will probably be a rough period around 6-9 months where they only want mommy and it may be tough to leave her...

That maybe it, cause when we go out and I'm with my family and friends she watches me like a hawk and if i leave her site she starts to scream untill I go and get her. I guess with time she will get over it and not care who holds her, but for now I will have to just get use to doing everything around my house with one

Posted 2/3/06 10:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

99 total posts


Re: 6 to 7 month old question.....

Joey was (and still sometimes is) going through this. I find that when he startes crying I need to switch out the toys for some new ones. They hold his interest longer and over time he stays in there longer. Good Luck!

Posted 2/3/06 10:43 PM

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