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ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

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boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

I kinda feel the same way though because Bryan cries very loud and hard and doesnt give up easily. We have a small place and you can hear the baby from every room. Dh has a very phsically demanding job and he needs sleep or else he can get seriously hurt. Anyone out there have any sleep suggestions other that CIO?

Posted 2/23/06 7:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

CIO didn't work for the longest time for us. I remember talking to my sister about it - and she really put it all in perspective.

Bryan isn't going to be in your bed forever. When he's 9 and tells you to pretend you don't know him, you'll cherish the snuggling part.

We would wait until Joseph was sleeping and move him to his crib. We would leave a hot water bottle in his crib, move it & put him down on the warm spot. A two, we got him a "big boy" bed so we could put Maddie in the crib. That was the only time he decided he'd like to sleep in the crib.Chat Icon

Also if you try CIO - do it on a day where DH can sleep in the next day.
And most of all...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/23/2006 9:37:08 PM.

Posted 2/23/06 9:36 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

My suggestion would be to have his ears checked. Honestly Jack has had two ear infections that I almost missed him even having except that he wouldn't sleep. I hope something as simple as an antibotic can help :)

Posted 2/23/06 10:04 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

I have no advice just hugs.
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We don't do CIO. I don't even try because I know I would never be able to get through a minute let alone an hour.

Posted 2/23/06 10:06 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: ok so I spoke with DH and he is totally against trying CIO again...

I tried CIO on several occasions and it just didn't work. She would get so worked up she'd be hyperventilating and once she vomited. That was it for us. We read the no cry sleep solution and it worked pretty well for us.

Now she will wake up in the middle of the night if she's cutting a tooth, but she looks so sad and is holding her cheek I know that she's really in a lot of pain. I've been woken up by toothaches too.

Good luck, we all know how hard it is trying to get everyone in the house a good night's sleep.

Posted 2/23/06 10:45 PM

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