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Cat litter box

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Cat litter box

Does anyone have the electronic raking one?
Im just wondering if it really is that good? Or worth the money...

Posted 1/27/06 10:54 AM
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Re: Cat litter box

i have one and it was the best money I've ever spent. I ordered it from

Posted 1/27/06 11:46 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

A friend of mine had it and she said it worked realy well. We keep wanting to get one, but aren't sure if we want to spend the money.

The thing I worry about most though, is I've had someone tell me that their cat was afraid of it - b/c it does make some noise when it clears the stuff away. Our cat can be very skiddish sometimes and I'd hate for her to not use it.Chat Icon

Message edited 1/27/2006 11:50:48 AM.

Posted 1/27/06 11:50 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

Posted by mrsv1015

i have one and it was the best money I've ever spent. I ordered it from

I agree - my Mom actually got it for her "granddaughter" for Christmas a few years ago (yes she is in love with our cat Chat Icon)

We love the Litter Maid ( ) It's so good at cleaning out the box and keeps it from getting too stinky also..

As for the noise, I can see how that would freak out some cats.. Our Mia is a scaredy cat in every sense of the word, but luckily for us she adjust really easily to this box.. she is actually fascinated with it I think!

When the machine goes off (it has a sensor and will clear out the box about 10 minutes after the cat has last left the box) she will ALWAYS run over and survey the situation, as if she is making sure its doing a good job of cleaning her poop Chat Icon

Message edited 1/27/2006 12:09:14 PM.

Posted 1/27/06 12:05 PM


Member since 5/05

4319 total posts


Re: Cat litter box

Posted by FeliciaDP
When the machine goes off (it has a sensor and will clear out the box about 10 minutes after the cat has last left the box) she will ALWAYS run over and survey the situation, as if she is making sure its doing a good job of cleaning her poop Chat Icon

My friend said one of her cats would do that too. Chat Icon

Posted 1/27/06 12:32 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Cat litter box

Posted by FeliciaDP

Posted by mrsv1015

i have one and it was the best money I've ever spent. I ordered it from

I agree - my Mom actually got it for her "granddaughter" for Christmas a few years ago (yes she is in love with our cat Chat Icon)

We love the Litter Maid ( ) It's so good at cleaning out the box and keeps it from getting too stinky also..

As for the noise, I can see how that would freak out some cats.. Our Mia is a scaredy cat in every sense of the word, but luckily for us she adjust really easily to this box.. she is actually fascinated with it I think!

When the machine goes off (it has a sensor and will clear out the box about 10 minutes after the cat has last left the box) she will ALWAYS run over and survey the situation, as if she is making sure its doing a good job of cleaning her poop Chat Icon

thats hysterical!!
I think it might be worth the $$ for us, because of the TIME I spend cleaning it...we have 3 cats, so its almost a daily chore and with TTC and stuff, I started weraing plastic gloves etc, but its just TOO much work, and too stinky Chat Icon

Posted 1/27/06 12:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

the Litter Maid is funny, it has a privacy tent Chat Icon

but Flee- do you have the basic model or the mega?

and everyone else who has it, what BRAND do you have??

Posted 1/27/06 12:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

Donna, I totally have Anthony clean out the box.. one of the perks of TTC Chat Icon Even with our one cat it was a big enough PITA to keep clean, I think w/3 cats you'll find this to be a Godsend!

While the Littermaid isn't as bad as having to clean out the traditional ones, you still have to remove the tray when it gets full, and replace it .. put in more litter, etc..

I think we have the mega model, let me go look on the website (as I said, I didnt buy it ourselves but I would have if my Mom didn't treat her little princess to it Chat Icon)

added: Yes, we did get the Mega... though to be perfectly honest I think you can get the basic model, there is really not much difference

.. the mega comes with the privacy tent (we dont' even use it, Mia didn't like it) .. it also comes with the ramp (which our fat cat BROKE because she would jump/play on it.. its supposed to be for cleaning their paws but somehow she never got that concept!) .. And the 12 trays, well you can purchase separately anyhow..

Message edited 1/27/2006 1:24:02 PM.

Posted 1/27/06 1:16 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Cat litter box

Ok, Well I looked at Target and the price seems ok, BUT there were SOOOOO many bad reviews.
Saying the rake got stuck, the "you know what" stuck on the rake etc...

Is it REALLY worth it???

Posted 1/27/06 2:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

Hmm... well personally I think its worth it, mostly for the smell issue - we have such a small apartment and have to put the box in a corner of the kitchen, and this has been a lifesaver!!

But then again I didn't actually buy it Chat Icon

The ONLY times I"ve noticed the poop (or the clumping) getting stuck on the rake was on the rare occassions we let the tray get too 'full" ... then the rake had nowhere to push everything.. or sometimes if the litter in the box itself gets too low, it will get stuck on the rake..

I mean its only a machine, it has limitations.. you still DO have to take care of the box, clean out the tray and replace it, refill with litter, and clean the rake now and again.. it the rake gets dirty then of course the 'stuff' will stick to it. I honestly think the people that b*tch about it think its going to do EVERYTHING for you Chat Icon

With 3 cats, personally I'd get it ... I can only imagine you are cleaning your box NONSTOP! Chat Icon I know I was and that was only with one kitty!

BUT yeah I do agree its super $$$ Chat Icon

Message edited 1/27/2006 3:26:43 PM.

Posted 1/27/06 3:23 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Cat litter box

I actually ordered this on Wednesday morning for my IL's and it was delivered today at 1pm. My sister had the basic model and it really did make such a huge difference. Back then, I had my own cat and was too afraid to get it for the fear that "what if something happened to my cat in that thing". But like Flee mentioned, there is a motion sensor so even if the cat decides to go back in the box while it is in motion, it will stop. You do still get the smell in the container, but it is a HUGE difference. I ordered the deluxe model and will let you know. I actually ordered it straight from

Posted 1/27/06 5:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

OK..I bought it at Taregt. Then had a different model then is shown on the website..semms liek an inbetween model for $99 and I got the litter in their brand for $9.99,

A review to come Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/06 4:45 PM

just the girls

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Re: Cat litter box

Ahahah funny you bring this up- I will NEVER get another one- I have gone through 2 in a 1yr and a half, maybe cause I have 5 cats but I have 2 litter boxes, and had the tents for each. I couldnt stand paying out 189 a pop I needed the mega one and then the tent was 34 and then the plastic bins 20 a box. it can get expensive. I did love it when it did work but after the second one in a matter of 5 months the motor died I said no more! so I still use it but with out the motor and I have the omega box too, the large one, the one where you roll it and the litter goes to one side and you take the tray out.

oh edited to add, the rake does get dirty and ewwww, its a lot harder to clean these than a regular box for sure, as far as the smell, you still smell it.

I scoop the litter boxes every day- I go through litter and bags like crazy, I think my garbage men hate me!

Message edited 1/28/2006 7:34:17 PM.

Posted 1/28/06 7:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Cat litter box

OMG- I think my HUSBAND is more excite dthen teh know how you said your Cats ran to it when it goes off, well thats what my HUSBAND is doing????

He was watching TV and I heard " Its Going off" and off he ran Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/06 12:35 PM

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