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Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

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Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

You know, the "big" sono.Chat Icon
Everything is great!Chat Icon

But...I was kind of pi$$ed & need to ask all of you...
DH took off of work today to come with me for this sono.
The tech. called me in the room & made him wait in the Waiting Room.
I was in there for almost an hour & she still wasn't getting him.Chat Icon
Finally, she called him in & we got to see the baby for a whopping 30 seconds!Chat Icon He was extremely disappointed, as was I.

Did any of you have the same experience?
Maybe this is normal?
Were your husbands allowed in the room w/ you for the duration of the sonogram?
Also, how long do you usually look at the monitor during the sono?
Every time I've gone, it's been like a minute.

I was also asking her questions about the baby & she gave me such short answers, I pretty much sat in silence for the whole sonogram.Chat Icon

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm just so disappointed, we were really looking foward to this one.

Posted 7/25/05 6:37 PM
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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

No, I never heard of that.
Unfortunately, my dh couldn't be there for mine.Chat Icon
Well, I'm dying to know.Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/05 6:42 PM

My Ray of sunshine

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

My DH went in with me for the entire thing. I don't know why they would of had hime wait in the other room. I am sorry you had a bad experience like that. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/05 6:56 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

Dh is always there for the entire thing.

She also always positions the screen so we can see it through the whole thing.

I am sorry you had a bad experience!

Tell us about what you did get to see!

Posted 7/25/05 7:20 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

wow...that's terrible. My first sono was probably about 15 minutes. My 15 week was about 45 minutes I think and my sister and DH came in right away for it. The one tech I've had all the time is amazing and so nice. I swear she's from NY cuz she's load and funny!

I'm so sorry that you're having issues....maybe talk to the office manager or Dr about the way your DH was treated. I personally would not have gone in without him

Posted 7/25/05 7:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

If I were you I'd be upset also - I've NEVER heard of a tech not letting the husband in the room during the sono. Jeez, for one of my sono's I had 3 people with me!!!!!

Honestly, I would talk to your doctor and tell him/her your experience. They may just "claim" that they didn't get everything and give you another.

I'm so sorry sweetie!!!!

Posted 7/25/05 7:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

I'm definetly saying something to my Dr when I see him next week.
Now I'm really pi$$ed.

Anyway, the baby looked cute, putting it's little hands up over it's face for us.Chat Icon
We're not finding out the sex, so no news there, we all just have to wait!Chat Icon

Message edited 7/25/2005 7:25:56 PM.

Posted 7/25/05 7:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

If you don't mind me asking where did you go for the sono - you can FM me if you'd like. I have a few friends who are sono techs and if its a place they work I could probably get you a freebie for you and DH.

Posted 7/25/05 7:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

My DH was there for the entire duration, it took about 30-45 min.

As far as the short answers, my tech was the same way. I asked my cousin who is a ultrasound tech and she told me that sometimes they really need to concentrate on the baby. And the questions can be distracting when they are trying to take measurements or check everything. She told me that she usually tells patients that she'll be a little quiet and that she'll answer question after she's taken the pictures that she needs.

Posted 7/25/05 7:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

My 20 week sono took over an hour and unfortunately, my DH could not be there...however, my mom was in the room the entire time.

They had the screen somewhat pointed towards me so that I could see the entire thing and I was looking at the screen for the whole time I was there.

If I had a question, they answered it to my satisfaction however, most times they were telling me what they were looking at so I didn't even have to ask.

I would definitely be as angry as you are and would call the Dr.'s office tomorrow to complain.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/05 8:43 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

That's terrible. I'm sorry. DH was in the room the whole time with me.

I'm glad to hear the baby is doing wellChat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/25/2005 9:41:29 PM.

Posted 7/25/05 9:25 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

My mom, mil and DH were all in the room for my "BIG" sono... I had called in advance to ask if they could come..and they said I could have as many people as I wanted!!!

It was like 45 min. long..but she was strictly business... we didnt get to watch the baby play or just movng around...

When we were looking it was always something specific...gender. brain, heart, etc....

My tech was a little cold...very quiet.. but it didnt bother me... as long as I got to see my baby!

Posted 7/25/05 9:30 PM


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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

Mu hubby was there for all 3 sonos for each of my kids and each time they walked us through what each body part was and what she was looking for and they counted the chambers of the heart and showed us the bladder moving and heart beating, etc, etc. Mine was alwasy really detailed. They usually take about 30 mins, so sorry yours was not what you had hoped for!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/05 10:33 PM

My Everything

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

That doesn't sound normal to me at all! I would be fuming!

My DH was with me for every ultrasound for the entire time, start to finish.

Posted 7/25/05 11:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

Wow, how unfair, I'm so sorry it wasn't what you expected. My Level II was over an hour, and DH was there the whole time... The tech faced the screen to us and explained to us what she was doing/looking for the entire time. Definitely talk to your doc that your unhappy.

Posted 7/25/05 11:21 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

I had the same problem - I think it really depends on where you go, because when I went to have the "big" sono re-done recently- I went to a different hospital and DH was there the whole time.
The first place I went - it was really just a sono-tech - so they can't really say too much to you about the baby.

Message edited 7/26/2005 8:28:04 AM.

Posted 7/26/05 8:27 AM

My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

That's not right!!!

My DH was in with me right from the beginning and it took 45 minutes. I would call and speak to someone. Sorry to hear that!

Posted 7/26/05 8:50 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

I had a similar experience with one of our sono's - she was very curt, abrupt and would barely speak to me. I guess it all depends on the luck of the draw, and technically, by law, the tech isn't supposed to give out any information because she/he isn't qualified to interpret the results - only the board certified radiologist, who looks at the report afterwards, can make that determination. BUT, I've never heard of them not letting the husband into the room! That's ridiculous - he's the father and has every right to be in there to follow his child's care from start to finish... THAT I would complain about to your Dr.

Posted 7/26/05 9:10 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Had my 19 Week Sono today, and have questions also...

Thanks everybody.Chat Icon
I'm definetly going to speak w/ Dr on Monday when I see him.
I don't mind her not talking really, but just the fact that DH couldn't be with me for the sono was really upsetting.

Posted 7/26/05 3:07 PM

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