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Working moms - when baby is sick...

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Working moms - when baby is sick...

How long do you stay home with the baby before you send them back to daycare? Jake has been sick since Sunday morning. I stayed home Mon, DH Tues, and DH wants me to stay home with him tomorrow.

We're not sure what's wrong with him... he's had fever for days which just started subsiding today and has been very irritable and just plain miserable. He's lost his appetite and is barely eating or drinking. The Ped did a strep test and gave us antibiotics just in case. The results haven't come back yet. He said there's a chance it could be the beginning of coxsackie but no blisters yet although his throat is a little red.

So, no more fever (crossing my fingers, it's only since today noon that it's been down), but he's very cranky, very clingy and not eating well. I'm also concerned about his wet diapers or lackthereof...

So - would you be staying home with the baby another day?

Posted 6/6/06 6:30 PM
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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

awwww...poor jakie...I hope he feels better soon!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
could it be teething?

i would stay home with him another day....Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 6:33 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Awwww...poor Jake I hope he feels better very soon! I would stay home another day, I would also call the Dr if his diapers stay dryChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 6:34 PM


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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Poor baby... I hope he feels better soon.

I also think that you should stay home with him another day.

Posted 6/6/06 6:40 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Poor Baby. I have only stayed home one day with each of the kids, they were never that sick.

Posted 6/6/06 7:34 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Well...I'm definitely staying home tomorrow...he's screaming his head off right now in pain... it's definitely teething also because he just cut two teeth. I think I'm also giving the ped another call tomorrow. Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 7:34 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

I was gonna say sounds like coxsackie.... it is that time of year... and not all children get blisters when the get the virus...

I hope he feels better soon!!

Posted 6/6/06 7:44 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

hope he feels better soon!Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 7:46 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

hope he feels better Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 8:30 PM


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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Sounds like what Alex has (coxsackie). Saturday she started getting feverish, cranky and clingy. Sunday her temp peaked to 103.2. She was even more cranky, clingy and lost her appetite. Monday I her fever went down, a little cranky but overall much better. Took her to the doc and he looked inside her mouth and saw some blisters so he diagnosed her with coxsackie. Today she was herself again, no fever for 24 hours at least, so we're considering putting her back in daycare tomorrow.

Our pediatrician always tells us that we should guage how well Alex is, not by her fever, but by her personality. If she's not herself, she's not ok to go to daycare. If he's still clingy, cranky and has a loss of appetite, I'd say stay on the safe side and stay home with him one more day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 9:10 PM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

I would stay home the extra day unless it's absolutely necessary to go in & no one can watch him.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 7:02 AM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Posted by Bxgell2

Sounds like what Alex has (coxsackie). Saturday she started getting feverish, cranky and clingy. Sunday her temp peaked to 103.2. She was even more cranky, clingy and lost her appetite. Monday I her fever went down, a little cranky but overall much better. Took her to the doc and he looked inside her mouth and saw some blisters so he diagnosed her with coxsackie. Today she was herself again, no fever for 24 hours at least, so we're considering putting her back in daycare tomorrow.

Our pediatrician always tells us that we should guage how well Alex is, not by her fever, but by her personality. If she's not herself, she's not ok to go to daycare. If he's still clingy, cranky and has a loss of appetite, I'd say stay on the safe side and stay home with him one more day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think it sounds like coxsackie too. I keep checking for blisters though and don't see any. This morning he seems better (crossing my fingers and hoping I'm not jinxing it) and the fever has stayed away. But I think that is good advice from your ped and I'm following it. Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 7:09 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

A cox sackie fever is biphasic. (The fever can go away for a day or 2 & then return.) Also the blisters are pretty tiny. The most likely place would be on his fingers since I imagine they've been in his mouth.

Since you mentioned not wetting enough diapers, the previous fever could have dehydrated him. I could pick up some ice pops for him and pump him with a much fluids as possible.

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Posted 6/7/06 8:02 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Thanks Barbara. I'm trying to hydrate him as much as possible but he really doesn't want anything in his mouth (besides his fists of course) so it's hard to give him anything. I've tried the sippy, the bottle (he'll take it but only for a short while), cold/frozen fruit. Drinking straight out of a glass does work for a few sips. I will try the ice pops too and I'll check his fingers for blisters.

Posted 6/7/06 8:39 AM

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Re: Working moms - when baby is sick...

Jillian had that a while ago.. it is really just a fever virus.. i know of other babies that have had it also.. it went away after 4-5 days.. hope he feels better...

Posted 6/7/06 8:42 AM

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