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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05 259 total posts
Name: shannon
1Year old and sleeping.
Or should I say no sleeping!!! lol Jenna is almost one and I have spoiled her for the last 2 months. She was teething really bad and since both myself and husband work we eventually give in at night and bring her into the bed with us. Well she is now so used to it I can't stop it. what can I do to help her sleep on her own. Can I use the ferber on a one year old?
Thanks ladies
Posted 11/27/05 5:24 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: 1Year old and sleeping.
I am not 100% familiar with the Ferber method but I think you can nip this in the bud. I would start by putting her to sleep in her own bed/crib and if she cries go in after X amount of minutes and comfort her without picking her up. Once she is calm, then leave and if she starts fussing, go in and calm her by being with her and then leave. Hopefully, this will work. Although, I am no expert, DS (8mnths) fights sleep with all his might. I let him CIO because I know he is tired, but sometimes it takes 1/2 hour. He never goes to sleep willingly it is aways a struggle but I never bring him into our bed.
Message edited 11/27/2005 7:22:01 PM.
Posted 11/27/05 7:21 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: 1Year old and sleeping.
I am in the same boat as you marissa was sick and has gotten use to sleeping in my bed with me I also lay down in bed with her and wait till she is asleep and then put her in her crib. She would still wake up in the middle of the nite and I would give in and bring her in my bed to get her to sleep cuz I had to get up for work in the morning and she would pass out as soon as she wasin my bed well what I bought yesterday was the guard rail for the bed I am goign to convert her crib into a bed and see if she will sleep in it. I will let oyu know how it goes tomorrow
Posted 11/28/05 1:26 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/05 259 total posts
Name: shannon
Re: 1Year old and sleeping.
How did it go? Well my little is doing well I started to let her cry it out and she is doing well each night she has cried less and puts herself back to sleep. It is so sad to let her cry but it actually works and hubby and I are sleeping better.
Posted 11/29/05 5:08 PM |
Re: 1Year old and sleeping.
Sounds like you are trying al lthe right things!!
My son is two and a half.. it took us about a week to get him FULLY back into his bed.. He was waking up in the middle of the night and we would wake up with himin our bed.. lol.. Its tough, but she will get used to her room agaiN!
Posted 11/29/05 7:29 PM |
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